Security advice on locks needed please!


Proud Member
Sep 17, 2011
Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me pleaseee. I need to install a new lock in my job. I have a choice of a security lock with a key or a keypad lock.

I have a problem in that the shop I work in was robbed last month, and I believe it maybe by one member of staff (found out he got my safe key cut, only person won't come forward, so unable to do anything).

The room safe was kept is where we do most of the work. There was onl a curtain deviding this room rom shop.
However now I got a door installed tonight. I am just stock on what lock to put onto door.

I was told the keypad lock can give trouble and alot of time need replacing. Where as the security lock just has a key, and if key is lost, I'll have the spare lock.
Also the keypad lock would cost tree times the amount to replace.

I just am worried if I get the security lock, this person I am unsure off may key a key cut for that one, as one my day off I would have the key to him.

Is there a way of knowing if a key has been cut?
What would you do?
Even though the keypad lock is more expensive to replace, I'd go with that one. Get one that is more reliable. Then, the locks combination can be changed pretty easily. I don't trust security locks, especially where you've been robbed. Just think of how much it costs to replace the goods you lost via the robbery, versus how much the keypad lock will help save you money big time.
Well, at my job we have like 5 different locks... We have a lock on the door to the office where only the managers have a key, and we sign a contract stating we have a key. The restaurant itself is secured by a lock and a combination code, again, only managers get these. and each manager has a unique combination code.
Then we have 2 different safe-boxes. One is a drop-safe where only the store owner and accountant have access. This usually contains all the earnings from up to a week, so several thousand dollars (Usually in a shift you dump over 10.000 dollars). The owner and accountant each have induvidual codes. The regular safe is locked by both key and combination key. There is only only key to the safe, so if that is lost, we're in trouble. But it's a special safe key that cannot be reproduced. and each manager has a unique code.
On top of that, the office where the safe is, is kept under video surveillance.
We had someone steal from the safe once, who was obviously caught as the camera is like right there. Stupidest criminal EVER! An employee saw the safe was open, went in, stole all the coins, and put them in his locker upstairs. Obviously when the manager found out, she called the cops and checked the video - and the employees locker was searched and he was sooooo arrested.
I'd go with a keypad lock. It's more easy to break through a security lock, so if it were me, I'd go with the keypad.