Rubba's WTF THREAD OF THE WEEK: Would you allow your 8 year old to be breast fed?

WTF is right - talk about pop the tit out of the child's mouth! Jeez. Guess it takes all kinds :unsure:
I have a 8 and 9 year old - no that's just sick at that age. I can't even begin to think of how it's damaging that child mentally. A mother is supposed to help their child grow into a independant individual - my boys would turn into a horrified fit of giggling to see Mom's (or any woman at that age) boobs naked let alone suck em for dinner! It's out right child abuse. She's destroying that child. It's just sick that a "mother" would do that and highly innappropriate.
Either you try to make your children independent persons or you do not.

I think this is the way to bring them pretty good into both physical and psychological chaos.

I'll never be a mom but I'd like to see moms act different because I do have patients enough.
:mello: not good....

and I can't imagine it being very good health wise for a mother either... I'm thinking it's got to take a toll on their bones... *goes to research*
the mother is talking about the kids getting pleasure and comfort out of doing this :unsure:

That video has weirded me out.

Scientists believe that extended breast feeding will lead to a high IQ in children but I think it's all BS :bs

I wasn't breastfed and my IQ is above average....

Supposedly the parents do it to strengthen the bond between mother and child. I find that a poor excuse I have a great relationship with my parents, and that was simply because they took part in my growing up as opposed to this...

It didn't say in the video but I bet those kids are home schooled... and if not.... those poor kids when they go to school...
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That is very disturbing. The girls draw pictures of the breast. They don't like their mother to wear bras sp that theycan gain access to the breast anytime. Also they give the breast nicknames gross, and disturbing.
the mother is talking about the kids getting pleasure and comfort out of doing this :unsure:

That video has weirded me out.

Scientists believe that extended breast feeding will lead to a high IQ in children but I think it's all BS :bs

I wasn't breastfed and my IQ is above average....

Supposedly the parents do it to strengthen the bond between mother and child. I find that a poor excuse I have a great relationship with my parents, and that was simply because they took part in my growing up as opposed to this...

It didn't say in the video but I bet those kids are home schooled... and if not.... those poor kids when they go to school...

Yeah, agreed very much. I was only breastfed for a couple of months maximum. My mum didn't have much luck breastfeeding with her 3 kids at all, and all her children ended up with higher than average IQ's.

I am very very close to my mum- (as is my older brother)- she's my best friend and so was my younger brother. :yes:
Scientists believe that extended breast feeding will lead to a high IQ in children but I think it's all BS :bs

wheeeew L.J. you know a source for that? I'd like to read about those examinations their validity and reliability results etc.
I think the mum really enjoys it hence why they are still doing it.

Doesn't want to stop doing what she enjoys so she uses the excuse "I believe they can decide for themselves when they want to stop."

I think it's wrong for a parent to put adult decisions on a child,,,, gives the mum a loophole for later on... she can just say "well I left it up to her to make the decision"

They should go on Dr. Phil :giggle:
Here's one I saw:

apparently it also helps reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis too :yes:

Well those scientiest don't really believe it's breastfeeding L.J. as far as I've worked myself through the statistics.
They've found out that children who were breastfed (those in their sample at least) did score higher in intelligence tests.
The question is why that is...
HOWEVER the factor breastfeeding didn't really get too significant (could be a coiincidence).
They've found out that other factors were at least obviously much more playing a role, like for example the factor of a high IQ of the mother!

lol but I didn't finnish reading the whole study yet.

It's confusing but the journal offers help:
What is known already on this topic

Breast feeding has many benefits for both child and mother Breastfed children tend to score higher on intelligence tests There are important differences between mothers who breast feed and those who do not
What this study adds The apparent effect of breast feeding on intelligence in offspring is accounted for by characteristics of the mother and the home environment The mother's own intelligence plays the largest part in this explanation
It's the mothers who differ in intelligence already (in this sample)...

Anyways thank you... this is so interesting stuff for me!!!!!! I'll read some of the literature sources for sure also.
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You're welcome I don't know how useful that study is, it was one of many that popped up when I was trying to look for the effects that could occur to a mother's health. I couldn't find any, but I have a suspicion that it would probably link itself to osteoporsis
But before someone gets me wrong... I do believe that breast feeding is a good start for all cognitive developement in children as valid as for the rest of healthy developement of the baby, because the breastmilk is just the best food a newborn can ever get, there's hardly a doubt.

Still if it's really valid then I believe that's only for the (more or less) normal time of breast feeding from birth to highest one year of age of the baby.

And otherwise would have to be proven to me. lol
I think it's after 6 months there's no change in the milk a mother offers so the development and anything the baby gets is pretty much over then. The intelligence of that particular mother and any that breast feed that long can't be all that :unsure: The mental stability of the kids needs to be taken into account. Mine have friends come over all the time! Can you just imagine their reactions? It's not natural by any means. Even the least of all mammals have the God given sense to stop feeding their young and teach them to feed themselves. That mother has a terrible perversion and should seek help. She's effected the stability of her children as well. It's sad.
Even the least of all mammals have the God given sense to stop feeding their young and teach them to feed themselves.

Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking.

There's a reason why children develop the ability to start eating solids!

I think breastfeeding itself is a personal choice and even though it's still said to be a very healthy option, it's also not as healthy as it used to be due to the negative influence of modern living on a lot of womens' health. In any case, imo breastfeeding isn't a determining factor in a child's iq. There's too many other important factors and so many people with high iq's who were never breastfed.
:mello: :mello: :mello: just....wrong.... :mello:

These days I've been seeing/reading a lot of weird things.....really, I'm starting to believe the end truly is near :mello: :no:
:mello:Err... Umm... Now, I support breast feeding and all but that's just not right. I don't give a crap whether some people think that the kid's going to get a 200+ IQ from extended breastfeeding, because what's the kid going to do with all those (supposed) brains if he/she never learns to let go of their mom physically?
I don't care whether children who are breast-fed until half way through their childhood are meant to be 'healthier than those who aren't', i just think that it's cruel and unnatural as well as unnecessary really!
I havent watched the vid but damn, it reminds me of that little britain sketch :-|
The sad thing this isn't the only mum doing this, I've heard of this kind of thing before.... this kids will be damaged later on... imagine them trying to explain it to their significant other later on in life, heck imagine how they're going to be when they turn into teenagers and other hormones etc start kicking into their system.
