Shutter Island got me thinking (Michael related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I'll try to leave any real spoilers out but anyone who is a Michael fan and seen Shutter Island might have noticed a few frightening parallels. Let me clarify. The scene between Dicaprio's character and Patrica Clarkson gave me goosebumps because of everything she was telling him about how the way to control how people think of you is to make you look crazy. You know how nearly every T.V. special either overtly of subtley implies how Michael's burn incident (trauma) changed him into a more freakish eccentric person? Add that to the shallow world we live in that bases everything on looks so they attacked his skin change? Michael knew this too that around that same time he was on top of the world so weirder and weirder stories started coming out just as he was really using his music for humanitarianism?

As Michael tried more and more to expose media corruption they became like propagandist. Hitler was an evil swine but he was right when he said if the masses don't believe a lie, to tell an even bigger one because society doesn't think. I'm paraphrasing but they knew Michael was capable of exposing them so it was like they had a strategy to make sure the public did not believe him, just make him look crazy, It's brilliant! take logical fears and call him paranoid, a trauma and say that set him off, etc. I also shivered when Clarkson's character named Sodium Amatyl used as an experimentation obedience drug (we all know what that was used for). Anyone else notice this?
I think the movie is very deep and the story it self ambigious. Interesting parallels though 'Teddy Daniels' was really a patient - 'crazy man'. I suggest everyone watching it
Well, I personally don't think Shutter Island relates to Michael Jackson in any way, shape, or form. Having said that, Shutter Island is one dope ass film.
The ending still gives me goosebumps, lol. I highly recommend it!