schedule matters- giving a hint?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i'm a bit worried about the tight schedule of the O2's events. the show right before michael's first date is james taylor coming on july 6th. that means there'll only be two days for setting up michael's stage (not even regarding that the former one needs to be taken down). according to O2's website, madonna for example, will have a whole week for preparing her stuff...which seems reasonable after seeing her production last summer (her upcoming dates will be a follow-up to the hard candy tour).

i've been at two of michael's concerts in the past and the stages of the dangerous and history tour were massive, in size and equipment. no way to get something like that on track and working properly in only 2 days. i remember reports saying that it took almost a week putting a michael jackson stage together.
same thing with the following event: there will be ne-yo on july 11th, only one night after michael's second show...

so what does that mean? i would not be surprised if fans should expect a scaled down michael this time. in the beginning i thought that he'll have a long time for preparing at the O2. What about on loaction rehearsals? of course, they gonna put up a stage somewhere in london for generell rehearsals, but wouldn't it be much more comfortable and safe to polish up at the original location? especially if you are planing on using magic elements. here again i'll draw a comparison to madonna: when she premiered her latest tour last year she had rented the millennium dome in cardiff for a week...

saying that open air events are not compareable to indoor ones seems not correct to me. i think nowadays the diferences effort-wise between arena and stadium shows are not that big anymore. it's more about complex stage designs, procedures and special effects than about the measures of the platform.

i am wondering how the O2's concert management looks like. do they provide a basic stage layout which might be quickly adjusted to the artist's needs? do you think that someone like ne-yo tours with his own whole stage, head to toe? i assume he doesn't.
this would be a solution for tight, day by day productions as scheduled for the O2.

as i said, these technical circumstances got me surprised since they don't fit to michael's reputation for being a perfectionist.

what do you guys think?

PS: i am really looking forward to seeing this tour and i don't want to be too negative without having any reason. let's say "this is it" will be a new direction for michael's stageing. even if it will be a rather small and simple stage it should not necessarily affect his qualities as a performer. you could simply put him onto a wooden potatoe box and he'd still have that magical aura around him. i only hope that everything he does will be done with a sharp and confident mind in order to deliver an artisticly impressive show.
He did arenas like the O2 in the US during the Bad Tour. When I saw him in Denver I think it was Kiss who had been there just the night before and everything seemed to go fine. I think that probably happened a lot from one stop to the next.
There will be so many people in the production team that I'm pretty sure the staging will be easily sorted for each of Michael's concerts.
They wouldn't schedule it like that if it wasn't I don't think there is anything to worry about!
The O2 can't afford a srew-up as there will be SO much press and critics!
So I don't worry...Everything will be absolutely amazing!
Firstly Ne-yo's preformence has been rescheduled
and the O2 arena is massive far bigger than just the arena itself
so no doubt all the lighting and everything will be placed before them two days your on about...
Plus I highly doubt James taylor will have that much of an entourage with him, so I doubt there will be much to clear after his performence

People need too chill and think about other stuff regarding these concerts...
Instead of thinking what could go wrong in your estimation think about the great time you will have once your in your seat at the concert.
Its worth remember MJ is far from amature (infact I can't believe i've just said, as people should know this).
I'm 1000000% sure Michael has his team have everything under control
it'll be fine,if anything goes wrong with michaels show,they'll hear 4rm me...and they dont want that lol haha
I agree with everyone here, they know what they're doing. Have a little faith. Michael will no doubt be very involved with all this kind of stuff and he will probably make sure everything is to his standards! Let's face it, Michael has a lot of authority, and these shows are important to everyone involved. I know they are gonna be great! Ah I can't wait!!
I agree with everyone here, they know what they're doing. Have a little faith. Michael will no doubt be very involved with all this kind of stuff and he will probably make sure everything is to his standards! Let's face it, Michael has a lot of authority, and these shows are important to everyone involved. I know they are gonna be great! Ah I can't wait!!

Yea its not just Michaels reputation on the line but AEGs as well with all the hype they've been doing...They ain't gonna let anything go wrong! RELAX! :D
These days arena stages only take a matter of hours to set up and take down, no matter the size. If every single stage for every single artist took days to set up, no arena would be making any money. It is only stages for stadium shows that take so long to be built as they have to construct the stage from scratch.

MJ's will probably be kept inside The O2 so it may well be bigger as there is no need to transport it into vans every night.
James Taylor is playing the O2 on the 6th? Cool! If I wasn't so danged broke after buying MJ tickets I'd consider to go see him!
i remember once seeing a TV program about the History stage built and it was so scary when they showed the skeletons :lol:
There will be a huge team ready to make the stage perfect.

