Shocking Video Of Train Slamming Into Baby Pram



9:00am UK, Friday October 16, 2009
Huw Borland, Sky News Online

A six-month-old boy has miraculously survived a train slamming into his pram after it rolled off an Australian railway platform.

The collision happened as a city-bound service pulled up to Ashburton station, in a Melbourne suburb.
CCTV footage shows the boy's mother taking her hands off the three-wheeler pram's handles and failing to notice as it slowly edges towards the tracks.
The mum suddenly spots the baby carrier picking up speed and she rushes with outstretched arms to try and save her young child.

Luckily, he was strapped into his pram at the time, which probably saved his life.

But the pram tips over the edge of the platform and the baby slams onto the tracks head first.
Before the boy can be rescued, the train powers past, horrifying the mother and other waiting passengers.
The footage ends with the frantic mum and a man running up to the driver, who has just stopped the 250-ton vehicle.


The pram tipping over the edge

Australia's Herald Sun said the train ploughed into the pram at about 35km/h, dragging the child along beneath the front carriage.
But the boy was hauled from the tracks with little more than a bump on his head.
Paramedic Jon Wright said the six-month-old just "needed a feed and a nap".
"Luckily, he was strapped into his pram at the time, which probably saved his life. I think the child's extremely lucky," the paramedic told the paper.
"Fortunately the train was slowing as it pulled into the station."
Rail firm Connex is to investigate how the pram rolled off the platform and the train driver will be offered counselling.


I want to slap the mom. I mean.....I understand she would let go of the pram to grab something in her pocket, but NOT ON A TRAIN PLATFORM?! :doh:
It was all over the news here in Melbourne. Its becoming more frequent. Prams getting stuck between trains,baby's falling out of prams onto tracks. Its so sad
It was all over the news here in Melbourne. Its becoming more frequent. Prams getting stuck between trains,baby's falling out of prams onto tracks. Its so sad

Yeah its incredible how he survived...all over the news.
I just dont understand how this kinda thing can become 'frequent'! Can you imagine those moments for the mother!
I know it isn't the train stations fault, but after things like this becoming more frequent it's maybe time to think over how the "waiting area" is constructed and make it lean slightly backwards or something like that.
Man, thats full on! I can't believe he only got a scratch on his head! He's one lucky little tacker - thank god he's ok.

That would have been so scary to witness.
I want to slap the mom. I mean.....I understand she would let go of the pram to grab something in her pocket, but NOT ON A TRAIN PLATFORM?! :doh:

I don't. The pram wasn't anywhere near the edge of the platform when she let go of it. She's probably blaming herself enough over this incident, so I hope she's alright. God, I'd be shaken for days after that :no:
We heard about that over here in the states. How terrible, but I am so glad the baby survived.
:bugeyed Holy shit! I don't even wanna watch it! :no:

Yeh, I didn't want to see it either, but it was on the news - and I couldn't believe it! Thankfully the baby is ok - good thing it was strapped in! How often to babies get strapped in prams!

That poor mother, she's going to have some mental scars :(
To be fair to the Mum, all she had done was let go for one second to pull her trousers up - not her fault at all IMO.

Must have been awful.
its the waiting areas fault, i been to so many train stations with narrow path ways and no gate railings on the opposite side where the parking area is, so if you happen to be high up and you fall, forget it.
I got shivers watching that. :bugeyed It must have been awful to witness. Thank goodness the baby was ok.
I feel soo bad for the mum!

Everyone on youtube is judging her like they are God but everyone looks at the train as it comes, it was only like 2 seconds and when she turned around, yeah, she was a bit slow but I'm pretty sure it was either the shock or it was one of those moments when your brain just seems to go damn slow!

I felt sooo bad for her when she watched the baby and the pram fall under and the train coming over it.

Awww. :(
You can see how windy it was too, the stroller just blew away from her.
Poor woman, it wasn't her fault.

I'm just so glad that baby is okay!
I remember something very similar to this happened in the states in recent years, where a baby stroller got caught in the subway train doors and was dragged a pretty good distance before stopping.
Everyone was alright, I think.

Does anyone else remember that?
Yeh, I didn't want to see it either, but it was on the news - and I couldn't believe it! Thankfully the baby is ok - good thing it was strapped in! How often to babies get strapped in prams!

That poor mother, she's going to have some mental scars :(

I just watched it on another site by mistake... *shivers* As a mom, I can't even begin to imagine what must have gone through her head when the train hit..