Sammy Sosa (baseballer) has vitiligo? Media talking crap about him already!

OMG Sammy! I love baseball but hadn't heard anything about it until you posted. Oh man, if he has vitiligo that really really sucks. Poor guy :( Now they are gonna do the same kind of crap they did with MJ just watch, spreading all sorts of ugly rumors...
Ah poor him, could they just live those people alone. If it's vitiligo, he's having enough to deal with it, no need to talk **** about him too...


I hope he's ok and won't be too hurt by all this.
I didn't know he had vitiligo, now they are gonna start accusing him of bleaching and all that stuff like they did with MJ. :cry:

Edit: They are already doing it. :mat:
I still find it amazing that people actually think you can "bleach" your skin like that.
im confused after reading that article and seeing those pictures i assumed he had vitiligo, but he seems to be denying it. so i dont understand why a rejuvenation process would render a person ten shades lighter. someone help

I'm confused too.:scratch:Maybe the cam angle, or the lighting? Is there a footage of him in this state?
I still find it amazing that people actually think you can "bleach" your skin like that.
You can, actually. There's forums where people show their pictures and discuss their progress. There's also websites about it. However, it's sad to see that all these websites reporting about this guy draw their own conclusions instead of just waiting for the truth. What this guy does with his skin is his own business whether its a skin disorder or not.
Someone said "he's not trying to be Michael Jackson!" People are still ignorant rude and unbelievably insensitive! The autopsy report vindicated Michael once again and proved he had vitiligo. What more do they need to respect Michael?
The sad part is these morons will never respect Michael, but those people don't deserve any respect themselves, so eff them.
This is sad.
I don't know what Sammy is going through, but it does look like Vitiligo.

What's terrible is I was just watching "Extra" (don't ask me why), and the narrator, talking about Sosa, said "No, he's not pulling a Michael Jackson, he's just undergoing a skin rejuvenation treatment"

"Pulling a Michael Jackson"??
The man had a disease!!

When will people do some effing research?

It's amazing that after all these years, and all that's happened in the last few months, nothing in the media has changed when it comes to MJ.

a dominican man's skin becomes lighter..

Sammy Sosa is once again the subject of Internet buzz, but this time it's not for home runs or steroids.
Sosa from 2006, on the left, and Sosa last week, on the right. (File / Getty Images) It's for skin care. Or something that might resemble skin care.
Sosa made waves last week when he showed up at the Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas with a noticably lighter skin tone than he had during his playing days.
So what's behind this new lighter skin tone?
"He's not trying to be Michael Jackson," said former Cubs employee Rebecca Polihronis, who talks frequently with Sosa, according to the Chicago Tribune.
"He is going through a rejuvenation process for his skin," Polihronis said. "Women have it all of the time. He was surprised he came out looking so white. I thought it was a body double. Part of (the photo appearance) is just the lighting.
"He is in the middle of doing a cleansing process to his skin. The picture is deceiving. He said, 'If you saw me in person, you would be surprised. When you see me in person, it is not going to seem like the picture.'
"People who saw him in person did not react the same way. He can't believe it is such a big deal."
Re: a dominican man's skin becomes lighter..

Sammy Sosa is once again the subject of Internet buzz, but this time it's not for home runs or steroids.
Sosa from 2006, on the left, and Sosa last week, on the right. (File / Getty Images) It's for skin care. Or something that might resemble skin care.
Sosa made waves last week when he showed up at the Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas with a noticably lighter skin tone than he had during his playing days.
So what's behind this new lighter skin tone?
"He's not trying to be Michael Jackson," said former Cubs employee Rebecca Polihronis, who talks frequently with Sosa, according to the Chicago Tribune.
"He is going through a rejuvenation process for his skin," Polihronis said. "Women have it all of the time. He was surprised he came out looking so white. I thought it was a body double. Part of (the photo appearance) is just the lighting.
"He is in the middle of doing a cleansing process to his skin. The picture is deceiving. He said, 'If you saw me in person, you would be surprised. When you see me in person, it is not going to seem like the picture.'
"People who saw him in person did not react the same way. He can't believe it is such a big deal."

Her comments are very insulting. Ms./Mrs. Polihronis should educate herself before she speaks. Even after the leaked autopsy report, people are still vomiting back what the media has fed them.
I saw that posted, its sad how people are treating him.. :no:
I've been on several forums where they're making fun of him of this which I find disgusting. Also when they go out of their way to disrespect Michael as well really makes me lose my faith in humanity.
Sammy had an interview on Univision (a spanish TV network) today, Part 2 is tomorrow! He said he doesn't have a skin disorder, he is just using a cream he got from Europe to clear up his face! 0__0 He wouldn't give the name of the cream and said it's in the market. He said he is using it because he got skin damage in the past for being in the sun for so many yrs playing baseball so he uses this cream on his face to clear his skin! 0___0 He said if he stop using it his skin will go back to it's natural color!

