Should Michael be coming to london soon ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok , i know its only mid-april at the min , but shouldnt Michael be coming to london like towards the end of this month or may ??

Reason being , is because he needs to rehearse with the size of the 02 , the layout , stage , lights , sound etc.....

I know he must be hard at work at home , but surely he needs to put it in real practice ?

ALSO , theres the things like - finding and moving into a house , interviews and photo shoots .

Just a thought....
I read somewhere (think it was on twitter) that auditions for backing dancers were only happening today and tomorrow, so I doubt rehearsals will be here any time soon. Plus they can't be rehearsing in the o2 for too long. They have other gigs to rehearse first. Like Beyonce, Britney Spears, Madonna...
I HEARD that Michael will be arriving 3 weeks early so he can get used to the time zone and to rehearse.
I think he may be going there maybe mid june....but that just IMO
I think he may be going there maybe mid june....but that just IMO

Yea I would say the same. Give him a few weeks to settle. And from what I've read bout major concerts and tours in the past, they usually only get a few days rehearsal in the actual venue. But since this will be a residency he will probably get more. Maybe a week or two..
I reckon he'll be in london a month or so before the concerts so that he and his children can settle in and get used to living in england. I guess we'll find out for sure fairly soon!
:unsure:I heard of a friend that Michael won't be staying at a hotel. & in Elton Jon's House??

Is that true???????:unsure::scratch:
Rumours are that he's going to be living in Foxbury Manor in Chislehurst, Kent
When he lived at Neverland, he built an entire stage there to rehearse for the Dangerous tour. So he will probably have something similar arranged that is similar to the 02 to rehearse at. We will hear more and more as the days go by.
If someone knows for definate, can you PM me because it takes me longer to get up to london.
He can have a stage bulit someplace else!

He got the entire stage from the Dangerous tour home at neverland to rehearse there, but since he's not living there anymore, he will need to have it build elsewhere.

But I think he will have a realistic stage to rehearse on.
Michael will be welcomed in England with open arms :p
I can't believe he will be living hours away from me
I hope he enjoys England... and i hope the weather treats him well (thus not being too sunny) :D i'm sure he'll enjoy the miserable weather :huh:
haaa i don't know about any of you but it's sinking in slowly... AND I'M LOVING IT :D
I think middle to end of june. Madonna is there on the 4th and 5th its going to be hard to get his stage done in three days. Mike has always had dress rehersals
id expect him a week or 2 b4. the rumours about him coming at the begining of june came from the AEG guy but he was talking about the whole stage set up and what not. i doubt that means mjs.