Should NHL ban fighting?

Should NHL ban fighting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • No

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
For sometime even before the death of Don Sanderson, there issues of fighting in the NHL and they say "Should the NHL ban fighting?". My answer to that statement is..."HELL NO!!!" Fighting is part of the game for goodness sake, I mean if the NHL does ban figthing I bet millions of NHL fans will cause a major riots, threats and the NHL will lose the fans for good. They should just stick with the helmet issue of every fight in the NHL. Fans payed for their own tickets to see and enjoy the game and they even enjoy fighting. I myself enjoy hockey fights.

Again, my answer is NO to the ban on fighting in the NHL.
No they shouldn't ban fighting. It's apart of the sport. However, if someone does a cheap shot that causes major Todd Bertuzzi did to that one guy a few years ago with a cheap shot to the back of the head, the person should be banned for life.
No they shouldn't ban fighting. It's apart of the sport. However, if someone does a cheap shot that causes major Todd Bertuzzi did to that one guy a few years ago with a cheap shot to the back of the head, the person should be banned for life.

I remember that time, that guy was Steve Moore and I hate that bastard, Bertuzzi apologized about the incident and Moore refuses to accept it and that makes Moore even stupid and far more screwed. If he wants to sue Bertuzzi for that incident, then fine take his damn $$$ and he'll might as well at the same time kissing Bertuzzi's @$$. Steve Moore is nothing but a money-sucking crybaby. If he still refuses to forgive Bertuzzi for that incident then he's screwed for life, he doesn't deserve to come back and play the NHL anyway even if it takes a long time. I still support Bertuzzi, besides he got a long suspension for that incident anyways. Steve Moore should just get a life and focus on his recovery instead of suing.

Tell me guys, why are they always fighting?? :p I mean it's hockey not the Ultimate Fighting thing:p Why are they so aggressive? And why do people not fight in soccer or basketball too?:p
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Fighting in any sport other then boxing or MMA is called unneccisary roughness for a reason. It's stupid. Hockey players are a bunch of brutes it seems like. You could kill someone with a puck or a hockey stick. It's no joke.
At first I was gonna say NO and try to be funny about this - coming from Boston I know first-hand about NHL fighting with the Boston Bruins. But I think there is a time and place for fighting, and sports is not one of them.
The fans loved hockey fights as I have and that's the fact. I mean if there was no fighting then NHL won't have the fans back. I've watch the some fighting going on and I love it, I used to watch PJ Stock fight with bigger guys all the time during his time with the Boston Bruins. I never got a chance to see my man Cam Neely fight but at least I can get to Milan Lucic get to fight. Some fights are involved as rivalries, like Detroit Red Wings and Colorado Avalanche, they fought all the time and the goalies were also very entertaining like Roy vs Vernon in 97' and even Roy vs Osgood in 98'.