Second Chance to Ask La Toya Jackson Your Questions

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Proud Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hi guys. Hope you're well. Later this week I'll have a second interview with La Toya. Those of you probably recall our first interview here where I asked La Toya some of your questions. Many of you couldn't stop talking about that interview across the web.

That interview is here to jog your memory:

If there are any new details in recent months you might like me to ask La Toya about regarding Michael/anything else, please post your questions below. Please make sure to check the link for the interview to make sure your question hasn't been answered. I've also had a chance to read her book. Can't promise your question will be answered, but I always take them under consideration.

Interview will be posting in the coming days after interview.
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Q for Latoya:

You and the family must know the type of charges the lapd wanted for the case. And yet, we still have a manslaughter charge at the lowest. Clearly, something is wrong. Joe said the case should be taken to the FBI. Why hasn't it been taken to the FBI? Why are the Jacksons still relying on the d.a. who can't even give the correct charges?
Did anyone in the family read Michael's autopsy report? Especially where it discussed his weight, drug in his system?

What kept you from having contact with Michael between 2005 & 2009...When your mom always kept in touch with him (so clearly it wasn't HANDLERS keeping the family away)?
Maybe you can figure out a way to put a comment or question to her where she'd actually get that by constantly referring to Murray as fallguy, she makes him sound like some kind of victim. The man injected her brother with a deadly medication, left him, and it killed him. Even if he was a fallguy, he is DIRECTLY responsible for her brother's death and she makes him sound inconsequential. If he was an out and out hired hitman/gunman and shot him in the head, she wouldn't be reducing his role to just a fallguy in all this.

I know if bringing this up to her the wrong way, she'll just ignore it, but she really needs to STOP minimizing Murray's role.
Thank you Chris I always enjoy your interviews. I hope latoya will be open and honest
and not try and skirt around the questions. Good luck :)

I guess this interview will be based mainly on Latoyas New book so my questions will be based on that
I hope you are not looking for fru fru fuffly questions .. Her allegations are very serious and need to
be discussed in a serious manner - not how mainstream media addresses it as intertainment

MY Questions and background for the questions

Latoya keeps Stressing Murray was a fall guy and I and many fans dont understand what she means
by that. Is she minimising his role or does she thinks Murray was a HIRED HITMAN to kill MJ.

Ask Latoya who she Believes hired Murray to kill MJ in her view ?
and Please Dont except THEY as an answer.

Latoya stated it was MJs handlers that Kept the family at bay. But those who knew Michael
have many times stated Michael himself kept his family at bay and would only see his mother.
Latoya states in her book there were notes in his room stating he wanted Joseph to help him.
Yet when Joseph came to see him MJ didnt allow him in. But Katherined states she did see
Michael a few weeks before his death and he seemed fine to her. He didnt tell her he was in
trouble or wanted to see Joseph.

Ask latoya why she says MJ wasnt allowed to see family by his handlers when
Katherine visted him and the children at carrolwood just a few weeks before his death ?

Latoya keeps stating Michael told her many time They are going to kill me
but she stated in her book she didnt see Michael many times and on on other
interviews that he only told her that her that during the trial era. She had no
contact with MJ from 2005 untill 2009.

Ask her when and where was the last time Michael told her they were out to kill him. ?

Latoya says that Michael also told Joe They were out to kill him
Joes recently stated MJ never told him that he didnt find out untill after his death.

Ask Latoya why Joseph states MJ never told him they were out to kill him ?

Latoya states she has much evidence in her book to prove MJ was murdered
Ask Latoys why she witheld this from LA - DA and NEVER went to them with this evidence.

Janet and rebbie Jackson infereed MJ was a drug addict in their interviews stating
the family had interventions. Fans can find no evidence of that. In fact The Jacksons
themselves sent out a signed letter to the media in late 2007 stating MJ was not addicted
and there was NO intervention.

The Autopsy report shows MJ body was in good health and showed no signs of addicition
The pill bottles found in his room show he was taking them as prescribed or under and not
abusing them. But some family members have contradicted this in interviews

Why did Janet and Rebbie talk about Interventions & MJ being an addict in thier interviews.
while Latoya and jermaine state there were not recent interventions and he was not an addict.
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can you ask her if she went to the police with her "information" at all?
Did anyone in the family read Michael's autopsy report? Especially where it discussed his weight, drug in his system?

What kept you from having contact with Michael between 2005 & 2009...When your mom always kept in touch with him (so clearly it wasn't HANDLERS keeping the family away)?

