Self proclaimed...


Proud Member
Oct 13, 2009
Midlands, UK
King Of Pop?

I'm getting tired of hearing and reading this everywhere. Did Michael ever proclaim himself the King Of Pop? Or are the media just trying to undermine him as always? I have always understood it as ET that gave him the title which sort of stuck with fans etc...
King Of Pop?

I'm getting tired of hearing and reading this everywhere. Did Michael ever proclaim himself the King Of Pop? Or are the media just trying to undermine him as always? I have always understood it as ET that gave him the title which sort of stuck with fans etc...

it is getting tiring! specially since it was liz taylor who called him that for the first time in 88/89? when she was giving him an award and since then it stuck. Mj never called himself that.

here's the video:
arrgh...One of my biggest pet peeves is how the media say "self-proclaimed" ...When did ANYONE hear Michael say, "Hey, how about I start calling myself the King of Pop?" It's such bullsh!t...Michael was the King of Pop because he deserved it...And, we all know he was much bigger than that anyways...How about King of Music??

Elizabeth Taylor gave Michael that title, the media sucks they are just a bunch of liars I hate them all. I wish there was some way to stop their trashy lies at some point they have to be held accountable for all the crap they spread.

Elizabeth Taylor gave Michael that title, the media sucks they are just a bunch of liars I hate them all. I wish there was some way to stop their trashy lies at some point they have to be held accountable for all the crap they spread.


That'll never happen...We know our sweet Michael, that's all that matters..
tbh the media havnt used that term much since june. the uk media were one of the first to call him that during the bad tour. the irony of it
It's so not Michael's style to EVER proclaim such a thing, even though if he did it would have been an understatement! It was Elizabeth Taylor, and she actually said King of Pop, Rock and Soul :cheeky: Stupid media :doh:
Elizabeth Taylor called him that and the name stuck as the UK media kept calling him that since Bad. The name just stuck and lets be honest, it couldn't be any more apt could it? He is the king of pop. Always has and always will.
yeah, that's REALLY annoying. They would always say it when they said KOP. I would get so mad! Clearly when you say that it isnt meant to be a nice thing. It's so ignorant

Just another example of them tryna bring a brotha down!
It's so not Michael's style to EVER proclaim such a thing, even though if he did it would have been an understatement! It was Elizabeth Taylor, and she actually said King of Pop, Rock and Soul :cheeky: Stupid media :doh:

when did she say that? around 89-90? cause mj was being called the kop during the bad tour in europe.its all apart of taking away mjs achievents. what did llittle richard say. no black man will ever be called a king in america.
As legend has it according to Rolling Stone magazine, before the release of Dangerous, Michael demanded that MTV/BET/etc any station that aired the album's premiere video, Black or White, say "The King of Pop" every time they mentioned "Michael Jackson," or he wouldn't let them air the video. I don't believe the story, but I'm guessing the media did, which is where the "self-proclaimed" nonsense originates.

As for Michael never calling himself that title, true, but it was put on a few of his officially licensed t-shirts sold through an ad w/ the HIStory album back in '95; I should know because I bought some, lol! (the dancing feet and the portrait, fun times!). Bottom line is Michael deserves the title regardless. If anything, "of pop" limits his actual range, unless we're talking about all of popular culture and not just pop music.
Oh wow, this is a perfect topic. I was just thinking about this very thing a few days ago when i heard it on tv. "The self proclaimed king of pop has etc etc". And I was like WHAT?! Self proclaimed?

UGH!! I hate the media people. And hate is such a harsh word. But it fits sooo perfectly for them. These people are horrendous. Theyre sooo contempt to hate another man who's done so much greatness.
As legend has it according to Rolling Stone magazine, before the release of Dangerous, Michael demanded that MTV/BET/etc any station that aired the album's premiere video, Black or White, say "The King of Pop" every time they mentioned "Michael Jackson," or he wouldn't let them air the video. I don't believe the story, but I'm guessing the media did, which is where the "self-proclaimed" nonsense originates.

As for Michael never calling himself that title, true, but it was put on a few of his officially licensed t-shirts sold through an ad w/ the HIStory album back in '95; I should know because I bought some, lol! (the dancing feet and the portrait, fun times!). Bottom line is Michael deserves the title regardless. If anything, "of pop" limits his actual range, unless we're talking about all of popular culture and not just pop music.

Michael's people only used "King of Pop" after everyone else started calling him that. I have always hated the self proclaimed bs too.
When people use that self proclaimed bs, it's usually to reduce his success. Cause a successful musical career Michael Jackson never gets hits on articles or ratings on tv. The untrue slanderous stuff get that.
It is irritating but he is the King of Pop, and aways will be. People who still want to put him down can get on with it, they will never influence how we feel.
I never really like the title KING OF POP! He is way more that that! K.O.E King Of ENTERTAINMENT is more like it!

But, if u say POP(ular) music then yea it makes better sense, because who don't know a MJ song?! lol But, some people don't mean it that way, when they say POP it's like their talking about bubblegum pop music or one form of a certain style of music!Which is not true MJ have done more that just pop music, he has done R&B and rock too!

It was his record company that pimped that name for him after it was repeated over and over after the thriller success and MJ was smart to except it and honored by it because he is THE KING OF POP(ular) MUSIC WORLDWIDE!
As legend has it according to Rolling Stone magazine, before the release of Dangerous, Michael demanded that MTV/BET/etc any station that aired the album's premiere video, Black or White, say "The King of Pop" every time they mentioned "Michael Jackson," or he wouldn't let them air the video. I don't believe the story, but I'm guessing the media did, which is where the "self-proclaimed" nonsense originates.


Bob Jones also said that it had originally been either his idea as

a publicist or MJs.