San Diegans love MJ too!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sunny San Diego
Hello everyone! My name is Angie and I reside here in Sunny San Diego. I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself to all of you. Just like you guys, I love and respect MJ as an icon but also as a loving and gentle human being. I was at my local Target two days ago to buy the Invincible album and all of his albums there were sold out. I asked one of the employees when they are going to stock up again and he said, "we stock his albums everyday but people buy them left and right!" Mind you, this was only at 2 pm and all his albums were already sold out. This made me smile but it also made me sad. Sad because his death made people realize just how special he was and how astoundingly great his music is.

Almost 3 weeks after his death, my heart is still grieving but I am finding strength in his music and legacy. I now wake up in the morning knowing that he is in a better place, where nobody can hurt him physically and or mentally. I miss him dearly. Let us all keep his humanitarian efforts alive by donating to children hospitals, volunteering and taking care of children who needs help. I know that's what he lived for so let us keep going. Love ya Michael!
Welcome to the board and thanx 4 the post,it kind of made me smile
I live in San Diego too,
and I love MJ as well!!
I went to a couple of used CD stores in Mission Valley and they're sold out of MJ CD's too...
I have them all but I was curious...
FYE was pretty much sold out as well...
hi Angie!!! :) Thanks for joining and welcome to our family! My name is Shayla.
I was born in San Diego and hopefully someday I will move back there. I love it there, so beautiful. And I miss the beaches there. Its great to see MJ love too and all over the world. :) I will continue to fight for what Michael fought for all his life, which is a better world. I will plan on donating more time helping others and donating to charities.
Welcome to the forum. I stayed in San Diego a couple of times. Beautiful city, love the zoo. I'm glad Michael's music is selling out there, but then again, where isn't it selling out. I just wish people could have appreciated his music to the extent that they are right now when he was alive.