He was laughing a lot in the interview saying he doesn't see what's the big deal and is shock at peoples reactions to his face! He said he "isn't pulling a Michael Jackson like some are suggesting!" That he "respects Michael and he hopes god has him in his glory but, he isn't going the Michael Jackson road!" Sammy said it's "only his face not his body and he only uses green contacts just for fun that it doesn't mean anything!"

The interviewer was another idiot that was saying Sammy was pulling what he calls a Michael Jackson! As well as two other reporters their that said well, "if Sammy wife don't mind and if he ain't doing what MJ did then so what it don't matter let him!"

How fuck up is that shit!

Well, All I gotta say is Sammy is a dumb ass! Calling MJ out like that when MJ actually had a disease Vitiligo since the 80's and theirs pics of MJ with blotches since the 80's till 2009, Plus the autopsy to proves it! Yet, he has the nerve to say I'm not pulling a MJ!

No u ass hole because MJ didn't fake a disease and putting shit on his face just to look better like u are! FOOL!

Tomorrow they will ask Sammy if he likes being Dark skinned or not and is he ashamed of his race.....UGH!
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Well, All I gotta say is Sammy is a dumb ass! Calling MJ out like that when MJ actually had a disease Vitiligo since the 80's and theirs pics of MJ with blotches since the 80's till 2009, Plus the autopsy to proves it! Yet, he has the nerve to say I'm not pulling a MJ!
The average person isn't going to look up this kind of information, and doesn't really care one way or the other. It's mainly hardcore fans who are going to be looking for pictures with blotches or autopsy reports, not casual fans or non-fans. That would be the case with any famous person. Most people aren't going to research celebrities they have no interest in, so are more likely to believe whatever is reported.
The average person isn't going to look up this kind of information, and doesn't really care one way or the other. It's mainly hardcore fans who are going to be looking for pictures with blotches or autopsy reports, not casual fans or non-fans. That would be the case with any famous person. Most people aren't going to research celebrities they have no interest in, so are more likely to believe whatever is reported.

Yes, I know that and that's the reason why they shouldn't open their stupid mouths! PERIOD!
I knew when I saw the picture of Sammy Sosa people would start making fun of MJ again. He had a disease you morons, its in the autopsy report!
Ugh, ugh, ugh, I have to come here to vent! I was just sitting in my room and my roommates were sitting in the living room talking and I heard one say "So, Sammy Sosa's white now" and the other laughed and said "Well, he's not exactly white. His skin is way lighter but that doesn't make him white." At this point, I knew it was, I tried to plug my ears to shield myself and after a few seconds I went to put some music on and I just didn't get to it fast enough because that's when I heard "No, Michael Jackson wanted to be white. He got a white nose and..." That's when I plugged my ears again and tried to sing to myself in my head, fumbling to get my earphones in before I had a friggin' heart attack...It REALLY gets to me when people (especially people I live with) talk ish about him. I normally try to defend him, but I live with this dude and I've tried - Dead end. I get way too worked up, so I know better now. I was blasting "I Can't Help It" like from my earphones into my brain =P Of course, that made me sadder. =( Why why why do people choose to be blinded?! Ugggggh.

Ugh, ugh, ugh, I have to come here to vent! I was just sitting in my room and my roommates were sitting in the living room talking and I heard one say "So, Sammy Sosa's white now" and the other laughed and said "Well, he's not exactly white. His skin is way lighter but that doesn't make him white." At this point, I knew it was, I tried to plug my ears to shield myself and after a few seconds I went to put some music on and I just didn't get to it fast enough because that's when I heard "No, Michael Jackson wanted to be white. He got a white nose and..." That's when I plugged my ears again and tried to sing to myself in my head, fumbling to get my earphones in before I had a friggin' heart attack...It REALLY gets to me when people (especially people I live with) talk ish about him. I normally try to defend him, but I live with this dude and I've tried - Dead end. I get way too worked up, so I know better now. I was blasting "I Can't Help It" like from my earphones into my brain =P Of course, that made me sadder. =( Why why why do people choose to be blinded?! Ugggggh.

Living with someone like that must be extremely difficult. I find it hard enough even acting civil towards people who say such ignorant stuff. I feel badly for you. :(