Shake your body


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
I wish we had seen more of it. :cry: That is one of my most fave songs live.. That was just a big tease sticking that little dance bit in there. :lol:
Yep I love Skake your Body in concert
Michael goes insane Sizzles and Burns :LOL:
when he he performs it_ Love love love it :)
I'm thinking that's all there was to it. It was just a dancer intro for the audience.
Hmm I think it might of been just for the dancers, as they were freestyle dancing. "Show the talent like you've never seen before" :)
I loved it too - when Michael did this on the Bad tour, he was SIZZLIN!! :D

I loved the two male dancers coming down the ramp at the start, they looked like they were skiing!! :clapping: And did you notice, when Mike finally joins them on stage, he's got a smile on..... :)
that has always been one of my fav songs of MJ,,,i have been a MJ fan for almost 48 years now,,,,just turned 50 the other day! what a great dance song and it shows MJ dancing abaiity to te hughest form am i right [people?
that has always been one of my fav songs of MJ,,,i have been a MJ fan for almost 48 years now,,,,just turned 50 the other day! what a great dance song and it shows MJ dancing abaiity to te hughest form am i right [people?

so how can you be a fan for 48 years when MJ's career only started 40 years ago?
sorry u r my math wrong...i saw michael when he first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show,,,just seems soo long ago!
I really loved this part of the show. I love where there was a segment for the dancers to show their stuff by freestyling. I love when MJ joined them in it all. It was such a fun segment. I had always wanted to do a freestyle segment where it was just dancing. It was all beautiful.
i was wondering perhaps it was going to be an interlude whilst Michael changes, then he joins them for the final part, vintage Jackson shoulder and point thrusts! and then goes on his own with his performance. Fantastic to see it featured in the show and the giving the dancers a chance to shine.
so sad we did not get to see the whole song preformed in his shows......i know it would of been fantastic,,,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this performance. Its one of my favorite bits of the movie even though it doesn't really involve MJ. I was just in awe of the dancing at this bit. Especially the two guys dancing down the ramp and then the guy doing the side way front flip (the one that was shown in the trailer)
such an amazing performance especially the dance off part during the bad tour