Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famine?)


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2009
Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famine?)

Warning, Shocking Video!

Children pay for North Korea food crisis (2:45)

These orphans are the living embodiment of what North Korea says is a food crisis made even worse by a severe winter. Summer floods have added to the misery. In short, they're starving. The band around this girl's spindly arm shows she's underweight. She was one of 12 in this group in the orange or red danger zones. Without proper food and treatment their very lives are at stake. Some children are so malnourished they need hospital treatment. Doctors say the food shortages are damaging their chances of recovery. SOUNDBITE: Kim Chol Jun, paediatrician at Haeju Primary and Secondary School for Orphans, saying (Korean): "Because of the flooding the children are suffering from diarrhoea and digestive problems. The flooding is the reason that the malnourished children are not recovering faster." This video was shot by Reuters who were invited into the country by North Korea's government. Their visit to a key farming province in the nation's rural bread basket was unprecedented. It was also tightly controlled. Nutrition experts from Medecins Sans Frontieres who were with the team found similar cases of malnutrition at other similar institutions. But they say their findings are not statistically representative. Farm manager Pak Su-dong says natural disasters have reduced food output drastically. SOUNDBITE: Pak Su-dong, manager of the Sok Sa-Ri co-operative farm, saying (Korean): "We had heavy rain for two months from July and that's why the maize couldn't get enough nutrients to grow properly. We now expect to harvest only 15 per cent of the maize output we'd originally planned." Marcus Prior of the World Food Programme is warning food rations are dangerously low. SOUNDBITE: Marcus Prior, World Food Programme Asia spokesman, saying (English): "Food distributions through the national public distributions system are down to only 200 grammes per person per day which is really about a third of an adult's normal requirements per day." North Korea is appealing for food. And there's the problem. The United States suspended aid to North Korea in 2008 in a dispute over how it was monitored. Washington says it will only re-start aid shipments if South Korea agrees. South Korea is sceptical of Pyongyang's latest pleas for food, saying it's just ditched plans to send flood help because Pyongyang didn't respond to its offer. Caught in the middle are the residents of North Korea's rural areas, some of whom will pay with their lives. Paul Chapman, Reuters

All other nations, including the UN, refuse to help!
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Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

Oh my gosh. :cry: This is devastating. Do you know if there is a website that I can donate to or something to help them?
Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

OMGoshhh... Please let's help. What's wrong with People?
Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

Politics should never get in the way of helping innocent people. These children have nothing to do with communism or Kim Jong-il. They are innocent and apolitical, deserving of our help and attention. It is not their fault they were born where they are at.

Of course, the U.N. is just a bloody joke. Nothing but a front to enable modern-day imperialism, and about as useless as its predecessor, the League of Nations.

Philanthropy etymologically means "the love of humanity"—love in the sense of caring for, nourishing, developing, or enhancing; humanity in the sense of "what it is to be human," or "human potential." In modern practical terms, it is "private initiatives for public good, focusing on quality of life"—balancing the social-scientific aspect emphasized in the 20th century, with the long-traditional and original humanist core of the word's ancient coinage. This formulation distinguishes it from business (private initiatives for private good, focusing on material prosperity) and government (public initiatives for public good, focusing on law and order).

--Where are the PEOPLE of The World... like this that is completely ABLE to HELP?

The World's Highest Givers - Billion Dollar Philanthropist

Perhaps we should write to these people and ask for the Help and see if they will step up to their "Titles" despite their political agenda - Let's see where their Hearts truely lay

For example - Where are these people below and these people in the list above in the link?
We know there is many more people out there that could and are able to help in a big way.


Where's Angelina Jolie??

Taken from Wiki:
Humanitarian work
Jolie first became personally aware of worldwide humanitarian crises while filming Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) in Cambodia. She contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for information on international trouble spots.[54] To learn more about the conditions in these areas, Jolie began visiting refugee camps around the world. In February 2001, she went on her first field visit, an 18-day mission to Sierra Leone and Tanzania; she later expressed her shock at what she had witnessed.[54] In the following months, she returned to Cambodia for two weeks and met with Afghan refugees in Pakistan.[55][56] She covered all costs related to her missions and shared the same rudimentary working and living conditions as UNHCR field staff on all of her visits.[54] Jolie was named a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva on August 27, 2001.[57]

Since then, Jolie has been on field missions around the world and met with refugees and internally displaced persons in more than 30 countries.[58] Asked what she hoped to accomplish, she stated, "Awareness of the plight of these people. I think they should be commended for what they have survived, not looked down upon."[55] Jolie aims to visit what she terms "forgotten emergencies," crises that media attention has shifted away from.[59] She is noted for not shying away from traveling to areas that are at war:[60] she visited the Darfur region of Sudan during the Darfur conflict in 2004;[61] Chad during its civil war in 2007;[62] Iraq during the Second Gulf War in 2007 and 2009;[63][64] Afghanistan during the ongoing war in 2008 and 2011;[65] and Libya during the Libyan revolution in 2011.[66]

In addition to her field missions, Jolie uses her public profile to promote humanitarian causes through the mass media. Her early field visits were chronicled in her book Notes from My Travels, which was published in conjunction with the release of her film Beyond Borders (2003). She filmed a 2005 MTV special, The Diary of Angelina Jolie & Dr. Jeffrey Sachs in Africa, portraying her and noted economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs on a trip to a remote group of villages in Western Kenya. Jolie has also regularly released public service announcements promoting World Refugee Day and other causes.

Over time, Jolie became more involved in promoting humanitarian causes on a political level. She has regularly attended World Refugee Day in Washington, D.C., and she was an invited speaker at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2005 and 2006. She also began lobbying humanitarian interests in the U.S. capital, where she met with members of Congress at least 20 times between 2003 and 2006, during which she pushed for several bills to aid refugees and vulnerable children in the Third World and the United States.[57] She explained in 2006, "As much as I would love to never have to visit Washington, that's the way to move the ball."[57] In 2007, she became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[67]

Jolie has established several charitable organizations. In 2003, she founded the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation—named the Maddox Jolie Project until 2007—which is dedicated to community development and environmental conservation in Cambodia's northwestern province Battambang.[68] In 2006, she partnered with the Global Health Committee to establish the Maddox Chivan Children's Center, a daycare facility for children afflicted and affected by HIV in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh.[69] That same year, she and her partner Brad Pitt founded the Jolie-Pitt Foundation to aid humanitarian causes worldwide.[70] In 2007, Jolie and noted economist Dr. Gene Sperling founded the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, which funds education programs for children affected by man-made or natural disasters.[71] In 2008, she collaborated with the Microsoft Corporation to establish Kids in Need of Defense, which provides free legal counsel to unaccompanied immigrant children in the U.S.[72]

Jolie has received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. In 2003, she was the first recipient of the Citizen of the World Award by the United Nations Correspondents Association, and in 2005, she was awarded the Global Humanitarian Award by the UNA-USA.[73] King Norodom Sihamoni awarded Jolie Cambodian citizenship for her conservation work in the country on July 31, 2005.[74] In 2007, Jolie received the Freedom Award by the International Rescue Committee.[75]

Where's Oprah Winfrey??
Taken from Wiki:

The "Oprah Effect"

Spiritual leadership

In 1998, Winfrey created the Oprah's Angel Network, a charity that supported charitable projects and provided grants to nonprofit organizations around the world. Oprah's Angel Network raised more than $80,000,000 ($1 million of which was donated by Jon Bon Jovi). Winfrey personally covered all administrative costs associated with the charity, so 100% of all funds raised went to charity programs. The charity stopped accepting donations in May 2010 and was later dissolved.[159][160] Winfrey's show raises money through promotion of her public charity and she personally donates more of her own money to charity than any other performer in America.[161] In 2005 she became the first black person listed by Business Week as one of America's 50 most generous philanthropists, having given an estimated $303 million as of 2007.[161] Winfrey was the 32nd most philanthropic. She has also been repeatedly ranked as the most philanthropic celebrity.[162]

