Saw VI Discussion Thread - *Will contain spoilers and graphic descriptions*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
So now you've watched it what do you think?

I thoroughly enjoyed it! I couldn't believe who turned up not too far from the beginning of the investigation to join Erickson! :eek: I thought she'd died!

What are your "favourite" traps? Your best and worst parts of the movie. Those last few twists near the end were genius and I can't make my mind up about a 7th! :p
Re: SAW VI Discussion Thread - *Will contain spoilers and graphic descriptions*

I gotta say SAW VI really brought out the ugliness in detective hoffman that's for sure!! I mean the moment they were trying to decipher that tape to seth baxter hoffman just went on a rampage the moment you heard his voice!!!! Not to mention what an appropriate line to keep playing over and over from the tape saying "Right now you're feeling helpless." The tension just put you on the edge of your seat when hoffman kept pacing back and forth!! Also that was pretty nasty seeing the remains of agent strahm's crushed body.
first two were ok, didnt see the rest and dont plan on it.... i hate when they keep making sequels, end it already!!!
Then why are you here? This is to discuss for people who went to see this film. Well they've been raking in the cash and reviews for this latest installment have been mixed at times but this time around have been a little more positive.
I will probably see it. I saw all parts so far, but the first 2 are the only two that are good. The rest is crap, but once you see all movies, you simply have to see other sequels. I hope it will end soon, it's becoming really stupid now.
Know people who would probably agree with you if you were talking about part 4 or 5 but not part 3 and certainly not this new one.
I would say this film is just below Saw II. I loved it. Were you surprised as me when the camera turned to Agent Reyez? I actually gasped out loud! :red: But when he started stabbing her repeatedly I just thought "You bastard!". He was a nasty piece of work in this. Do you think he actually survives with half his jaw hanging down? (It was actually a good bit of thinking on his part to break the window and jam the mouth piece between the bars.

Bottom line for me is that Saw VI is one of the much better of all the series.
I look forward to SAW VII next halloween cus hoffman sure ain't happy and his first thing is getting revenge on jill. Who knows maybe he will have a scar on his face for the next film.
Do you think it's too late to ask the age old question? you think it's too late to reintroduce Dr Gordon? ;) :p
The only thing I could see so far happening in SAW VII is hoffman getting revenge on jill and william's sister pamela is still locked away with that other family.