Ask her when and where was the last time Michael told her they were out to kill him. ?

Latoya says that Michael also told Joe They were out to kill him
Joes recently stated MJ never told him that he didnt find out untill after his death.

Ask Latoya why Joseph states MJ never told him they were out to kill him ?

Why did Janet and Rebbie talk about Interventions & MJ being an addict in thier interviews.
while Latoya and Jermaine state there were not recent interventions and he was not an addict.

I have the same questions.
Thank you Chris I always enjoy your interviews. I hope latoya will be open and honest
and not try and skirt around the questions. Good luck :)

I guess this interview will be based mainly on Latoyas New book so my questions will be based on that
I hope you are not looking for fru fru fuffly questions .. Her allegations are very serious and need to
be discussed in a serious manner - not how mainstream media addresses it as intertainment

MY Questions and background for the questions

Latoya keeps Stressing Murray was a fall guy and I and many fans dont understand what she means
by that. Is she minimising his role or does she thinks Murray was a HIRED HITMAN to kill MJ.

Ask Latoya who she Believes hired Murray to kill MJ in her view ?
and Please Dont except THEY as an answer.

Latoya stated it was MJs handlers that Kept the family at bay. But those who knew Michael
have many times stated Michael himself kept his family at bay and would only see his mother.
Latoya states in her book there were notes in his room stating he wanted Joseph to help him.
Yet when Joseph came to see him MJ didnt allow him in. But Katherined states she did see
Michael a few weeks before his death and he seemed fine to her. He didnt tell her he was in
trouble or wanted to see Joseph.

Ask latoya why she says MJ wasnt allowed to see family by his handlers when
Katherine visted him and the children at carrolwood just a few weeks before his death ?

Latoya keeps stating Michael told her many time They are going to kill me
but she stated in her book she didnt see Michael many times and on on other
interviews that he only told her that her that during the trial era. She had no
contact with MJ from 2005 untill 2009.

Ask her when and where was the last time Michael told her they were out to kill him. ?

Latoya says that Michael also told Joe They were out to kill him
Joes recently stated MJ never told him that he didnt find out untill after his death.

Ask Latoya why Joseph states MJ never told him they were out to kill him ?

Latoya states she has much evidence in her book to prove MJ was murdered
Ask Latoys why she witheld this from LA - DA and NEVER went to them with this evidence.

Janet and rebbie Jackson infereed MJ was a drug addict in their interviews stating
the family had interventions. Fans can find no evidence of that. In fact The Jacksons
themselves sent out a signed letter to the media in late 2007 stating MJ was not addicted
and there was NO intervention.

The Autopsy report shows MJ body was in good health and showed no signs of addicition
The pill bottles found in his room show he was taking them as prescribed or under and not
abusing them. But some family members have contradicted this in interviews

Why did Janet and Rebbie talk about Interventions & MJ being an addict in thier interviews.
while Latoya and jermaine state there were not recent interventions and he was not an addict.

There was an intervention she mentions in the book, but I'm not sure what year it was.

La Toya talks about the autopsy report in our first interview. Make sure you click the link in the thread to see it.
I would like you to ask LaToya are you aware of people, including some of Michael's fans, accusing you of being a liar and an opportunist who is using your brother's death? How do you feel about that?

Also what response do you have for people, including some fans, who feel you shouldn't speak about Michael's death because (in their opinions) you don't know what you're talking about and should just stay quiet?
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I would like you to ask LaToya are you aware of people, including some of Michael's fans, accusing you of being a liar and an opportunist who is using your brother's death? How do you feel about that?

Also what response do you have for people, including some fans, who feel you shouldn't speak about Michael's death because (in their opinions) you don't know what you're talking about and should just stay quiet?

Why bother asking her any of these questions when she and everyone else already knows the answer? Her recent book and series of interviews since June 25th is what has caused the sketicism of fans.

Anyway, I appreciate the gesture on Chris' part, but as usual we will never get anything concrete from LaToya.
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Latoya: First I'd like to say that we love you and your family and have our arms and hearts open for you when needed. I know things have been hard the past couple years and even seeing video footage has to be a very touchy thing to do, but I was wondering if you plan on sharing any special home videos and pictures with Michael that us at the fan community could charish?

Thanks for your strength, your beauty glows through it
Question: Latoya why after all these years you're still selling out your brother Michael Jackson to the press? Why did you sell out his children's privacy by discussing private matters such as what Paris said when she saw her father in the coffin or what the kids did that tragic day?