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Oprah created the Oprah Angel Network Katrina registry which raised more than $11 million for relief efforts. Winfrey personally gave $10 million to the cause.[163] Homes were built in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama before the one year anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.[164] Winfrey has also helped 250 African-American men continue or complete their education at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.[165] Winfrey was the recipient of the first Bob Hope Humanitarian Award at the 2002 Emmy Awards for services to television and film. To celebrate two decades on national TV, and to thank her employees for their hard work, Winfrey took her staff and their families (1065 people in total) on vacation to Hawaii in the summer of 2006.[166]

Where's Bono of U2??
(Paul David Hewson)

Taken from Wiki:

Humanitarian work
Bono with President Lula da Silva of Brazil in 2006Bono has become one of the world's best-known philanthropic performers and was named the most politically effective celebrity of all time by the National Journal.[80][81][82] He has been dubbed, "the face of fusion philanthropy",[83] both for his success enlisting powerful allies from a diverse spectrum of leaders in government, religious institutions, philanthropic organisations, popular media, and the business world, as well as for spearheading new organizational networks that bind global humanitarian relief with geopolitical activism and corporate commercial enterprise.[84]

In a 1986 interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Bono explained that he was motivated to become involved in social and political causes by seeing one of the Secret Policeman's Ball benefit shows, staged by John Cleese and producer Martin Lewis for the human-rights organisation Amnesty International in 1979.[85] "I saw 'The Secret Policeman’s Ball' and it became a part of me. It sowed a seed..." In 2001, Bono arranged for U2 to videotape a special live performance for that year's Amnesty benefit show.

Bono and U2 performed on Amnesty's Conspiracy Of Hope tour of the United States in 1986 alongside Sting.[12] U2 also performed in the Band Aid and Live Aid projects, organised by Bob Geldof.[86] In 1984, Bono sang on the Band Aid single "Do They Know it's Christmas?/Feed the World" (a role that was reprised on the 2004 Band Aid 20 single of the same name).[87] Geldof and Bono later collaborated to organise the 2005 Live 8 project, where U2 also performed.[13]
Since 1999, Bono has become increasingly involved in campaigning for third-world debt relief and raising awareness of the plight of Africa, including the AIDS pandemic. In the past decade Bono has met with several influential politicians, including former United States President George W. Bush and former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.[88] During a March 2002 visit to the White House, after President Bush unveiled a $5 billion aid package, he accompanied the President for a speech on the White House lawn where he stated, "This is an important first step, and a serious and impressive new level of commitment. ... This must happen urgently, because this is a crisis."[88] In May of that year, Bono took US Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill on a four-country tour of Africa. In contrast, in 2005, Bono spoke on CBC Radio, alleging then Prime Minister Martin was being slow about increasing Canada's foreign aid.[89] He was a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, 2005, and 2006 for his philanthropy.[14][90][91]

In 2004, he was awarded the Pablo Neruda International Presidential Medal of Honour from the Government of Chile.[92] Time Magazine named Bono one of the "100 Most Influential People" in its May 2004 special issue,[93] and again in the 2006 Time 100 special issue.[94] In 2005, Time named Bono a Person of the Year along with Bill and Melinda Gates.[18] Also in 2005, he received the Portuguese Order of Liberty for his humanitarian work.[95] That year Bono was also among the first three recipients of the TED Prize, which grants each winner "A wish to change the world".[96] Bono made three wishes,[97] the first two related to the ONE campaign and the third that every hospital, health clinic and school in Ethiopia should be connected to the Internet. TED rejected the third wish as being a sub-optimal way for TED to help Africa[97] and instead organised a TED conference in Arusha, Tanzania. Bono attended the conference, which was held in June 2007, and attracted headlines[98] with his foul-mouthed heckling of a speech by Andrew Mwenda.
Bono at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, 2008.In 2007, Bono was named in the UK's New Years Honours List as an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.[17][99] He was formally granted knighthood on 29 March 2007 in a ceremony at the residence of British Ambassador David Reddaway in Dublin, Ireland.[100]
Bono also received the NAACP Image Award's Chairman's Award in 2007.[101] On 24 May 2007, the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia announced that Bono would receive the Philadelphia Liberty Medal on 27 September 2007 for his work to end world poverty and hunger.[102] On 28 September 2007, in accepting the Liberty Medal, Bono said, "When you are trapped by poverty, you are not free. When trade laws prevent you from selling the food you grew, you are not free, ... When you are a monk in Burma this very week, barred from entering a temple because of your gospel of peace ... well, then none of us are truly free." Bono donated the $100,000 prize to the organisation. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala accepted the award for the Washington-based Debt AIDS Trade Africa.[103]

