Save the Arctic - Petition


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in the sky
At this very moment several companies (Shell, BP, Exxon, Gazprom, Rosneft and others) are making their plans to drill for oil in Arctic - a unique home of polar bears and other endangered species, untouched nature, a fragile environment.


Previously classified government documents say dealing with oil spills in the freezing waters is “almost impossible”. And what's more - the amount of oil in Arctic is not even worth the risk. The estimated oil reserves in Arctic would cover the world's oil needs for three years only.

At this time no country owns the Arctic, it should always stay this way, the beautiful nature should be preserved for its natural inhabitants, the resources such as oil should be off-limits.

There is a petition with a goal to declare a global sanctuary in the Arctic: ( <- you can read more about it and sign the petition here)

Over 40,000 people have signed so far (I have received an email only six hours ago), and you can see several people signing each second. The goal is 1 million signatures. Join the effort, it only takes couple of seconds.

Update: over 75,000 signatures.
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I think facebooked means it´s written about and shared on facebook.