Shakira joins YouTube billion-view club


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Her hips don't lie and neither do her view count statistics: Shakira is officially one of the most popular artists in the history of YouTube.

Videos of the hip-shaking superstar passed the one billion view milestone on Tuesday, making her only the third pop star to have achieved such online ubiquity, Contactmusic reports. It turns out, clips in which attractive Colombian singers writhe around in cages dressed only in high heels and a flesh-coloured body-suit are popular on the internet. Who knew?

In fact, the saucy 'She Wolf' promo accounts for a mere 10 million of Shakira's record-setting YouTube view haul. Hits like 'Hips Don't Lie' and global breakthrough smash 'Whenever, Wherever' account for another 10 million views each, but by far the bulk of her billion-strong tally comes thanks to her official 2010 World Cup anthem 'Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)'.

The theme song racked up around 300 million hits on Shakira's official YouTube channel alone, with a live version from the World Cup opening ceremony contributing another 30 million and a Spanish language rendition scoring a little under 40 million views.

If Shakira's video-sharing site success owes more than a little to her association with the globe's most widely-watched sporting event, she isn't letting that qualification dampen her pleasure at becoming a YouTube billionaire.

"Thank you all for this magnificent news," she said. "A billion views!! Incredible! I'm celebrating!! I'm really happy to hear the news. One billion views around the world is an unthinkable number and more than I could ever have dreamed of."

The only pop stars who can claim to top Shakira's YouTube success are Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. Gaga passed the billion view count back in early October 2010, while Bieber matched the feat a month later.


BTW, how is it possible to get more than 350 mill. clicks within a few months...?
Last year was Michael the third most watched artist on YT with more than 600 mill. clicks...., or?
I love Shakira! *mwah* My favourite female artist and I saw her on December the 19th. She was amazing, as expected.
Congrats to her, but sadly this is just a big advertising for Vevo even if we don't see its name.
Nicely done vevo :smilerolleyes:
Good for her. :)
I have heard though that the reason some get this many views is because their Vevo account is set open for the entire world. With other artists people outside of the US can get messages of "not being able to view them".
I had no idea the artist has to change that setting.
Has anyone else ever heard about something like that?
xrisx;3215570 said:
Good for her :)
I have heard though that the reason some get this many views is because their Vevo account is set open for the entire world. With other artists people outside of the US can get messages of "not being able to view them".
I had no idea the artist has to change that setting.
Has anyone else ever heard about something like that?

Exactly, I’m in South America and I can see some MJ videos in vevo but I can’t see all of them. Who knows why, because supposedly they are all from Sony.

Anyway all this views count is just a big lie. I repeat this: I once gave myself 30 thumbs up on youtube, (yeah I was bored :D) If I can do that, then imagine what Vevo can do with the views of their most valuable contracts!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there is no way to prove that the view numbers represent the actual number of individuals who watched the video. I think it all depends on the contract of the music labels and the priority they give to some artist.

It’s all about advertising. Nice move by Vevo and the music labels of the “billion-view club" artists.
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I don't know why. I can't stand her, as a singer, or as a person. Her lyrics are better than average, though, I'll give her that. She's a good songwriter, but a lousy singer with an annoying voice (on the plus side at least it's not autotuned.) Like someone once put it: she sounds like a billy goat. I also don't see why she has to strut around half-naked in pretty much all her videos, having such good songwriting abilities. Oh, yeah. Can't sing. Gotta distract from that. Fair enough.

I hated the fact that South Africa wasn't allowed to have its own talent representing it during the world cup, and they went with Shakira's horrendous "Waka Waka" instead. I really thought that was a bad move, and truly unfair to South Africa. That was really their time to shine, and Shakira took it away from them. It's a shame because the song isn't even good, not even by her own standards. I'm sure an artist from SA, somewhere, could have topped that easily, and gotten some well-deserved attention. They'd have to be half-naked Colombian women to do that, though, I reckon. If that was the way I'd make a claim to fame, I'd wish to remain anonymous too.

Oh, well. At least she's in appropriate company: Gaga (can sing, but can't write good [or coherent] lyrics,) Shakira (can't sing, writes good lyrics by mainstream standards,) and Bieber (???) They sort of complete each other, in a way.
Well, it's a matter of personal preference to say someone can or cannot sing, at the end of the day. I like Shakira's voice, because it's different and rich and so expressive, so I very much think she does have a voice, not the only one who thinks that. Strutting around half naked?.. Well, she may be doing that at times, but she's easily among the least naked female artists nowadays, really, whether on the stage or in her videos. She's among the few hot female acts today who actually still dons on pants, as opposed to plain bikinis. What to say about Lady Gaga (who, in my opinion, can't sing or has an average voice and is the epithome of forced savagery and frivolity), Rhianna, Aguilera, and the like, who can't feel good unless they parade around almost nude and trashy-looking? At least Shakira has got a generous intellect and does a lot for underpriviliged children in Colombia, although I do think she has become a bit more mainstream than she ever did. But still holds on to her routes, dances great and is able to still come up with big hits.

Well, it's a matter of personal preference to say someone can or cannot sing, at the end of the day. I like Shakira's voice, because it's different and rich and so expressive, so I very much think she does have a voice, not the only one who thinks that. Strutting around half naked?.. Well, she may be doing that at times, but she's easily among the least naked female artists nowadays, really, whether on the stage or in her videos. She's among the few hot female acts today who actually still dons on pants, as opposed to plain bikinis. What to say about Lady Gaga (who, in my opinion, can't sing or has an average voice and is the epithome of forced savagery and frivolity), Rhianna, Aguilera, and the like, who can't feel good unless they parade around almost nude and trashy-looking? At least Shakira has got a generous intellect and does a lot for underpriviliged children in Colombia, although I do think she has become a bit more mainstream than she ever did. But still holds on to her routes, dances great and is able to still come up with big hits.


Of course you're not. I'd say roughly around one billion people agree with you. However, I don't think any of the Billion Views Members can do a decent job of singing, or much of anything, really. She does really quite a shameless job of strutting around half-naked, like in she-wolf, etc. She is a little bit better than the Gagas, and the Rihannas of the world, which is why she should hold herself to a higher standard, but I guess not. Christina has a tremendously exceptional voice, and she should hold herself to an even higher standard than the rest of the people named here. It's a shame she doesn't.

I don't find Shakira to be particularly intelligent, but I'll give you that at least she does something relevant for Colombia, and hasn't cast them to the side like many foreign artists seem to do when they achieve fame in America.

I will admit to a small bias against her because my mother both resembles and likes Shakira. Ahh, projection. Happens to the best of us.

[Edited to take off that unintentional thumbs-down. My apologies.]
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I'm not surprised, she's one of the most beautiful women in the world :wub: ...I guess the combination of her music and looks is a huge benefit to appeal to not only women but men as well.
Shakira's vocals are amazing. I saw her live and she sang live and danced and her voice was powerful, in tune, pitch perfect and emotional.

She dresses great, IMO, and she's a belly dancer. You must see the abs.
Of course you're not. I'd say roughly around one billion people agree with you. However, I don't think any of the Billion Views Members can do a decent job of singing, or much of anything, really. She does really quite a shameless job of strutting around half-naked, like in she-wolf, etc. She is a little bit better than the Gagas, and the Rihannas of the world, which is why she should hold herself to a higher standard, but I guess not. Christina has a tremendously exceptional voice, and she should hold herself to an even higher standard than the rest of the people named here. It's a shame she doesn't.

I don't find Shakira to be particularly intelligent, but I'll give you that at least she does something relevant for Colombia, and hasn't cast them to the side like many foreign artists seem to do when they achieve fame in America.

I will admit to a small bias against her because my mother both resembles and likes Shakira. Ahh, projection. Happens to the best of us.

What's up with the thumbs down? ... I simply said that stating strong preferences like that sounds like pushing one's perception and placing it in the truth category, as opposed to, rather, one's personal truth. Then I offered my own and justified view of her, without necessarily stating My truth as fact. Besides, being biased doesn't help that much either.. What's up with saying how all youtube viewers who like Shakira don't know how to sing, dance, of 'anything', like you said? How do you what they can do? What all of them can do? Say, half of them can't do anything, surely not Everyone..... 0_0 Besides, Shakira can play the guitar, drums and harmonica, so her public can't be all that unappreciative and stupid. You're basically calling All people liking Shakira uninitiated in music, - I, for one, am quite a bit initiated, and can sing, haven't done it in years, but I still could somehow, so I'll take it personally - and basically you're calling them dumb, with saying they can't do a decent job at anything. How's that fair and true what you're saying? It isn't. It's pure overgeneralization expressed in a condescending, rude manner. Which you did.

If your mother resembles her, than I believe (my perception) she is a pretty person.
What's up with the thumbs down? ... I simply said that stating strong preferences like that sounds like pushing one's perception and placing it in the truth category, as opposed to, rather, one's personal truth. Then I offered my own and justified view of her, without necessarily stating My truth as fact. Besides, being biased doesn't help that much either.. What's up with saying how all youtube viewers who like Shakira don't know how to sing, dance, of 'anything', like you said? How do you what they can do? What all of them can do? Say, half of them can't do anything, surely not Everyone..... 0_0 Besides, Shakira can play the guitar, drums and harmonica, so her public can't be all that unappreciative and stupid. You're basically calling All people liking Shakira uninitiated in music, - I, for one, am quite a bit initiated, and can sing, haven't done it in years, but I still could somehow, so I'll take it personally - and basically you're calling them dumb, with saying they can't do a decent job at anything. How's that fair and true what you're saying? It isn't. It's pure overgeneralization expressed in a condescending, rude manner. Which you did.

If your mother resembles her, than I believe (my perception) she is a pretty person.

OMG I did that? I saw that when I was replying to your other post, but I thought that the thumbs down was in the original thread, for some reason. My laptop cursor must have done it--it tends to click on random things in general, much to my inconvenience (and, in this instance, your temporary indignation.) I certainly didn't mean to do that, and I view my opinion of Shakira as my own personal opinion, and not the truth (it is musical taste, after all, subject to preference, bias, and other irrational things.) I apologize for that, since I didn't mean to do it.

Ah, I found the murky point. Billion Views Members. What I meant by this is the three artists which currently hold the billion views, meaning, Gaga, Bieber, and Shakira. I wasn't talking about their viewers. Sorry if I confused you, and I am sure you sing just fine, even if you haven't as of late.

I was talking more about Gaga and Bieber with that statement (the last of whom can't sing, dance, or anything, in my humble opinion.) So, what I said was, neither Gaga nor Justin Bieber can sing or dance. In any case, I have no way of viewing who views anyone's videos--we could have the next Beethoven watching "Hips Don't Lie" right now! :p

That about puts to rest the most part of your post. I was actually agreeing with your previous post, in which you also said JB can't sing or dance.

My mother only resembles her in appearance, and has yet to do anything for Colombian children, or her own children, for that matter.
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Thanks for time time in explaining all that, Blood. I agree with the Bieber and Gaga bit, because I too am of the opinion that Justin can't sing and dance, and although I like him as a person, I can't understand this obsession with him. He's very young and cute... but can't really get over this existing obsession, it's something unsettling about that, and I don't blame that kid.. Certainly, to be receiving so many YouTube hits on behalf of millions around the world would make one think/conclude that it can't be just children and teenagers and young adults watching his videos, I wouldn't know for sure, of course, but.... there's this big fat cult for young age, for this type of freshness that will always be freaky in Hollywood's case. They sure do know how to stir the audience's curiosity. Another thing could be curiosity toward a new child star, he looks much younger than his age, which is sweet, but... again that 'but'.

On to Shakira, though..