Shall I keep the web domain


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi , didn't really know where to post this so apologies,

A group of us decided last year we we gonna do some thing about this-

So I went ahead and bought the domain, but everything kinda fizzled out after that first group talk amongst fans and it's kinda been left on my shoulders.

Things have changed since June 2009 like evan dieing, but I'm still convinced about their involvement and I don't believe evan pulled his own trigger either..

Well I've only got 1 day left to decide.

What do you guys think? shall i keep it or not?

The shit that folk waste their time and effort with...
Please keep it. I'd be happy to contribute the cost associated if that's the concern.
Keep it, and also it's most useful when people comment on major sites, you could provide a link to the domain if it has info. For instance i see crap on sites like CNN when there is an MJ story. Such sites could help those who wish to know.

Remember that it's not about the millions reading it. Many people who now want to know the truth are the ones who will seek it out. They will research and at times these people write review articles, or reserach for radio and TV programmes that influence millions.

For instance, the GQ article written in 1994, not many read the article. But when Steve Harvey did a research, found it and then linked to it from his website, it gained a lot of widespread publicity online and then helped a lot of people know the truth.

So, not necessarily that the same would happen but people can pick points from various places as they research and the tide is turning slowly like cream coming to the surface, now that MJ cannot be slandered daily and tabloids have their fuel cut off, people who go after factual material and produce well reserached books, articles and documentaries will begin to surface more and what they need is good references as they research.

Definitely don't drop that domain, atleast get someone to help you build useful information onto it.
I think you should let it go. No point in keeping it.

Normal people (non obsessed mj fans) wouldn't even know to go to the site, yet along the guys name. Only us obsessed fans would know anything about it, and we already know most of the info, and the info can be discussed here and other similar sites, rather than having a site dedicated just to it. if that makes any sense.
like you said, the site has been dead since your first discussion.
I think you should let it go. No point in keeping it.

Normal people (non obsessed mj fans) wouldn't even know to go to the site, yet along the guys name. Only us obsessed fans would know anything about it, and we already know most of the info, and the info can be discussed here and other similar sites, rather than having a site dedicated just to it. if that makes any sense.
like you said, the site has been dead since your first discussion.
I disagree. YOu will be surprise at the number of people who will visit. It is still another outlet for people to go. I think many people did not believe this mess in this first place (sorry but the media was the driving force in wanting people to think everyone hated MJ and believe the claims). The love MJ is getting is proof of what I was saying all alone. MJ was LOVED.
J.Dagenzhaw... Keep it. It's easy to find. Just his name stands out.
It provides for an easy search. Only the facts should be on there.'

And also provide link to GQ’s article, Mary J Fisher’s
and Geraldine Hughes and all the facts that came out in Mez's
transcripts mitigating all the 93 accusations.
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for what purpose?

theres nothing on the site when i visit it?
the only legal thing would be cyber squatting, but that is only if the real idiot accuser wanted to use the site for himself and could not because you have it.
I am from the Legacy team and I have been assisting the team in finding information on the 1993 case. If you want, I can help you gain the information you can put on there.
Help you to build a factual website that will allow people to find the truth when they are searching for the truth. I am a researcher, information gatherer and a bit of a writer I hope, not a website builder, but I am willing to help you, if you want.
I am just a PM away.
I say keep it, because those idiots out there would couldn't handle the truth or can't get their heads straight should see this understand way better.
Yes, keep it. I understand Mr Chandler enjoys quite a pleasant life with Michael's money. There is no reason I know of that he should ever enjoy it undisturbed.