September 16 - News and Mentionings


Hello fellow members. We have as always a little bit of everything today as well. There are many more mentionings to come, so stay tuned.


Ne-Yo seeing green, not red, over R. Kelly

Ne-Yo would like to set the record straight.
"I don't hate R. Kelly," the R&B superstar insists.
Yes, Ne-Yo did sue Kelly's tour promoter, Rowe Entertainment, after he was booted off Kelly's 2007 tour (allegedly for upstaging the so-called star of the show). But, having just won $700,320 in damages, Ne-Yo can feel magnanimous."It wasn't even really a feud," he told us over dinner at Philippe. "It's all in the past. I think I'm going to use the money and open up a club or a cigar bar in Atlanta."

The Grammy winner did confirm that Jay-Z and Sean (Diddy) Combs gave him a hip-hop hazing. "We were all in London a while ago, and I ended up doing so many shots of Patrón because I thought everyone else was," he recalled. "But they were just putting them down without drinking! So nine shots later, and I'm hanging out of Jay's Maybach, losing my lunch! He called and joked he was going to send me a cleaning bill for the carpeting." And Ne-Yo would've paid it. Given his new album's title, "Year of the Gentleman" - out Tuesday - he prides himself on his manners.
"Guys aren't as respectful or courteous as they once were," he declared, "so I want to bring that back."
While his CD is stuffed with hooks and grooves, he has enough to share. He's working with Michael Jackson and Michael Bolton. And don't be surprised if he cooks up a campaign anthem for the Democrats. Jokes Ne-Yo: "Barack or die!”

IT'S PLAYOFFS OR BUST: King City volleyball focused on keeping postseason streak alive

Inevitably it's going to end.

It has to. Right?
The past reminds us that all streaks are stopped — even King City's streak of 25 straight volleyball playoff appearances. "Not on this team's watch,'' setter Megan Muniz said.
Warranted or not, King City's past success on the volleyball court creates high expectations. Even in a so-called rebuilding year, the program is a measuring stick for its rivals.
That will happen when you have double the number of league titles (17) as the rest of the Mission Trail Athletic League combined. In fact, the last time King City missed the postseason, Ronald Reagan was the president, Joe Montana had just one Super Bowl ring and Michael Jackson's song "Billie Jean" was No. 1.

Full story

Richard Wright dies at 65; founding member of Pink Floyd

Wright had no explanation for the astonishing longevity of the "Dark Side" album -- it spent more time, 741 weeks, on the Billboard album chart than any other in history -- or the extraordinary following the band inspired. The 1979 album "The Wall" spent 15 weeks at No. 1 and has been certified for worldwide sales of 23 million copies by the Recording Industry Assn. of America, putting it third on the list of all-time best sellers, behind "The Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975" and Michael Jackson's "Thriller."

Full story,0,7349427.story

Seattle 'zombies' to tackle 'Thriller' record again

SEATTLE -- Grisly ghouls from every tomb are rising again to take another shot at dance history in Seattle and around the world, following the footwork of the King of Pop.
For the second straight year, thousands of people in the Northwest and across the globe will be trying to set the Guinness world record for the most people doing a dance at the same time.
And once again, they’re doing it to Michael Jackson’s iconic “Thriller.” Unfortunately, it was a far cry from the world record for most people doing the same dance simultaneously. That’s held by about 200,000 Canadian school children doing the “Hokey Pokey.”

Currently, practices for “Thriller” are planned throughout September and October, with the actual performance set for October 25 at 11 a.m. in Seattle.
A Web site is set up where potential dancers can get more information on rehearsals leading up to the event. It takes about three hours to learn the modified dance. The dancing in the original music video only lasted about three minutes, but because Guinness requires a minimum of five minutes, some of the steps are repeated several times.

In Seattle last year, about 100 dancers did their part at the downtown YMCA for the official performance and then proceeded to take the show to Westlake Center and Pike Place Market.
The so-called “Thrill the World” movement originated in Toronto.

Last year on the weekend before Halloween, 1,722 people in 52 cities on five continents rose from the ground, all at the same time, to take a shot at the record. They officially set the record for the "Largest Simultaneous Thriller Dance (multiple locations)" in the lesser known World Records Academy and the Record Holders Republic.

Hot and cold

Q-Tip "Gettin' Up"
From the funky bass and bright piano to the sepia-toned video, Q-Tip's "Gettin' Up" screams nostalgia. It's the kind of simple and fun hip-hop song that reminds you of the '80s or early '90s; appropriate, because it's the former A Tribe Called Quest rapper's first solo effort since 1999. And did we mention how sweet the video is - Q-Tip wears a red Michael Jackson jacket and a Davey Crockett hat. Nice.

