Should we act now?


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Hey guys! :)
I think it is pretty obvious how the news reports on Friday are going to be regarding Michael turning 50. Something like this:

They'll show a clip of I want you back on Ed Sllivan, talk about how cute he was, then skip to about how great he was, show the moonwalk on motown 25, talk about how popular he was...then blab on about his legal troubles and marriages and children, then show the balcony thing and then pyjama day from the trial..and conclude by asking a so called expert whether he can have a comeback!!

They'll miss out all the great work he did in the 90s (in the studio, on the road, and on film) as if it was nothing...

Now, I really really want to be wrong..because I feel that this is not what the real Michael Jackson legacy is and he deserves so much better for everything he's done for the world. I mean, we're talking about an unparalleled talent here!

So what always happens is that we see these programs, reports etc, then get mad and email the reporters telling them we expect better from them. But what good is it after the fact?

So what if we all take the notion that prevention is better than cure? What if we act now? We could contact our news organisations and tell them that we expect fairness when it comes to reporting on Michael's life so far.

Would it work, do you think? Or am I being hopelessly naive?
i totally agree with you-i hate that kind of shows too!Michael's carrear doesn't stop after Bad...
Yeah I totally agree with this... It's like with the KOP CD we had to vote the tracklist for. The damn thing is like Number Ones all over again. Seriously, who would've voted for Billie Jean and Beat It? A CD like this could have been something different, with Who Is It and some HIStory songs thrown in... but no, we'd rather hear Thriller again.

About 2 years ago Video Hits here in Australia had a top 100 clips of all time, where viewers had to vote online. I voted, along with other MJNO members at the time for HIStory Remix and Remember The Time instead of the usual "Vote for Thriller!!!"... I was glad to see that on the day they were BOTH in the top 10 ahead of Off The Wall and most of the Thriller clips.

...and we wonder why people think MJ didn't exist after 1991.
I'ts no use.. srry but if they are showing something on friday then its already edited, and it cant be changed by some emails..
we can ofcourse let our voices hear..