Should I move?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
Hello everyone...

I am 26 years old, I will be 27 in February. I've lived with my mother all my life except for a year for when she moved to Colorado. (my parents divorced when I was about 14). I seemed like a better person when she moved to Colorado. (I lived with my brother and his family, not by myself)

Well for the past 4-5 months I have been living with her again. She decided to get "married" to a guy I despise. He treats her rotten.... he uses her, he manipulates her... he's a narcissist. He's an Anti-Catholic.

I'm a devout Catholic.

My mom owns a business... it's a collection agency... but she practically bullies people on the phone to get their money that they owe... and it's just going against my conscience. She works at home and I work for her.... $10 an hour.... but it's really been upsetting me lately. I feel like I am sinning by working for her... and it's just really been making me upset.

This house is in my name but that's another story for another time... I will soon sell it to my brother so this house is out of my life.....

And so.... I am really thinking about moving to Corpus Christi which is an 8 hour drive from where I live now. I would be moving with my uncle if I did move. And I'd have to make $1,200 to survive down there. I may even have to get two jobs to do so.

The first few months I know I am going to have to suffer with not paying credit card bills. I have 5 of them.... and I want to keep my credit clean.. but I just have to do what I have to do. Living here is killing me in my mind. I'm getting depressed easily.....

So it's going to be tough. Has anyone else had to move away to another city? Any advice?

I moved to a different country.. If I can do that.. U can move 8hrs away.. Just make sure you think it thru. If you are really miserable and the bad reasons to live there outway the good reasons to continue living there.. Then go for it..
just build a plan for urself. do what u need to do and everything will work out. I know u can make
I suggest applying for a bank loan that consolidates all your credit cards into 1. If you can do that, close all but 1 of your cards off (you should keep the oldest one open). I suggest keeping a card open that doesn't have any added membership fees to it.

Lock the card up and don't use it unless it's for an emergency (IE something brakes, or if you have to travel somewhere in an emergency...or if gas sores to 10 bucks a gallon)

Good luck.
You only need 1 credit card. Use it wisely. Pay with cash whenever you can. Don't buy anything you don't really need. Do you have an education for a job?
I think it's time you try your wings in the real world. I was 21 when I moved to another city. 2,5h drive away from my mom.
Most my friends have moved out from home at the age of 18-23.
if u are not happy which seems to be the case then go for it and move. whats the worst that can happen? it doesnt work and u end up having to go back to your mum? at least u gave it a go.u wont know if u dont try
the economy is really not good for living your life on a leap and a prayer. going home again may not be an option if you're mom's married the a-hole of the century. so staying until you can really fly solo is a better option. you're not sinning by working in a collection agency. it may not be as soul nurturing as other professions, but there is certainly no sin it. if anything it is a sin not to pay your obligations on time, yet God forgives debts does he not? it's one thing to romantize "going for it" and living it. if you're credit is good now, that and the fact that you have property in your name are huge assets especially as young as you are. build yourself a nest egg first that will allow you to pay all your expenses for 6 months. if that figure is $1,200 you should build up a $7,200 nest egg before you fly out of the nest. good luck dar. (hugs)
I kinda agree with friend - if I were you I would wait until I was strong enough to make it by myself before I leave. When I left home (for another country lol) I planned it all out and went for it, but it took me longer than a year before I could actually get on the plane. And I had backup plans for if things didn't go exactly as I wanted them to. If you know you have to leave, then go ahead and do it, but plan things out, especially if you want to make sure you don't have to go back.
:angel:"Life is short...and way too precious"...

Do whatever that makes YOU Healthy, Happy, and Safe..!
My one thought on this would be to make as certain as you can that you won't be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Moving in with the your uncle, have you ever lived with him before to be sure he doesn't come with his own "set of baggage"?

And just personally, I would make darn sure I sought some free legal advice about the house you own but your mom and stepdad will continue to live in. All sorts of possibilities pop into my mind about things that could transpire if you're not there.

Last but not least, make plans, think things completely through, and try as hard as you can not to make a lightening bolt decision in the heat of anger/hurt/frustration.

Good luck and best wishes for you and what you decide to do.
Okay now it looks like I REALLY have to move....

I got papers in the mail today about a "Foreclosure" on the house. Which is to my mom. I'm not sure what all this is about since the house is now in my name. It's such a long story.....

pray for me please. :( I wish I knew a cheap lawyer.
if the house is under foreclosure and it's in ur name, u might have more problems tahn u think...what about las vegas? it's a fast and easy place to make money. especially since u don't drink or party, u wouldn't be distracted at all by all the pits that people fall into out there
You could file for bankruptcy protection to get the bills off your back, but it will F up your credit score for years.