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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael's website has now changed and you can share your memory of Michael.

I wrote:

"Michael Jackson wasn't only the greatest artist of all time, he was also a true humanitarian and really cared for people. Sadly though, he was misunderstood by so many people, whom now turn around and are mourning him. The only thing positive after his death, is that he will get the respect he so much deserve. Michael wasn't just an artist, he created his work for the sake of the world to make it be a better place where all races can come together. Finally he has made it, his death has made the whole world come together and share their love in this hard time. Let us all keep Michael's dream on living, look yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself; "what can I do to make the world a better place?". Now is the time everyone, in every corner in the world, should join together and "heal the world" the best way possible, just like Michael would have wanted.

You will always be remembered, both for your work as an artist, but just as much for what a genuine person you were. Keep moonwalkin' in heaven, rest in peace Michael Jackson."
this is a great idea, i'll write mine later when i've had a think about what i would like to say