SAW movies anyone? :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
wish i was in Vegas...only Texas! USA
I just got the 2nd one today for 6 bucks! I was pumped. :dance: I think it was the worst of the series, but i couldnt pass it up for that cheap. and the special features are pretty good.

so i was wondering who out there like Saw, what is your favorite and why? I cant decide...the 5th was really good, but it had kinda a weak storyline in my opinion. er..weeker, then what you would espect from Saw. the third one is probably my favorite, because it had a good storyline and...I LOVE the traps!

Jigsaw moves me and puts me in awe. Why? I guess Im just strange, but for him to think its not wrong b/c he never killed anyone...and it seems like hes doing it out of PITY b/c he wants ppl to treasure their lives...that whole concept is fasinating and thrilling to me.

anyways..Id like to hear from you guys on why you like Saw. ^_^

"let the game begin." :jump:

i love every film and cant wait to see my girl tanisha in saw6!! i wudda loved saw5 if meagen good wasnt killed lol. but i cant pick a favorite because i love them all.
i know shes awesome! i hope she doesnt get killed lol and believe its due in the fall if this year
I've completely lost interest in the series now. Can't follow it anymore. The first Saw movie will remain a classic horror movie though.
hmmm...I love scary movies but I can never remember which saw movie is which. I don't think I saw saw (lol) 5 yet.
first one was the best, the rest were simply shock value. More gore to disgust the viewer, the stories were okay at best for me. I liked the twists and the fact that you never knew what you were going to get with the films. The violence just turned me off to the films to be honest. If thats whats attracting your viewer, I dont see the appeal.


how can they make a Saw 6 when they placed the blame on the FBI Agent who got killed and the real killer buried himself alive? i thought it was over, if they make another one they are just watering it down.
how can they make a Saw 6 when they placed the blame on the FBI Agent who got killed and the real killer buried himself alive? i thought it was over, if they make another one they are just watering it down.

yeah I dont get where they are gonna go with it, im not expecting it to be that good..But i love Jigsaw too much i have to see it. :p
i know shes awesome! i hope she doesnt get killed lol and believe its due in the fall if this year

lol u kidding me ? if shes playing in this movie she'll def get killed. she'd have better chances in final destination :mello: