Searching for a few quotes from the TII extra's URGENT!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
missin' my SOcal life (The Netherlands)
heey everyone,

Ok....I'm writing a paper for school right now, which I basically need to hand in within a few hours. My only problem is, that I forgot to add a quote that you can find on the TII dvd. I am at school right now, finishing up my paper, so I cannot go home to watch it myself.:bugeyed


I am searching for two quotes, they are both at ''Staging the return(?)'', one of them was about the production guy talking about MJ airlines, where he explains how it was going to look like, the other quote I'm searching for is from the drummer sugarfoot where he talks about the victory tour, it's something along the lines of ''Michael broke his body down all those performanes and he gave all of his 5 million away. he did it for nothing''

If someone could look it up for me, I would be so thankful.:angel:

TIP: It's easier to turn on the English subtitles, so you can write everything directly over fromt he DVD!:)

THANKS TO ANYONE WHO IS WILLING TO HELP!!:angel::clapping::clapping::agree::agree:
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I'm sorry, I am at work, so I cannot look it up. but I do remember Sugarfoot saying loosely,

What people don't understand is that with the Victory tour Michael was out there, night after night, sweating and breaking his body down for free. He donated all of his money from that tour so he was dancing for free".

Also, if you are at school and have a computer. i would go to youtube and try to look up the extras. many of them are there.

Sorry, I could not help more. Youtube is blocked here for me.
MJ Airline

"Michael would have sang the last refrains of the song,the entire cast would have climbed up to the top of the stage platforms and then exited through a stairway that emerged out of the video screen"

"Michael Cotten had designed it so that a door in the actual screen opened up and so that physical screen matched our graphics perfectly and the stairs came down "

"...Last person out would be Michael waving goodbye,the video door would close over him and then a plane would taxi down the runway,turn around and fly out right over the audience's head."

" The cast and Michael would be taking a quick elevator down to the floor level ,be in the cars and out of the building. That's the old "Elvis's left the builiding "

Victory Tour [in Memories of Michael,actually]

"A lot of people don't know when we did the Victory tour in 1984,he was out there sweating and dancing every show and all the rehearsals to get to those shows . He out there on the stage under all those lights,hundreds of lights,sweating and working hard,breaking his body down for not a dime. He gave all his 5 million away. Every night for all those months,he did it for free"
MJ Airline

"Michael would have sang the last refrains of the song,the entire cast would have climbed up to the top of the stage platforms and then exited through a stairway that emerged out of the video screen"

"Michael Cotten had designed it so that a door in the actual screen opened up and so that physical screen matched our graphics perfectly and the stairs came down "

"...Last person out would be Michael waving goodbye,the video door would close over him and then a plane would taxi down the runway,turn around and fly out right over the audience's head."

" The cast and Michael would be taking a quick elevator down to the floor level ,be in the cars and out of the building. That's the old "Elvis's left the builiding "

Victory Tour [in Memories of Michael,actually]

"A lot of people don't know when we did the Victory tour in 1984,he was out there sweating and dancing every show and all the rehearsals to get to those shows . He out there on the stage under all those lights,hundreds of lights,sweating and working hard,breaking his body down for not a dime. He gave all his 5 million away. Every night for all those months,he did it for free"

Thank u sooooo much!:angel: That's so kind of you to look that up for me, this saved my ass lol!!:angel::angel:

Im out of reppoints today, so will rep you tomorrow and for the rest of the week lol.