Share Your Dreams

Thriller Wolf

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Just last night, I had a dream with Michael in it.
This thread isn't to discuss "feeling his presence" (i.e. his spirit) or anything. Just to discuss the dreams and/or nightmares that have had any trace of Michael in them. Try to keep it clean, I know the state of your minds out there. ;)
Anyway, my dream. Do excuse it if it doesn't make sense, I have been suffering from slight memory loss since summer. I will try to bridge a few gaps the best I can.

This was set during the 'Bad' era.
We were in a small building. I believe a concert had just ended and I somehow managed to get myself backstage. I was sitting at a sort of drafting table, sketching out set designs for future concerts. I hear footsteps in front of me and think nothing of it. The footsteps get closer until they stop right in front of my table. I look up and there he is, Michael Jackson. His hands are behind his back and he's giving me that genuine, friendly smile.
The shock of this man standing right there in front of me kinda seizes my ability to talk for a moment. He notices and his smile widens, and he reaches his hand out to me. Absently, I reach back and he helps me out of my chair. Someone else who was standing by me (a bodyguard of his or something) asked him, "Who is this?" referring to me.
Michael pulled me closer and said with full confidence, "She's my girlfriend."
My eyes widen and I whisper, "I am?" only loud enough for him to hear. Then, like something that could only happen in a dream, he began to sing to me. He sang 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You,' and we slow danced together. Feeling his body pressed against mine in what felt like a loving embrace was unreal. My heart pounded, and very shyly, I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and held me tighter, then looked me in the eye with his shining, dark eyes and said "Thank you."

As far as I can remember, that's when I woke up. I was a very strange dream, because during it I was completely oblivious bout my relationship with Michael. I guess it must have been a long night. :p
Anyway, what about everyone else? What in-dream experiences have you had with Michael?
OMJ :blush: what a gorgeous dream is this...
That's the 'savest' place hey... In Michael's arms... :wub:

Well, I often dream I meet Michael at a dock of bay... I walk on wooden path that leads far into a lake and there at the end of the path, Michael sits there dangling his feet and just staring into the lake... Its so peaceful there... Michael then always HUGS me and comforts me and say the 'right' words so I can be 'brave' in the world again... I just love the time I spend with Michael to be in his save and protective arms and hear his heartbeat and you know...