Serious Effect

A bit similar but not the same. En Vogue's song came out in the early nineties. Serious Effect was an out take for Bad or Dangerous.
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A bit similar but not the same. En Vogue's song came out in the early nineties. Serious Effect was an out take for Bad, I think.

I wasn't aware of the timeline tbh.I always bought official releases so didn't really know about out takes until I got the internet.

Thanks for the info.
I think it was recorded in 1989/1990 for the Decade sessions.

I always thought it sounded like it should have been on a soundtrack for an late 80's/ early 90's Eddie Murphy film. Like Boomerang or something lol.
yes, it's a great song but I don't think it was finished. It drags on too long towards the end
Great song. I got it on cassette tape (recorded off the net) and it's fun to jam to in the car