I have no doubts what so ever that everything will be fine!
i'm a bit worried about the tight schedule of the O2's events. the show right before michael's first date is james taylor coming on july 6th. that means there'll only be two days for setting up michael's stage (not even regarding that the former one needs to be taken down). according to O2's website, madonna for example, will have a whole week for preparing her stuff...which seems reasonable after seeing her production last summer (her upcoming dates will be a follow-up to the hard candy tour).

i've been at two of michael's concerts in the past and the stages of the dangerous and history tour were massive, in size and equipment. no way to get something like that on track and working properly in only 2 days. i remember reports saying that it took almost a week putting a michael jackson stage together.
same thing with the following event: there will be ne-yo on july 11th, only one night after michael's second show...

so what does that mean? i would not be surprised if fans should expect a scaled down michael this time. in the beginning i thought that he'll have a long time for preparing at the O2. What about on loaction rehearsals? of course, they gonna put up a stage somewhere in london for generell rehearsals, but wouldn't it be much more comfortable and safe to polish up at the original location? especially if you are planing on using magic elements. here again i'll draw a comparison to madonna: when she premiered her latest tour last year she had rented the millennium dome in cardiff for a week...

saying that open air events are not compareable to indoor ones seems not correct to me. i think nowadays the diferences effort-wise between arena and stadium shows are not that big anymore. it's more about complex stage designs, procedures and special effects than about the measures of the platform.

i am wondering how the O2's concert management looks like. do they provide a basic stage layout which might be quickly adjusted to the artist's needs? do you think that someone like ne-yo tours with his own whole stage, head to toe? i assume he doesn't.
this would be a solution for tight, day by day productions as scheduled for the O2.

as i said, these technical circumstances got me surprised since they don't fit to michael's reputation for being a perfectionist.

what do you guys think?

PS: i am really looking forward to seeing this tour and i don't want to be too negative without having any reason. let's say "this is it" will be a new direction for michael's stageing. even if it will be a rather small and simple stage it should not necessarily affect his qualities as a performer. you could simply put him onto a wooden potatoe box and he'd still have that magical aura around him. i only hope that everything he does will be done with a sharp and confident mind in order to deliver an artisticly impressive show.

Actually during the History Tour Michael had seven stages around the world, and the crew needed only two days to put it together. I remember they did so in Oslo in 1997.
Madonna has a date on the 7th july 2009 at the O2 arena :huh:
The O2 stage will probably be the bones for every act that plays there, they just adjust a few things, add/replace lights etc, piece of piss to dismantle and build really.
Actually during the History Tour Michael had seven stages around the world, and the crew needed only two days to put it together. I remember they did so in Oslo in 1997.

SEVEN?? - Wow, I never knew that!

That stage production WAS HUGE!! - Imagine how much that most have costet to make SE7EN stages!

AGAIN the lucky number 7 appears! - MJ has put out many hints that he will make an album named Seven, huh?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
The O2 stage will probably be the bones for every act that plays there, they just adjust a few things, add/replace lights etc, piece of piss to dismantle and build really.

yeah the core of the stage is already there unlike stadiums where its all done from scratch. just add your own backdrops and lighting
I think this was very prophetic post. Ta da! Suddenly things have been rescheduled.

Monochrome - are you psychic??
the author of this post i bet will say i told u soooooo... now look rescheduled dates.
"I don't want to say that, but I've done it before..."
Seriously, wanting to safely include pyrotechnics and acrobatics into a musical like production while having that little time for adjustments? From the beginning that just sounded odd to me.
It seems as if they want to create a 360° event turning the whole space into a theatrical illusion. It's not just a band's performance that ends at the stage's edges. I am so not surprised that it got rescheduled. They'll now have a full week for making sure their "new standard for major arena shows" will deliver at the final venue. Sounds very reasonable.

But still: This is a major fuck up which prooves lacking in event planning. Hope from now on there'll be better communication between creative genius, execution and administration.
I will say you was correct but dont forget it was because Michael wanted the best in buiss!! that is Kenny!!

Plus the other thing as stated this i s no ordinary stage set up this is unique for Michael, and if any body had no idea that that would be the case then SHame on U!

Michael has not had a full concert for over 12 years now, lots have changed in that time, many concerts overshadow what michael done back then! HOWEVER now Michael wants to overshadow everything else and show the WORLD that this really IS IT! and that he may not be overshadowed EVER!!

i wish my post from this thread would be reinstated back when I gave my professional opinion on how I thought the sets could NOT be set up in such a short amount of time.

It seems my original assessment was spot on.
WOW people really need to chill out.

stop trying to think ahead.



its michael jackson.

the concerts will be great im sure.

they no what their doing the stage will be fine.

i just wish people would stop worrying.