see 11 all the time? or 11.11? :-) MJ related


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
I just thought I'd ask whether anyone here 'sees' 11 alot?
On car mileage clock? microwave oven? time moves to 11.1 and you just happen to glance and see?

I associate the number 11 with MJ...............I'll explain.....

He was born on 29th......... 2+9 is...............11
He passed in 2009........................................11

I saw This is it for 1st time on 29th Oct....11 at the o2.......screen 11
Saw it a second time on 1/11

Rehearsal time of minutes recorded were.......111

What does this mean?

If you see 11 numbers alot plz pm me.........cos it is more than just a coincidence!
It is to do with angels.................

You are blowing my mind right now.

I've been seeing 11:11 on the clocks all over my house a few times a week. But it's started a while back. I kept telling my friend about it and asking her "Maybe I should play some kind of loto or something but what are the odds that 1111 would come out?" I sorta dismissed it but it keeps happening. It's spooking me because I don't know what it means.

It's always a different situation but I see either 11:11 am or pm.
You are blowing my mind right now.

I've been seeing 11:11 on the clocks all over my house a few times a week. But it's started a while back. I kept telling my friend about it and asking her "Maybe I should play some kind of loto or something but what are the odds that 1111 would come out?" I sorta dismissed it but it keeps happening. It's spooking me because I don't know what it means.

It's always a different situation but I see either 11:11 am or pm.

you are not alone! :)
Many people see this number!
I'll pm you!
Well I don't know if Michael was into numerology but I know he was/is an Angel and he was definately vibrating at higher frequencies than most humans like many great artists. That's why he was adulated. Michael's magnetism and charisma was outwordly.

Anyway, last night after I replied to your post I turn off my laptop to watch football but I got bored and started channel surfing and came across this new documentary about 12/21/2012. They also had upcoming snippets of 2012 movie. They had scientists with new equipment basically confirming what I've read before.

After the show, I came back here and saw your pm and followed your links and found out 11:11 is related to 2012 which I'd just finished watching. (Insert Twilight Zone theme music)

How spooky is that?

In the mid to late nineties I was really into all that metaphysical stuff and learning about our mysterious Universe and became more spiritual.

At the end of the day though, we still have to keep a roof over our heads and pay bills.

From all that new agy stuff, I've learned that the bottom line is, if you're a Giver not a Taker and your job is one of Service no matter as simple as teaching, serving food, mowing lawns etc., if you do it lovingly the best you can, and don't fall for the Great Illusion, you'll be alright when the big Transition happens. That's why I live simply and work as little as I can just enough to pay bills but with enough time to enjoy my passion (boating).

Some of my favorite metaphysical books were The Mayan Civilisation- Life between lives- and this one Many were called Few were chosen.
The cover is like one of the Earth Song visuals when Michael was looking at the laptop and said something like "Oh, I LOVE that light over the Earth".

P.S. Did you make this youtube?
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numbers are powerful and we dont understand their meaning!
My mum passed on 20/12/1999 at 12.20am. :-(
numbers are powerful..............
folks that see 11 or patterns of 12 12.............are amongst a few chosen ones!
Check this out! :)
It's all to do with Earth's rising frequencies. 11:11 is a code which activates our higher selves. If you're seeing this, it's a good sign! If you're not seeing it yet, you will certainly begin too.
Wow, I was just thinking about this a few days ago! I've been seeing it a lot lately! Great thread! :D
All the 2012 apocalypse stuff was created by the media. The Mayans never said "On the 21st of December 2012 the world will end". It's media spin.

"A far more apocalyptic view of the year 2012 has also spread in various media. This view has been promulgated by History Channel which, beginning in 2006, aired "Decoding the Past: Mayan Doomsday Prophecy", based loosely on John Major Jenkins' theories but with a tone he characterized as "45 minutes of unabashed doomsday hype and the worst kind of inane sensationalism". It was co-written by a science fiction author. This show proved popular and was followed by many sequels:
2012, End of Days (2006), The Last Days on Earth (2008), Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (2008), and Nostradamus 2012 (2008). Discovery Channel also aired "2012 Apocalypse" in 2009, suggesting that massive solar storms, flipping of the magnetic poles, earthquakes, super volcanoes, and more may occur in 2012."

"The present-day Maya, as a whole, do not attach much significance to 2012. Although the calendar round is still used by some Maya tribes in the Guatemalan highlands, the Long Count was strictly employed by the classic Maya, and was only recently rediscovered by archaeologists. elder Apolinario Chile Pixtun and Mexican archaeologist Guillermo Bernal both note that "apocalypse" is a Western concept that has little or nothing to do with Mayan beliefs. Bernal believes that such ideas have been foisted on the Maya by Westerners because their own myths are "exhausted". Mayan archaeologist Jose Huchm complains that, "If I went to some Mayan-speaking communities and asked people what is going to happen in 2012, they wouldn't have any idea. That the world is going to end? They wouldn't believe you. We have real concerns these days, like rain."
I just decided to make a donation to The Great Apes for Bubbles the chimp and when I entered my credit card numbers I noticed the expiration date is 11/2011. I'm not joking. And while writing this I just noticed today is the 11/11.
Holy moly when does it end?

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Coincidence on the clocks happening to me very often. Especially after Michael's passing, all the time, so intense. Others number coincidence, too.
Wondering what does it mean.......
Coincidence on the clocks happening to me very often. Especially after Michael's passing, all the time, so intense. Others number coincidence, too.
Wondering what does it mean.......

I have read a lot about this, and I believe that the double numbers like 11:11 or 12:12 are a code which 'activate' a higher part of ourselves to bring more awareness and awakening to our human expereince.

This is all in preperation for the ascencion of the earth and all of humanity.

It is a good thing!!! :D

Whenever you see those numbers, think of it as a wake-up call. A reminder that the doors to beyond are open for you. It is also symbolic of angelic presence and guidance from your spirit guides. Just know that at these times in particular, you are surrounded with divine assisstance, so be thankfull and walk in your love and light, knowing that you are protected.
Earth's rising frequencies? Tell me more!!!
I've 'seen' and been drawn to 11 numbers since Feb 2008!

Check out this website, it explains what is happening to the earth right now, and the possible effect such as the speeding up of our experience of 'time'

If you're intereseted in finding out more just drop me a PM :D I don't want to bombard this thread with too much info, it might make people :bugeyed: lol
Check out this website, it explains what is happening to the earth right now, and the possible effect such as the speeding up of our experience of 'time'

If you're intereseted in finding out more just drop me a PM :D I don't want to bombard this thread with too much info, it might make people :bugeyed: lol
That site is insane. Geomagnetic reversals take thousands of years. :lol:
That site is insane. Geomagnetic reversals take thousands of years. :lol:

I don't pretend to know a lot about the science of all this but it seems that other scientific sites are echoing the same thing. For example:

Here it says: The Earth's magnetic north pole is drifting from northern Canada towards Siberia with a presently accelerating rate. It is also unknown if this drift will continue to accelerate.

I have been seeing 111 ALL the time lately! In fact I posted about it recently elsewhere on the board. :D I'm into numerology so I notice when certain number sequences are coming up for me often...and then I look up the meaning. Right now the meaning of 111 relates to my life right now, but I'm beginning to associate 1's with MJ in particular - because I mostly see them show up here on this board or just in general relation with him. One thing that's really once when I was doing an i-ching reading about Michael (i-ching is like tarot but with coins, for those who don't know)...I had all coins turn up on heads (you know, heads vs tails) in a very coincidental way, and in i-ching all heads is the number 1. Since then when I do an i-ching about Michael, I often have #1 show up.