Yup ^ my questions.

I wish I can ask her why her family is so f**k up as they are, but I know that's can't be asked. :) lol
It's pointless. The questions will be screened, and I think she will get to pick the questions she wants to answer (as is the case in most interviews). None of the above will make the cut.
It's been a long two years with all you guys. I became part of you after your amazing support of this interview below.

Through my 1000 interview career, I have NEVER had my questions screened nor been afraid to ask anything. There are no terms. I might get minimal time sometimes, but there are no terms. I hope some of you besides the Michael stories I've done over the last years, will considering check out for interviews from people from all walks of life on a weekly basis.

I understand Michael meant a lot to all of you and I understand your passion. Please note when I do a story, I'm thinking about you guys and what you deserve to hear. I'm not a fan and not looking to be liked. I'm there for you. We will see how it goes.

Aside from Michael topics, be optimistic in life and believe in people. A few of us in the media are still working hours around the clock for you guys. I am fighting for you.
I would like to ask her to comment on what the Judge, Pastor meant in court when he said:

"Circumstances have changed, They have changed dramatically. There are extraordinary circumstances that mandate my approving the request of the [California] Medical Board. Overall consideration is the protection of the public. The continued practice by Dr. Murray does pose an imminent danger to the state of California."

I am glad that they are stopping Murray practising but would like to know exactly what circumstances they are talking about that have changed so dramatically? Is she aware of them?

Source: Conrad Murra ...
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It's been a long two years with all you guys. I became part of you after your amazing support of this interview below.

Through my 1000 interview career, I have NEVER had my questions screened nor been afraid to ask anything. There are no terms. I might get minimal time sometimes, but there are no terms. I hope some of you besides the Michael stories I've done over the last years, will considering check out for interviews from people from all walks of life on a weekly basis.

I understand Michael meant a lot to all of you and I understand your passion. Please note when I do a story, I'm thinking about you guys and what you deserve to hear. I'm not a fan and not looking to be liked. I'm there for you. We will see how it goes.

Aside from Michael topics, be optimistic in life and believe in people. A few of us in the media are still working hours around the clock for you guys. I am fighting for you.

Alright, if that is the case I apologize for coming across so harsh. I have the following question for Latoya:

The MJ Estate released the following statement with regard to your accusations -

"The outrageous and obviously false statements made this morning by Latoya Jackson are further examples of her willingness to say anything involving her brother for attention or money. The truth is Michael appointed John Branca and John McClain as his Executors. Their success in generating unprecedented revenues for Michael's Estate coupled with their preserving, protecting and enhancing Michael Jackson's legacy speaks for itself."

What have you got to say to them?

Who else do you plan to interview from the Jackson family in the future? I would love an interview with Jackie. He seems the most sanest from the lot.
why do you behave like 16 when in fact u r approaching 60? Are you by any chance in denial about your age, celebrity, status and career?
Your book is presently at 4,132 on Amazon's book list.

Do you think most people just don't trust you or believe anything you have to say and that's why your book is not selling well?
Your book is presently at 4,132 on Amazon's book list.

Do you think most people just don't trust you or believe anything you have to say and that's why your book is not selling well?

Or is it because there is a conspiracy against yourself and your books?
I would like to know if Latoya thinks that people deliberately wanted michael to be in the WTC on september 11 2001...

I would also like to know if she considers Michael to be a spiritually gifted soul.
Did he consider himself to be very spiritual?
My question for LaToya:
Do you think Michael Jackson's children ( Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson) might agree to having Neverland Valley Ranch, their home, turned into place where fans could come visit?
I really don't know what I would ask... but maybe... "Is there a certain day or moment while growing-up with Michael, that was one of the most memorable and special days you hold dear?" I'm trying to stay clear of questions regarding the case etc., since it's too hard and things will come to light when the time is right. Everyone heals in their own time I guess.
Interview completed guys. I had limited time going in, but I asked a few questions and used some similar thoughts from all of you. There just isn't enough time to get everyone's thoughts in.

However, I think all of you will be quite proud and feel like I stood up for you guys.

Look for it in the coming days. It's quite good.
Interview completed guys. I had limited time going in, but I asked a few questions and used some similar thoughts from all of you. There just isn't enough time to get everyone's thoughts in.

However, I think all of you will be quite proud and feel like I stood up for you guys.

Look for it in the coming days. It's quite good.

We are tired of the mainstream media skirting the issues and not asking
the important questions _Cant wait to hear what you ask and what she has to say
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