Security scaled down at Michaels tomb

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Jul 25, 2011
Jackson's Tomb -- The Changing of the Guards
Posted 10/6/2009 1:05 AM by TMZ Staff
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For several weeks, Michael Jackson's tomb at Forest Lawn Memorial Park was under maximum, 'round-the-clock security -- but TMZ has now learned the extra protection has been "scaled back." Sources tell us the mausoleum that houses Jackson's body was being monitored by a private security firm, hired specifically to protect MJ's grave -- but as of last week, the extra protection was nowhere to be seen. Sources at Forest Lawn confirm the security change, but insist Jackson's resting place will still be under the constant watch of their guards, 24-hour cameras, alarms, etc. Reps at the cemetery also mentioned there hasn't been a single suspicious incident since Jackson moved into the neighborhood.
thanks for telling everyone TMZ! waits for reports about loonies going there now. istill cant believe im reading. never gonna be able to except it
TMZ can have a big mouth sometimes. :mat:

But I think that it's still guarded like a Mo-Fo so don't worry about people snooping in.
Actually it be whoever told TMZ who has the big mouth. But really, that place is still gaurded 24/7
thanks for telling everyone TMZ! waits for reports about loonies going there now. istill cant believe im reading. never gonna be able to except it

You read my mind.

I hope at least fans will be decent enough not to disturb Michael's final resting place, he should be protected from any form of chaos.
fans would never disrespect mike like that it doesnt even need to be said. its the crazies that ppl need to worry about
Why report that? So unnecessary. I'm glad to hear there's been no incidents yet, hope it continues that way.
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