seeing fans was "work all over again"?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
In the Oprah interview 93' she asked him "What do you want the world to know about you?" and he said "I want to be loved wherever I go in the world" and then in the Martin Bashir interview he says "going out in public and having people chanting my name/wanting autograph is like work all over again. I don't like it, it makes me feel lonely.."
so why did he say he wanted to be loved wherever he went?

I know some fans can't stand a word of negativity regarding Michael but I've had this on my mind for a long time... I can understand that it was fustrating to be surrounded by fans all the time, but he did say that he wanted to be loved wherever he went...

Enlighten me :)

Thanks for bringing this up, really would like insight into this. Because it is a huge contradiction.

Maybe it was just the different time periods, a different point in his life where he didn't want to be followed all the time. Who knows. But we do know Michael LOVED his fans! :)
i think he means he wants to be loved.. but not hounded by people.. it must have been difficult getting mobbed everytime he went out. Thats what i got from it anyway :)
Im sure he also told Martin Bashir they didnt know who Blankets mother was, and then later on said that Blankets mother was black.

Youve got to understand that when your doing an interview like that your under a lot of pressure to say the right thing, and obviously your bound to forget what youve said in an interview 10 years before.

Perhaps he changed his mind and it became too much for him over that 10 year period?

Maybe theres a difference between being wanted to be loved all over the world and not liking fans chanting your name and wanting autographs?
i think he means he wants to be loved.. but not hounded by people.. it must have been difficult getting mobbed everytime he went out. Thats what i got from it anyway :)

Exactly. There's a huge difference between being LOVED and being pushed & pulled with people constantly asking him to sign this or that or constantly expecting something from him. :)
Simple. He wanted to be loved , But as you get older your tolerance level changes. He just got tired. Needed a break, you know, something all of us can do , but something he couldn't, Think how would you feel if you can't even go to the store. it's fun at first and while your young but things change. after awhile you just want to go to the store by yourself. he needed a vacation from being cooped up in the house, or always having body GUARDS AROUND. IT'S NOT A CONTRADICTION, It was just Michael getting older and want to be free, and just go out in the world unnoticed for once and be like everybody else.
Simple. He wanted to be loved , But as you get older your tolerance level changes. He just got tired. Needed a break, you know, something all of us can do , but something he couldn't, Think how would you feel if you can't even go to the store. it's fun at first and while your young but things change. after awhile you just want to go to the store by yourself. he needed a vacation from being cooped up in the house, or always having body GUARDS AROUND. IT'S NOT A CONTRADICTION, It was just Michael getting older and want to be free, and just go out in the world unnoticed for once and be like everybody else.

I Agree with all of the above posters :)

I remember when I watched that and I felt really sad when he said he wished he could just go to the supermarket and push the shopping cart around :( I thought to myself 'that is so basic but it's something he could never do. Same thing about the zoo having to be closed to the public just so he could go in peace :(

Can you imagine you just wanna get a pint of milk from the store...pandemonium breaks out and it takes 3 hours to leave...but not before the whole local police squad has cleared the area so it is safe for you to leave...I mean that's a crazy situation right?

