
I heard of this game about a year or so ago. I'm not really into online games but SecondLife looks fun. But I really like going beyond a game and create something that I can put together that I'm not charged a monthly fee. And the fees look pretty hefty. Got RealLife bills to pay. lol. I'm learning Maya, but I bought this 3d program called Iclone by Reallusion. It's really cool, but I have yet to get into it, cause I've been so busy. Gonna get back to it in another week or so. Check it out.

Also, I've tried to check out your blog on this, but it never opens to view completely. Been trying for a few days now.:scratch:
theres a free account option in SL - you cant build and have own houses but you still can have fun there - Im using the free one... you can get jobs there though - its fun - I dont have time for it lately though
Ive got it in my dock and ive only been on it like 3 times and find it pretty boring,

I do like the LIFE beta for the ps3 though