Scoliosis: Corrective Surgery


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I have 40+ degrees Scoliosis. I've had to wear a back brace since I was 18 years old but have discontinued it just because its very uncomfortable wearing that 24/7 and eating and sleeping in it.

Now my back is back to the crooked-ness. Now I have severe back pain, not 24/7 back pain, but still back aches and now its going up to my right shoulder and neck area and theres nothing I can do about it. No pain meds, nothing. I've tried rubbing the pain out; it feels like a big hard knot or a big hard rock right there on my shoulder blade area.

I have looked up information on the corrective surgery. Incase anyone here does not know the procedure they take metal rods & basically screw them into place. I know the dangers: screw coming out, loose even breaking, which is rare btw.

I have trouble breathing because my scoliosis is so bad that its pushing up against my lungs. I really think this is the right choice. I have no health / medical insurance though so I'm def. still saving up.

anyway I'm here to tell everyone & hopefully get some blessings and also, your opinions, if anyone here knows anyone who has had it ; Believe me, I have only heard good things about this surgery from other ppl who've had it done.
Scoliosis is a bad thing, isn't it? I also have it but thank God only in a mild form. What makes it worse for me is that I also have a slight lordosis and kyphosis that means my backbone goes in an S-shape in two directions. When I am moving everything is fine but I cannot stand still for longer or do things where I have to bend forward slightly like when wiping the floor. Then my upper back but even more my lumbar vertebra (or whatever it is called) are screaming.
So sorry to hear about your condition Billie. I too have scoliosis but it is very mild. My right hip is higher than my left and I also have a herniated disc which gives me back pains specially during winter, long hours of standing and or sitting. Though my pains are not as great as yours, I can imagine what you are going through. It is a very difficult ordeal. Have you tried asking maybe your local hospital on how you can possibly get the surgery done? They might be able to give you a number you could call or something. You really need to get seen by a doctor though before it gets worse.

I know of 2 people who's gotten the surgery and they said that they were glad they did it. I don't know any of the procedures done though. I hope the best for you and keep me updated ok?
I have scoliosis as well. I was diagnosed when I was about 10 years old. I have it in the lumbar region. It does really hurt sometimes and I noticed that whenever I go out into cold weather I get shooting pains in my back. The winter months cause great agony. One side of my waist is more indented then the other side and sometimes im afraid its affecting my kidneys :( Its a terrible condition to have because theres not really much you can do to treat it except to have surgery. I never really considered surgery because of the cost and risks. However I did know another person in school that had the surgery and had a back brace put in and it did help him. Have you had xrays taken recently? I would study those and see if it is pushing into something and discuss the issue with a doctor. :hug: I know its no fun, perhaps in the meantime try to get lots of back massages and advil! Keep us updated :flowers:
thank so much peeps. I appreciate it. Yea as soon as I get or find out how, to get some Health Ins, I'm on my way in. Right now though, its so hard. One of my legs is longer than the other, my hip too is 'dented' in. One of my shoulders is higher than the other. Today I am going to see a chiropractor again for it. {And see if I can get a job there as well lol}
hi billiejean,
I have mild scolosis/lardosis. I have wondered for many yrs why is there is a big dent and alot of tissue of my right side-my rhuemy told me scolosis was the cause. My back/hips get very tight and painful.
hugs to you and I hope you get some treatment/relief.
One of my friends from high school had this I think... she had the whole metal rods in the back thing done to correct it and she is absoultely fine now, wonderful. Do you have any specific questions?
how'd you know about the job?? lol. No they hired someone just afew mons ago but I am still looking at dr's offices. Did I say that here?? lol I don't recall. Thanks. & I go in for an appointment after I get some $ from taxes maybe ; today was my free consultation.
Good luck!

Do you how much the surgery is going to cost without health insurance? You should definitely try to work out a deal with the hospital and doctor.

Have you tried applying for individual health insurance and got turned down?
No I have not applied becuase I do not have $$ in bank to even pay anyway. & I don't know the first thing about applying anyway. Could you help me?? I think I could apply for medicaid - I have no $$, and unemployeed....
Hugs and thoughts to you!!
my brother has it and had many of the symptoms that you had, so I know how awful and dibilitating it can be. Fortunately he was able to get corrective surgery. I hope you can get the same too at some point, I know before he had the surgery his doctor gave him simple exercises to do ie where he brought his knees to his chest gently and that helped a bit.
I had a friend back in elementary school who had scoliosis. She too had to wear a back brace, not all the time but a lot. She always wore very flat shoes or was barefoot, it sort of helped her back. When she was I guess 13 years old she had a big surgery to fix it. That was in 1993. Of what she told me was that only 1 in thousand of those surgeries fail. She told me that they cut her through her stomach if I remember correctly. I don't know why. Heavy pain medcation, they gave her morphine; I remember this very well because me and my other friend went to see her at the hospital the very next day after the surgery and she was so drugged up, mellow. :D And ofcourse she was on a long sick leave from school.
She recovered just fine from it. I guess being so young helped her also. The last time I saw her was over 12 years ago so I don't know how she's doing now. And we didn't talk that much about her condition.

But I hope you'll get the money you need together and will get the proper help you need for your back pain.
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No I have not applied becuase I do not have $$ in bank to even pay anyway. & I don't know the first thing about applying anyway. Could you help me?? I think I could apply for medicaid - I have no $$, and unemployeed....

You're probably right that you could apply for Medicaid. should have some information. Also, you could try calling the hospital - they might have someone on staff that can give you some direction on applying for Medicaid.