Roman Polanski


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ain't it bitter?

Nearly 100 entertainment industry professionals, including the movie directors Pedro Almodóvar, Wong Kar Wai and Wim Wenders, urged in a petition that Mr. Polanski be released, saying: “Filmmakers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision.”

Ronald Harwood, who won an Oscar as screenwriter of “The Pianist,” which Mr. Polanski directed, said: “It’s really disgraceful. Both the Americans and the Swiss have miscalculated.”

Jack Lang, a former French culture minister, said that for Europeans the development showed that the American system of justice had run amok.

“Sometimes, the American justice system shows an excess of formalism,” Mr. Lang said, “like an infernal machine that advances inexorably and blindly.”

I hate to play the race card (and I'm white) but it's so obvious what's happening here:

Polanski did it - yet he recieves big support.

Michael didn't do it - no support for him.

You know, im white too, and i agree too, Hollywood and media is f*cked up, and thats the truth, they crusified Michael and he was found innocent, they made his life a hell, now with Polanski its like, "well u know, and the excuses for a "man" who took advantage of a 13 year old CHILD, who admitted to drugg her and then rape her, and after he RUN, he even won an oscar for The Pianist which was OVERRATED, something here weird in all this, like i dont wanna say what i think, but may not be only about race, its disgusting,

how jay leno hardly speeks(while with Michael who was FOUND INNOCENT, he did his life a hell, making fun, you think all that didnt affect Michael and all his insomnia problem???) only cause Chris Rock said the truth about polanski pedo(who knows under all the protection roman Polanski had how many other children he may have raped???, u know high people defending like of he was a god?? wtf???? its disgusting), and this waste of human life did do it, and Michael didnt, but with Michael it was like NO HE DID IT, he won the TRIAL cause he got money, But at the same time media was saying he didnt have money on those years so what else is needed to know it was completely against Michael Jackson all in purpose, i dont know why, but i have many things around my mind, but i wont say them, F*ck Perv Polanski, and f*ck hollywood, media, and people too, now i know why Michael didnt wanted to hang around all those crappy celebrties, they have nothing special, and Michael did, not like all those ugh...I wont say anything else, i feel sick:puke:, Michael is dead its all their fault, even more than the f Murray
this is not about race, not everything in this world is about race
yeah and what about r. kelly? I don't see anyone jumping down his throat and he did it over and over again over the years, I guess people stick to whatever is fashionable in the headlines at the moment
Honestly. I think it has to do with the fact that

1. Michael was the biggest musician/person/THING on the planet.
2. It was a 13 year old boy, not a girl. America is homophobic and the human male deep down thinks having sex with a underage girl isn't a crime.
well, Woody Allen got the same treatment too , do also the human male deep down thinks it is ok to have sex with your adopted daughter .
and drugging a thirteen years old girl and sodomizing her also is not a crime , but sleeping with children means you are pedo .

that's remind me of sneddon reasons why he did not prosecute a detective at the SB police department who molested a girl who was visiting his family and said he was only drunk and it was a simple mistake . yeah he went to her room , to her bed and molested her , it was mistake .

the excuses people come up with .

Letterman and Oriely two good examples of the Americans' hypocrisy .

and every little article written on this animal polinski have to mention how he faced the Nazi and lost his parents because of the evil Germans , and the racist Manson killed his wife , ohhh I should tell him come rape my daughter to compensate for what the racist did to you ohh the DRAMA .