Sad thoughts abt MJ


Jan 20, 2024
a place with no name
Hi fellow MJ fans!! I was just wondering if anyone else is like me and gets overly sad about small things. I never had the chance to meet Michael and it always pains me to think about that. sometimes I’m listening to him and enjoying myself so much that I basically forget the fact that he passed, but then I randomly remember that thought and my whole mood gets ruined for much longer than my prior enjoyment. Does anyone else think this way too? If you do, please help me because it sucks and keeps getting worse, especially around this time of year (June 25) :( 😔 He was so innocent and it’s so sad for me to think about how he was treated very unfairly
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We cannot change things that already happened. But we can live for him commemorating his massive legacy and think that he smiles from heaven watching how we appreciate his art. So do not focus on fatality. He is immortal as long as we remember him and love him.
I absolutely relate to this and feel this way. You are most definitely not alone.

Hi fellow MJ fans!! I was just wondering if anyone else is like me and gets overly sad about small things. I never had the chance to meet Michael and it always pains me to think about that.
I wasn't a fan during Michael's lifetime and that is painful enough. But lately I've been hit over and over by the realization that it is completely impossible for me to ever meet him. And I can't express how sad taht makes me.

sometimes I’m listening to him and enjoying myself so much that I basically forget the fact that he passed,
allllllll the time.

He was so innocent and it’s so sad for me to think about how he was treated very unfairly
It's really so horrible. When I see anyone talk badly about him it upsets me. Something that has comforted me recently was remembering that Michael is loved far more than he isn't. And that the people who have harmed him, betrayed him, or even now, just diminish him, could never dream of having the impact he has had or spreading (and receiving) the love he continues to.
One thing of many things that really bothers me is that he never got to start his ''This Is It'' tour. He himself was so ready and really wanted to do the tour so I get so mad every time I think about it. And we all know the real cause of his death. It wasn't no accidental overdose. That also really bothers me. That the industry can get away with all the murders they have committed on so many artists.
One thing of many things that really bothers me is that he never got to start his ''This Is It'' tour. [...]
The bit that really breaks me is that he never got to see the finished 'Lightman' creation. I posted a video about that ages ago (2023? 2022?) and now cannot find it but it has interviews with the team that created the thing. Of course, Michael got to see it as it was being built. Iirc, they had just about completed the construction of it and were waiting to show it to him. He never got to see it.

😭 💔
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One thing of many things that really bothers me is that he never got to start his ''This Is It'' tour. He himself was so ready and really wanted to do the tour so I get so mad every time I think about it. And we all know the real cause of his death. It wasn't no accidental overdose. That also really bothers me. That the industry can get away with all the murders they have committed on so many artists.
I thought the same things about, it does really bothers me knowing all of theseit. Still breaks my heart :cry::cry: