

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I just read something on the news that made me cry, yet again. People say I'm extra sensitive, and I guess it's true. I mean, the smallest things - injustices - can make me cry. I cried watching Speed Racer when Speed's brother dies, for crying out loud.
Anyways, I was reading this thing on the news, and I cried again. Just like yesterday. Which made me wonder, what's the point?
I mean, is being sensitive to stuff around you a good thing? All it seems to do is get you depressed, make you feel powerless since you can't really do anything about most stuff. Wouldn't you be better off being an arrogant person, and not give a crap about anything?
mmm sensitivity is over-rated. It just causes the person displaying it trouble ... in the long run anyway. I pride myself on my lack of sensitivity lately. To each they own though ... I guess, I don't really care actually. that would be too close to a sensitive moment, if I did care. which I don't. Seriously, I dont, honest

*starts to cry*

Leave me alone !! ALL OF YOU !!
I just read something on the news that made me cry, yet again. People say I'm extra sensitive, and I guess it's true. I mean, the smallest things - injustices - can make me cry. I cried watching Speed Racer when Speed's brother dies, for crying out loud.
Anyways, I was reading this thing on the news, and I cried again. Just like yesterday. Which made me wonder, what's the point?
I mean, is being sensitive to stuff around you a good thing? All it seems to do is get you depressed, make you feel powerless since you can't really do anything about most stuff. Wouldn't you be better off being an arrogant person, and not give a crap about anything?

Maybe you would be better off, "taking a vacation" from watching/reading the news. No-one can take it all in..
It's a GOOD THING being sensitive, as far as I am concerned..
mmm sensitivity is over-rated. It just causes the person displaying it trouble ... in the long run anyway. I pride myself on my lack of sensitivity lately. To each they own though ... I guess, I don't really care actually. that would be too close to a sensitive moment, if I did care. which I don't. Seriously, I dont, honest
I don't mean sensitivity as in, being sensitive to people talking about you or making fun of, but more like a display of genuine emotions when you hear about someone, say, dying?

And can you choose to be not be sensitive? I think it's your past experiences that affect how you react to things..
i am not sensitive. not sensitive at all I tell you. If anyone says different they is straight up LYING on me

**goes in the corner and gets into fetal position**
Speaking from personal experience, being sensitive can be quite exhausting.
I try to take a "time out" now and again, in order to get rid of all that nervous energy that kind of builds up after a while.. Remembering what you saw/heard, the frustration of it all, the feeling of being powerless.
Engage in activities that help you center yourself and help deal with energy trapped inside. Meditating, writing about it, nature, screaming at the top of your lungs, working out, whatever works for you.

Being sensitive can be a great gift.
Let it inspire you to give to those in need.. You can't save the entire world, but you can help your neighbor or take in a stray cat.. Whatever you can handle.
The people, I admire the most, are all sensitive to the needs and pain of others.
Speaking from personal experience, being sensitive can be quite exhausting.
I try to take a "time out" now and again, in order to get rid of all that nervous energy that kind of builds up after a while.. Remembering what you saw/heard, the frustration of it all, the feeling of being powerless.
Engage in activities that help you center yourself and help deal with energy trapped inside. Meditating, writing about it, nature, screaming at the top of your lungs, working out, whatever works for you.

Being sensitive can be a great gift.
Let it inspire you to give to those in need.. You can't save the entire world, but you can help your neighbor or take in a stray cat.. Whatever you can handle.
The people, I admire the most, are all sensitive to the needs and pain of others.

Godt sagt.. :)
Being sensitive to me is a great advantage. Really strong ppl are usually also very sensitive.
You just can't allow it to paralyze you. Because then you 'make' being sensitive kind of senseless.
To me sensitivity is given to ppl to make them active and do something about the problems in this world.
Nothing wrong with crying at times. Nothing wrong with feeling helpless and tired at times. Nothing wrong with taking a 'time-out' to gain strength again.
But to me the sense of being sensitive is the detection of where is what wrong and then do something about it. If one can't find that way to do something alone, there's many ppl in this world one can ask for help.

thanks for posting this! im sensitive also. sometimes i hate it. im goin through something hard right now off and on, and sometimes when im in my room i just cry. maybe this will help me out...especially the part that talks about shame I do beilieve it is a good quality to have..but sometimes it can be so painful.

its nothing bad, Lessan. :) I suggest writing, exercising(a friend of mine who is also sensitive does this and it seemsto help), praying and going for walks. taking walks and prayer can really calm you down and bring you peace.

you know whats cool is we have something in common with Michael. ^_^

~Kis~, thanks for the reply. I agree, I do write and it does help. But the thing about 'taking time-out', it's not like you go looking for things that depress you, they just sort of.. crop up. Ah well, I guess you can't have everything in life. :)
And yeah, it can be a great gift, I love helping people =]

Bl00dyphynix, I loove walks, really help you calm, but have no time these days (AS-levels..) as well as the weather here too cold for nice peaceful time with nature.

you know whats cool is we have something in common with Michael.
:D ^^

I'll also look for the book, thanks guys, feel a lot better. =]
Lassan, I know you don't go looking for them, but 5-10 min. of intense focus on yourself through say.. Meditation. It can help you cope a little better.
You focus on releasing all the negative energy back into the universe, and then gather light, positive energy to take it's place.
If you really focus, you can feel it leaving your body.. It takes practice, but once you master it, you'll feel light as a feather.
Maybe it's way too spacy or weird for you to even consider, but I thought, I should mention it.
Good luck, what ever you decide :)
I wear my heart on my sleeve, just the other night I broke down at my friends house completely out of the blue simply because of the stresses currently going on in my life. I think being sensitive and showing your true feelings shows how open you are as a person and a general willingness not to be judged.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, just the other night I broke down at my friends house completely out of the blue simply because of the stresses currently going on in my life. I think being sensitive and showing your true feelings shows how open you are as a person and a general willingness not to be judged.

I couldn't agree more with you my friend.
I just wish i had the chance to do the same...Cry untill there was no more tears left.But i have to struggle with myself everyday,because otherwise my mother's health would be even worst.
I just wish Being sensitive wouldn't cause so many problems:(