That's what would have happened if he did that ^...he loved his fans but just wanted some 'me' time once in a while ;)
It just goes with Michael wanting to have normalcy in his life. He wanted breaks from it sometimes to just blend into society sometimes without always having to be looked at as Michael Jackson the famous entertainer. Sometimes he just wanted to be Michael the human being. It's just like raising kids, you love your kids but sometimes you want to be free from them, to have your own time to just be you and not mom or dad.
I think he was speaking about his public persona vs. his real self. I don't think he literally meant that meeting fans is 'work', I think he meant that when he goes out, he needs to be Michael Jackson (because that's what people expect) rather than being allowed to just be himself. He feels like when he's out somewhere, he needs to be "on", he needs to be in that performer/work mode, rather than just being able to go out and act however he likes. That's more what I got from it.
I think it's just a complicated situation he had many feelings about. There are other instances of contradiction in interviews as well. Plus, your opinion about something can change over the years, right? Or change depending on recent events or how you feel at the moment asked. I like when he said in the Ebony/Jet interview in 1987 that you can't have everything. There you go. You can't have the biggest album in history (which he wanted to have) and yet be left alone. Sometimes I'm sure he loved the attention, loved the love being poured out at him and other times he just wanted it all to go away. I'm sure we'd all feel like that. I just admire his patience with it all over so many years...
I think he wanted to feel love but he also wanted a regular life, being able to walk down the street or go into a bookstore without fans grabbing him, fans running after his car. It's excessive and I wish some would've left him alone at times but everyone wanted a piece of him
He referred to it as "Work all over again" because when he tried to go out and do fun or normal things for himself, he was expected to perform for everybody that gathered around him, like he was a puppet.
For me there is no contradiction. Being loved means being understood. He wanted people to understand him. Understanding equals love. Because the one who understands you, can listen to you patiently, to feel for you, is able to hear something what you don't say. It's pretty much impossible to be understood by a crowd.

Popularity doesnt necessarily equals love, it might be admiration, or hysteria, especially when they would see him on the street. This noise, craziness and hysteria that would always surround him would only show him that he is being admired but may be not understood. To me he always seemed a perfectly inner balanced person. It's related to the ability to listen to the others and understand them. So when you are like this, you are open to people. And it made him different, because there are very few people that can actually listen to others.

So this contrast between his inner harmony and music and the craziness that surrounded him would surely make him feel disharmony and loneliness. you cannot hear music when they shout and scream around you. you cannot listen. it's misunderstanding equaling unhappiness.

There might be one exception of the harmony between him and the crown. I felt it when he was perfoming Heal the world. I might be wrong but i felt as if he was happy. Because the whole stadium was the one and people were singing along. Him and the crowd were on the same wave. They listened to him, he listened to them.

Also i think he wanted to be able to trust people. and he couldnt. and that would make him feel lonely

sorry if i wasnt clear.
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I think it's just a complicated situation he had many feelings about. There are other instances of contradiction in interviews as well. Plus, your opinion about something can change over the years, right? Or change depending on recent events or how you feel at the moment asked. I like when he said in the Ebony/Jet interview in 1987 that you can't have everything. There you go. You can't have the biggest album in history (which he wanted to have) and yet be left alone. Sometimes I'm sure he loved the attention, loved the love being poured out at him and other times he just wanted it all to go away. I'm sure we'd all feel like that. I just admire his patience with it all over so many years...

yeah i agree with this. i think its one of those things he had mixed feelings about depending on recent situations. He wanted to be the best, he wanted to sell more albums than any other person so he must have realised what came with this before it happened.
I think he was speaking about his public persona vs. his real self. I don't think he literally meant that meeting fans is 'work', I think he meant that when he goes out, he needs to be Michael Jackson (because that's what people expect) rather than being allowed to just be himself. He feels like when he's out somewhere, he needs to be "on", he needs to be in that performer/work mode, rather than just being able to go out and act however he likes. That's more what I got from it.
Exactly. Being around fans forces him into the position of being Michael Jackson the superstar instead of Michael Jackson the person. He sounds just like an introvert.
I don't see anything negative about that. I think he gets tired of the attention sometimes.

Exactly. Being around fans forces him into the position of being Michael Jackson the superstar instead of Michael Jackson the person. He sounds just like an introvert.

According to interviews with Michael from the 1980's he said that he often had trouble feeling relaxed around people because usually when people were around him they were either applauding him or chasing him. He didnt like being mobbed. He once made comment it was like being spaghetti being pulled and stretched in all directions. Being mobbed would be a frightening experience even for an experienced performer like Michael Jackson. So I think thats what he was referring too.
In Moonwalk his autobiography, he states how scary it is being mobbed by fans ( girls in particular ). Im paraphrasing here, but he said that they really tried to get at you, and they hurt you really badly as well. They were ruthless. Ofcourse he still loved them, but having to deal with that kind of behaviour links with safety and im pretty sure he felt pretty unsafe most of the time