More http://media.www.diamondbackonline....8/09/16/Diversions/Hot-And.Cold-3431906.shtml

MTV Laying TRL to Rest - It's the end of an era for MTV.

Executive producer Dave Sirulnick said Monday that the final episode of TRL will air in November.
And, considering what MTV's program schedule looks like these days, the two-hour special—which doesn't have an exact date yet but will be shown on a Saturday afternoon—will seemingly be the most time the network has devoted to music videos all at once (minus the annual VMAs) in ages.
While this won't be the last episode ever of what premiered in 1998 as the Carson Daly-hosted Total Request Live, which helped introduce über-popsters such as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake (as part of 'N Sync) to the world, Sirulnick agreed that the interactive video-countdown show could use a break.
Daly left his career-making venture for NBC's late-night pastures in 2003, after which a revolving lineup of VJs, including Damien Fahey, LaLa Vasquez and Nick Lachey squeeze Vanessa Minnillo, took turns hosting.

TRL, which started taping two episodes a day last year, marked its 2,000th episode on May 22, 2007. Later that year, in a nod to the fact that the show was no longer a singular destination for fans' video-viewing pleasure, producers turned to a combination of votes, chart action, downloads, ringtone purchases, radio play and Internet streaming to determine the top videos each week.
"I'm going to miss TRL," Eminem, who graced the show's Times Square studio many times over the years, said in a statement. "Where else will I be able to start feuds, defend my honor vigorously and act like an angry teenager on national TV? Oh wait...the VMAs!"
Pretty much, considering MTV is known to the current channel-flipping generation more for being the home of The Hills than the network where, for most of the 1990s, you could catch the Top 100 Videos of All Time countdown (which always ended with Guns N' Roses' "November Rain" and Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the No. 1 and 2 spots).
Starting in November, new and viewer-tested videos will continue to have a home on the Pete Wentz-hosted FNMTV, featuring a pretaped combo of videos and in-studio performances, which had a successful 15-episode run on Friday nights this summer.

Project Runway 5: Meet the Designer - Terri Stevens

Terri Stevens was sent home from last week's double elimination episode of Project Runway 5, narrowly missing her chance to show a collection at Bryant Park.

For a while in this competition, Terri seemed to be a potential front runner in many viewers' minds. We won't have the chance to see what she could have done for a full collection for Fashion Week, but was can take a look at what brought this designer to

Although this experience in the world of more commercial fashion has probably helped build Terri's classic American aesthetic, as we saw in the drag challenge (which many viewers felt she should have won), Terri also clearly has access to a less conventional visual vocabulary, and music appears to be just as much of an influence on her as fashion.

“I am rock and roll,” she had said of her style, “…if you'd throw Mick Jagger, Aerosmith, Lauryn Hill, Michael Jackson, and Madonna all up in there, funking and break-dancing.”

Michael Jackson, in fact, appears to be a major influence, and Terri actually has been a Michael Jackson impersonator. She named her higher-end line “Michael Joseph” after Jackson, and points out how he's had an impact on the world of fashion as well as music and dance.

“I do think Michael Jackson has started a lot of trends that people don't give him credit for,” she says, “like the Thriller and Beat It jackets, the military gear he rocks, and his cropped pants with dress socks.”

Full story

Today in
Michael Jackson History

Nothing happened. I guess it was one of his days off ;)
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Wow, so, Neyo tried to sue R. Kelly? Didn't hear about that.

And I can't believe she used to be an impersonator, Terri. It is true, Mike is an underrated fashion icon.
Thanks so much mariemarie :)

so the 16th of Sept is Michael's day off :lol: I knew there was one somewhere :lol:
Thanks for the news Marie. :)

Talk about inspiration. Ms. Terri named her HIGH-END collection, MICHAEL JOSEPH. Thats pretty cool.

MTVs' TRL going bye-bye? Well! imagine that!
TBH, I didnt think there were any video shows left on MTV .
Wow, so, Neyo tried to sue R. Kelly? Didn't hear about that.

And I can't believe she used to be an impersonator, Terri. It is true, Mike is an underrated fashion icon.

Ne-Yo sued the promotor of the aborted tour where R.Kelly kicked him off and Ne-Yo won 700k.
I know usually Rasta finds news like this, but for those who are interested in the business side of Michael Jackson, here's a little something about Sony and Sony/ATV.

Indies dismayed at Sony clearance

The European Commission has greenlighted Sony’s $1.2bn acquisition of Bertelsmann’s 50% stake in Sony BMG clearing the way for the group to be renamed Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
The deal, which was reached in early August, saw Bertelsmann take over selected European catalogues of music rights from Sony BMG. But, the Commission concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in Europe.

The Commission's investigation also found that the transaction would not lead to any horizontal overlaps in the music recording markets as Sony has no other music recording activities in Europe.
However, European indies group Impala is disappointed the EC did not give the matter a full investigation, claiming that the move fully integrates the world's second largest music company with the largest consumer electronics company, thus "creating a wide array of new vertical and horizontal problems as the industry progresses toward digital delivery of music through multiple platforms".
Impala co-president and president of Naïve Patrick Zelnick says, “It is difficult for us to understand how there can be such a difference between what the Commission says and what the Commission does. Cultural diversity is meant to be properly taken into account in all decisions. Merger control rules must be adapted to cultural industries.”

Michel Lambot, Impala co-president and co-president of PIAS Entertainment Group, adds “We keep saying that music is not like widgets. The Commission needs to completely reassess its view of the music market. They have just let the world’s largest consumer electronics company merge with the second largest music company without any detailed investigation.”
But, the Commission also says it investigated whether the combination of the music recording activity of Sony BMG with the music publishing activity of Sony/ATV (its joint venture with the artist Michael Jackson) could have a detrimental effect. It found online retailers would continue to have access to a sufficiently large portfolio of music rights from alternative suppliers.

The Commission also concluded that Sony would continue to have the incentive to sell its music to as many customers of portable music devices, mobile phones, video games and films as possible and would, therefore, not restrict access to its music catalogue to competitors in these markets.
The EC approved the Sony BMG joint venture between Sony and Bertelsmann in 2004 and 2007, despite extensive lobbying from Impala and others.
“I do think Michael Jackson has started a lot of trends that people don't give him credit for,” she says, “like the Thriller and Beat It jackets, the military gear he rocks, and his cropped pants with dress socks.”

Quote of the day! Tell it, Terri. Goodness. Mike gets no credit inthe fashion world. I see these outfits worn by all sorts of famous people and models and I be like, "didn't MJ wore that during the Thriller era... didn't he wore that in some kind of performance back in 1991...." It is just crazy. Terri also got voted off...I smell a conspiracy. LOL. I hope she gets out there. She doesn't need that show.

The Grammy winner did confirm that Jay-Z and Sean (Diddy) Combs gave him a hip-hop hazing. "We were all in London a while ago, and I ended up doing so many shots of Patrón because I thought everyone else was," he recalled. "But they were just putting them down without drinking! So nine shots later, and I'm hanging out of Jay's Maybach, losing my lunch

That is insane. Well, Ne-Yo was really having fun that day. LOL. I am glad that he won that legal battle he had with Kels.

Thanks marie for posting.
Unlocked: Fans can now download music tracks to unlimited number of devices

A music download revolution - making tracks available from the world's big four record companies without a digital lock - has been unveiled.

The new upgraded service from the web music giant is the biggest challenge ever faced by Apple and its iTunes store.

In the past, Apple and other official download sites have sold music with a digital lock which meant it could only be played on a single device and could not be copied.

7digital will offer music in the MP3 format which can be downloaded to multiple devices, which is a major challenge to Apple's iTunes
The lock - known as Digital Rights Management(DRM) - was always a great frustration to music lovers who resented the limits imposed on how they listened to their favourite artists.

Now, in a major victory for consumer power, 7digital will offer music in the MP3 format which can be downloaded to iPods, other MP3 players, mobile phones and Blackberries.

Consumers will be able to copy and transfer the tracks to as many digital music players as they want.

In the past, three of the big four record labels - EMI, Universal and Warner - had agreed to remove DRM from their downloads. Now the final big name, Sony BMG, whose artists include Bob Dylan, Metallica, Kings of Leon and Michael Jackson, has agreed to follow suit.

A spokesman for the website TechDigest said: 'This is a momentous occasion because it represents a victory for consumers in the battle for digital music.

'This announcement means that all music bought from 7Digital can be played on iPods.'

Some four million tracks are available for the 7Digital service featuring artists ranging from Amy Winehouse to The Cure and jazz legends like Miles Davis.

The firm's chief executive, Ben Drury, said: 'We are extremely happy to be the first and only digital media company providing a full catalogue of MP3 music for the increasing number of people who are using the internet to download music onto different devices.

'The high-quality DRM-free MP3 format is what digital music consumers have been waiting for. It is a universal download format that can be copied and played on multiple devices including iPods, iPhones, Blackberries and other devices.'

He added: 'Consumers see DRM as somewhat of a hindrance when purchasing legal digital music. The availability of all of the big four music labels in high-quality MP3 is fantastic news for the UK music fan - everything they now buy from us they can be sure will work on all their devices.'
New music services without the digital lock are expected to be announced shortly by Amazon and MySpace, creating yet more competition for Apple's iTunes.

The company, which said it is expanding services in Europe and north America, has announced a partner programme to allo third parties to sell music via its service.

Tracks on the service generally cost 79p each, while the cost of an album is typically £7.99.
Thanks for the news.

It's good to know Terri loves MJ. I really liked her designs on PR. No way she shouldn't have made Top 6.
I know usually Rasta finds news like this, but for those who are interested in the business side of Michael Jackson, here's a little something about Sony and Sony/ATV.

Indies dismayed at Sony clearance

The European Commission has greenlighted Sony’s $1.2bn acquisition of Bertelsmann’s 50% stake in Sony BMG clearing the way for the group to be renamed Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
The deal, which was reached in early August, saw Bertelsmann take over selected European catalogues of music rights from Sony BMG. But, the Commission concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in Europe.

The Commission's investigation also found that the transaction would not lead to any horizontal overlaps in the music recording markets as Sony has no other music recording activities in Europe.
However, European indies group Impala is disappointed the EC did not give the matter a full investigation, claiming that the move fully integrates the world's second largest music company with the largest consumer electronics company, thus "creating a wide array of new vertical and horizontal problems as the industry progresses toward digital delivery of music through multiple platforms".
Impala co-president and president of Naïve Patrick Zelnick says, “It is difficult for us to understand how there can be such a difference between what the Commission says and what the Commission does. Cultural diversity is meant to be properly taken into account in all decisions. Merger control rules must be adapted to cultural industries.”

Michel Lambot, Impala co-president and co-president of PIAS Entertainment Group, adds “We keep saying that music is not like widgets. The Commission needs to completely reassess its view of the music market. They have just let the world’s largest consumer electronics company merge with the second largest music company without any detailed investigation.”
But, the Commission also says it investigated whether the combination of the music recording activity of Sony BMG with the music publishing activity of Sony/ATV (its joint venture with the artist Michael Jackson) could have a detrimental effect. It found online retailers would continue to have access to a sufficiently large portfolio of music rights from alternative suppliers.

The Commission also concluded that Sony would continue to have the incentive to sell its music to as many customers of portable music devices, mobile phones, video games and films as possible and would, therefore, not restrict access to its music catalogue to competitors in these markets.
The EC approved the Sony BMG joint venture between Sony and Bertelsmann in 2004 and 2007, despite extensive lobbying from Impala and others.

WOW! So this means no more Sony/BMG then. It will be Sony Music Entertainment Inc. from now on. Well, it looks like the issue of Sony/BMG wanting to get into the publishing game has become a moot issue now...or at least Bertelsman has found a way to separate from Sony, and possibly bypass the issue of getting MJ's permission to release/relax that pesky clause. Hmm.... Well, one thing is for sure, the Sony part of Sony/ATV just got a whole lot bigger. That can't possibly be a bad thing so Yay!! :lol:

Thanks for the news! :flowers:
possibly relax the clause?^^^lol...where did u get that idea?

anyway....hey mtv....don't put a spin on it! lol HAHA...ur dying. u just lost ur most important video countdown show. you obviously can't afford to run it anymore.
yep..thanks for the are dismayed cus Sony is of those indies are probably MJ haters

i tend to hear some of those critics in that field..and some of em hate on MJ...and the idea of big success...

well..that's a they problem...they ain't doin somn right..MJ is doin somn right..don't blame him
The article about Apple iTunes competitor is ignorant or slanted. Apple was the first to sell DRM-free music (and urge major labels to get rid of it altogether) and sells it now for the same prices as DRM-ed for a year already. The matter is, however, when all major labels will allow to sell DRM-free music through every decent channel.

As to S-BMG ME, Sony's buy-out of Bertelsmann's share can indeed mean that Bertelsmann can now freely compete in buying music publishing assets with no fears of cross-interests and internal competition (as well as with anti-monopoly regulations from Europe Union and such).
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This is sorta kinda MJ-related but last we heard of Ne-yo's tracklist, the song he claimed as his MJ tribute was missing from the list. Anyhoo, just wanted to say the song Nobody made the final tracklist. It's on the CD. :flowers: Source? The CD in my hands. :cloud9:
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WOW! So this means no more Sony/BMG then. It will be Sony Music Entertainment Inc. from now on. Well, it looks like the issue of Sony/BMG wanting to get into the publishing game has become a moot issue now...or at least Bertelsman has found a way to separate from Sony, and possibly bypass the issue of getting MJ's permission to release/relax that pesky clause. Hmm.... Well, one thing is for sure, the Sony part of Sony/ATV just got a whole lot bigger. That can't possibly be a bad thing so Yay!! :lol:

Thanks for the news! :flowers:

no its not a bad thing at all.. Usher and Timberlake might have copied Michael's style but now Michael gets the Kaching $$$$$$$$$$$$$ for it...