Russian fans are very sad


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello friends... i thinking about to wait till unreleased will release and then... i don know what to to do. i cant imagine what will have i do next.... cant imagine my life without Michael... he was and still all my life... i dont want to hurt my self but i tjinking about stop eating... He was thread of my life... i love him very much. I just arrived from memory place. I cryed in the car when ai saw Michael's photos on big screen... i am empy... soon i will upload video fram Moscow. Michael i love you so much, for me you are not icon, you are family. God bless you
Please do not stop eating. Michael would want you healthy and happy. He wouldn't want to see you hurt yourself. Michael spent his life saving children and adults from all over the world, right? He fed the hungry, gave shelter to the homeless, gave water to the thirsty. Do you think he would want you to stop eating sweetie?

You consider Michael as your family and I know Michael considered his fans his family. It's up to each and every one of us to make sure Michael's legacy goes on and on. Imagine one day telling your children that you were and still are a huge Michael Jackson fan and that you saw him moonwalk and dance and sing like no other. You have to keep Michael's legacy alive!!

Please be ok. Don't harm yourself. You are a child of God and God loves you. The pain of this can be unbearable, however you took the time to type this, so you have strength left. It's going to be hard at times, but I promise, things will get better. Just hold on to God's love. Hold on to Michael's spirit. And hold on to YOUR love and YOUR heart, ok?

You will be ok. I promise!
i will never reconcile about his dead. i dont know what to do next until unreleased material will be released. next i think my life will be end...
No! Your life does not have to end, Kirills. Michael would not want that at all. Please listen to me!

Michael had so much in store for all of us and one day it will be released. Michael was so full of life and yes he may be gone from our world, but his spirit will live on in each and every one of us. Harming yourself will bring so much grieve to your family, your friends and to all of us. Please don't do it. We're here to listen to you and help you. Let us help you, ok?
Oh, please take each day and get through it as best you can, and then do the next, and the next, taking care of yourself that way. Michael would be devastated to think anyone lost a life because of him. Just keep talking to us, ok? You may also talk to a trained professional at one of the suicide hotline numbers given. There are numbers for Europe, too.

Keep talking to us, ok? We understand your pain.
Please think about all of your family members and friends that you would hurt by doing something like that to yourself. This is the LAST thing that Michael would want. He wanted his music to live on and to bring people together.
Use Michael's life as a guide and and inspiration in yours. Things in life are going to hurt, but you have to learn that hurting yourself is not the answer. Think of how Janet, Tito, Latoya, Katherine, and the rest of his family and all us fans feel. Just know that if they have the strength to carry on, then you should pull from their strength.
Stay with MJJC and talk to people
i dont know how can i talk even... dont know about what. i'm now every day whit fans but it is hurt me. Michael was all that exist in my life. i feel empy without him. Nobody from my family understands me. I too sad and crushed for explain my full feelings. it is just very bad.

My "fans" life starded when i was 3 y o. I wathced Moonwalker. I didn't understand anything but i liked to whatch again and again. Then Smooth Criminal became my favorite song and still have. Now i'm 17 y o. All is same. Favorite song is Smooth Criminal, all life is Michael... nobody from my famaly don't understand my feelings. They saying - King is dead, congra new King. After Michael there nerer will be new popular and talanted star. I love him so much. I never been on concert. I was 4 y o when he arrived at Moscow. I didnd went to concert. Now i understand that i nerer ever see him...

Michael can not die as long as we are alive to share the light and the spirit and the love that is Michael Jackson with the world.

We have to find the strength in ourselves to accept the things we can't change and the desire to push forward and share the magic Michael gave to us.

We need to unite now and help the world to see Michael they way we see him. A inspiration of hope. To take our own lives defeats everything Michael has taught us. Stay with us and help us spread Michael's hope for the future.
First, I am so sorry you feel this way! it must be difficult feeling as tho you have no one who understands you at home. The wonderful thing that Michael has created for you though is a community of fans who are understanding the pain you are going through at this very moment!

We are here for you and will do what we can to help you feel supported, loved, and understood.

The others are right, Michael wouldn't want you to harm yourself. I am sure that he would want us all to carry on his message to those who have not been touched by it yet.

Are there any activities you really enjoyed? I would suggest that, even if you don't feel like it, go out and do something... at least try! It may help get your mind off the pain for a moment.

Or instead, each time you feel the pain, you can do something in Michael's honor? Visit a children's hospital and spend time with the children, plant a tree, write a poem, draw a picture... if you are spiritual perhaps visit your house of worship...
Hello dear,

Please know that you are not alone.
We need you to stay with us, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings 'cause we understand you.
Everyone in this community knows exactly how you're feeling right now 'cause we're all going through this together and we're all feeling the pain...
That's why we need to be here for each other. We have to be strong.

Let's keep Michael's legacy alive. Let's follow his footsteps. Let's do what he would have wanted us to do. Make a change. Make a difference.

"The Show Must Go On"