In 2005 he recorded a version of Don't Give Up with Alicia Keys, with proceeds going to Keep a Child Alive.[104]

On 15 December 2005, Paul Theroux published an op-ed in the New York Times called The Rock Star's Burden (cf. Kipling's The White Man's Burden) that criticised stars such as Bono, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie, labelling them as "mythomaniacs, people who wish to convince the world of their worth." Theroux, who lived in Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer, added that "the impression that Africa is fatally troubled and can be saved only by outside help—not to mention celebrities and charity concerts—is a destructive and misleading conceit."[105] Elsewhere, Bono has been criticised, along with other celebrities, for "[ignoring] the legitimate voices of Africa and [turning] a global movement for justice into a grand orgy of narcissistic philanthropy".[106]

On 3 April 2005, Bono paid a personal tribute to John Paul II and called him "a street fighter and a wily campaigner on behalf of the world's poor. We would never have gotten the debts of 23 countries completely cancelled without him."[107] Bono spoke in advance of President Bush at the 54th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, held at the Hilton Washington Hotel on 2 February 2006. In a speech containing biblical references, Bono encouraged the care of the socially and economically depressed. His comments included a call for an extra one percent tithe of the United States' national budget. He brought his Christian views into harmony with other faiths by noting that Christian, Jewish, and Muslim writings all call for the care of the widow, orphan, and stranger. President Bush received praise from the singer-activist for the United States' increase in aid for the African continent. Bono continued by saying much work is left to be done to be a part of God's ongoing purposes.[11]

The organisation DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa) was established in 2002 by Bono and Bobby Shriver, along with activists from the Jubilee 2000 Drop the Debt Campaign.[108] DATA aims to eradicate poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa.[108] DATA encourages Americans to contact senators and other legislators and elected officials to voice their opinions.[108]

In early 2005, Bono, his wife Ali Hewson, and New York-based Irish fashion designer Rogan Gregory launched the socially conscious line EDUN in an attempt to shift the focus in Africa from aid to trade.[109] EDUN's goal is to use factories in Africa, South America, and India that provide fair wages to workers and practice good business ethics to create a business model that will encourage investment in developing nations.[110]

Bono was a special guest editor of the July 2007 issue of Vanity Fair magazine. The issue was named "The Africa Issue: Politics & Power" and featured an assortment of 20 different covers, with photographs by Annie Leibovitz of a number of prominent celebrities, political leaders, and philanthropists. Each one showcased in the issue for their contributions to the humanitarian relief in Africa.[111]

In an article in Bloomberg Markets in March 2007, journalists Richard Tomlinson and Fergal O’Brien noted that Bono used his band's 2006 Vertigo world tour to promote his ONE Campaign while at the same time "U2 was racking up $389 million in gross ticket receipts, making Vertigo the second-most lucrative tour of all time, according to Billboard magazine. . . . Revenue from the Vertigo tour is funnelled through companies that are mostly registered in Ireland and structured to minimise taxes."[112]

Further criticism came in November 2007, when Bono's various charity campaigns were targeted by Jobs Selasie, head of African Aid Action. Selasie claimed that these charities had increased corruption and dependency in Africa because they failed to work with African entrepreneurs and grassroots organisations, and as a result, Africa has become more dependent on international handouts.[113] Bono responded to his critics in Times Online on 19 February 2006, calling them "cranks carping from the sidelines. A lot of them wouldn’t know what to do if they were on the field. They’re the party who will always be in opposition so they’ll never have to take responsibility for decisions because they know they’ll never be able to implement them."[114
In November 2007, Bono was honoured by NBC Nightly News as someone "making a difference" in the world.[115] He and anchor Brian Williams had travelled to Africa in May 2007 to showcase the humanitarian crisis on the continent.[116] On 11 December 2008, Bono was given the annual Man of Peace prize, awarded by several Nobel Peace Prize laureates in Paris, France.[117]

Product Red is another initiative begun by Bono and Bobby Shriver to raise money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.[118] Bobby Shriver has been announced as the CEO of Product Red, whilst Bono is currently an active public spokesperson for the brand. Product Red is a brand that is licensed to partner companies, such as American Express, Apple, Converse, Motorola, Microsoft, Dell, The Gap, and Giorgio Armani.[119] Each company creates a product with the Product Red logo and a percentage of the profits from the sale of these labelled products will go to the Global Fund.[120]

My :heart: goes out to the people & children of Japan as well as all poeple of the World that is Suffering at the hands of GREED!

We Need More Love in this World... Without Love,there is no Light...Without Light there is no Life.
So Love,Light & Life - People*

Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

^Well, to be honest, it might be too big a task for any of them to handle on their own. However, you bring up a good point--the least they could be doing is drawing attention to the situation or something. Michael would have said something, and done something about it, even if it was insufficient--every bit counts.

The real question should be: where are the governments who vow to protect the innocent? The ones who pride themselves on how conscious of the human condition they are. The ones who want to free others from tyranny, in this case the oppression comes in the form of famine. Where are all the kind words in regard to this disaster which is claiming children's lives?

Where are those people who raised money for the Japan earthquake? I guess North Korea is not cool enough for Lady Gaga, because they don't have people wearing cute little outfits everywhere. Then again, judging by all she did for Japan (sell a few bracelets [later accused of inflating prices and pocketing profit], and tell her fans [most of whom are under 18, or else in the young-and-broke 18-24 crowd] to help Japan by visiting there! Yeah! Because we're not totally having a horrible recession, and have clearly got the funds to drop what we're doing, travel to the other side of the world, and spend all our money buying useless crap, which will only benefit a few merchants/companies! 8D Then again, judging by how useful and appropriate her suggestions regarding Japan relief carried(translate=zilch), she'd probably tell the North Koreans to eat brioche.

(For those of you not familiar with Rousseau, this would basically be saying: "let them eat cake.")

So, on second thought, we'd be best-served if she stayed out of it.

More importantly, though, are the figures who are bigger celebrities than some pop tart, and carry the label of "humanitarians." I guess Bono, Oprah, and the rest of those self-serving, lazy, and transparent flakes just don't give a damn. Seriously--especially Oprah, considering how much influence she has over our current culture--they could at least acknowledge that little North Korean kids are starving to death, instead of ignoring the situation...

As for Jolie, I think she is honest in her philanthropy--she has done a lot to help by actually going to the areas and helping people (not designing an ugly, overpriced accessory/releasing a single which was clearly pulled from the arse/appearing for about 30 seconds in a commercial for charity). She has also given a few children the chance at having a good home and a privileged life--despite the fact that they're not biologically hers. So, I think Jolie does it because she does feel empathy for her fellow human beings, and not to fulfill some self-serving agenda like others. However--in regards to this specific situation, she could at least offer some words to alert the public that this is going on, and that these children need our help.

Neither Bono nor Oprah have adopted children from third world countries. Actually, considering how much influence they wield (especially Oprah), they've done surprisingly little in the field of philanthropy. Michael really does put them all to shame.

I wish he were here. =/
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Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

North Korea - Children of the Secret State

I didn't find other parts of this film, apart from part 4/5

It´s always the children who pay when something goes wrong.
Sometimes their own goverment takes food and other things that was supposed to help the children.
Re: Shocking Video "Children pay for North Korea food crisis" - Food Shortages in North Korea (famin

:cry: Aww this is so sad what in the world we've lived in today I kown this the sign of the last days :bugeyed :yes: