Sex and the City!!


I was wondering if someone was going to show the love for SATC on here.

Massive fan from the very first episode when it was aired in the UK TEN years ago (hard to believe).

Which one are you? All my friends think I'm most like Miranda (career girl) dating sexy bartender.

Thanks for posting Amygrace.

I was wondering if someone was going to show the love for SATC on here.

Massive fan from the very first episode when it was aired in the UK TEN years ago (hard to believe).

Which one are you? All my friends think I'm most like Miranda (career girl) dating sexy bartender.

Thanks for posting Amygrace.

Yeeah! SATC fans unite! :punk: I wish I could say I was a fan since they first started but I didn't even find out about the show until their last year! Since then I collected all of the episodes and went through a period of time where I had to watch an episode every night. I adore them.

I would say I'm a CARRIE. My humor/personality is a lot like hers...though I can't say I'm as I also love fashion...though I'm not over the top girlie like Charlotte.
i cant wait for the 2nd film!! i watched the film before the series and got hooked so i then watched every it!
I'm a 'big' fan of the series. . . . I'm not a Miranda, Charlotte, Carrie, or Samantha since I'm a guy lol. My friends always laughed at me for watching, but whatever, they have lousy taste and are even lousier dressers :p . . . I always liked Tray the best of the guys (lol), and Big has a great wardrobe too; I like how the characters are dressed for their personalities (remember when Miranda wanted to buy Steve the expensive suit? Yikes!). . . . I love fashion, so I'd sometimes pause scenes to admire and study certain character's color combinations and patterns lol. . . . Fun series!
I'm a 'big' fan of the series. . . . I'm not a Miranda, Charlotte, Carrie, or Samantha since I'm a guy lol. My friends always laughed at me for watching, but whatever, they have lousy taste and are even lousier dressers :p . . . I always liked Tray the best of the guys (lol), and Big has a great wardrobe too; I like how the characters are dressed for their personalities (remember when Miranda wanted to buy Steve the expensive suit? Yikes!). . . . I love fashion, so I'd sometimes pause scenes to admire and study certain character's color combinations and patterns lol. . . . Fun series!

Yes! A guy fan! lol. I think guys that say they don't like it either haven't watched it or are too embarrassed to admit it rocks! haha
I can't believe you liked Trey though... lol. I never liked him...bleh. Too conservative and...from a girl's perspective, not at all attractive. To me anyway. :p Steve and Aidan were my faves...good looking and so sweet. Big would come in 3rd...just cause he's a badass.
Can't wait to see it! Always loved ths show, mainly for it's witty script writing, but also the character/friendships.
Love it! I have all the seasons and the movie on DVD. It's one of my favorite shows. Can't wait for the next one. I had just read online earlier they were filming scenes this week in NY. I am not sure which character I would be...probably really a combo of all 4. LOL
i cant wait either! i love samantha...shes funny. oh god and that guy in the movie she kept looking at...whoaaaa. carrie and big are finally together yay, its going to be weird without the back in forth being together/breaking up to get you on your feet watching. lmao
I love the show too! I've been a fan since around the 3rd season when I got HBO. Then I was hooked, and I loved the movie too. Really fun writing!

I'm kind of a Miranda-Charlotte hybrid with a little Carrie mixed in. :)
I'm a 'big' fan of the series. . . . I'm not a Miranda, Charlotte, Carrie, or Samantha since I'm a guy lol. My friends always laughed at me for watching, but whatever, they have lousy taste and are even lousier dressers :p . . . I always liked Tray the best of the guys (lol), and Big has a great wardrobe too; I like how the characters are dressed for their personalities (remember when Miranda wanted to buy Steve the expensive suit? Yikes!). . . . I love fashion, so I'd sometimes pause scenes to admire and study certain character's color combinations and patterns lol. . . . Fun series!

i didnt like trey and i especially didnt like the russian, i liked aidan :)
i didnt like trey and i especially didnt like the russian, i liked aidan :)

The Russian...*shudder*... he was annoying.
Aidan was at the top of the list for me...not only was he incredibly sweet, but when he made his 2nd debut with the shorter hair...*swoon*