Rolling Stones article about Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I find weird the statement that SONY/ATV earns 500 mill. a year!
It not true, or at least exaggerated !!!
Thanks for posting this, nice to see some positivity from Rolling Stone for a change :).
I find weird the statement that SONY/ATV earns 500 mill. a year!
It not true, or at least exaggerated !!!

why do people find MJ facts to be weird? or exaggerated?

also..rollingstone article was mostly a bunch of guesswork, about his usual. it wasn't really about the tour, except maybe barely one third of the article. and they shouldn't call it a tour, but a residency.

if it weren't for the fact that these news developments on this residency weren't part of these articles by rollingstone and such, they would qualify for the 'enough is enough' section.

it's also funny how some are less willing to doubt that tabloid fodder but not as willing to be doubtless about the atv figures.
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don't be so quick to dismiss that figure.............umm??
Its not so quick, Sony/ATV is not so profitable yearly! Its not good if such information is portrayed as a fact, it has to be well-founded with a straight document, black on white in a annual report. Not only an article....

why do people find MJ facts to be weird? or exaggerated?

Well, what fact do you mean? A RS article?
Its good to read such article, but its relevance is disputable.

There are so many articles... about MJ financial situation, but :doh:
Its not so quick, Sony/ATV is not so profitable yearly! Its not good if such information is portrayed as a fact, it has to be well-founded with a straight document, black on white in a annual report. Not only an article....

Well, what fact do you mean? A RS article?
Its good to read such article, but its relevance is disputable.

There are so many articles... about MJ financial situation, but :doh:

well..this just goes back to something i wrote in the MJ amazing feats sticky. if you didn't actually see MJ sell out the o2 like he did, you wouldn't believe that either.(remember, he hasn't toured in years. radio refused to play his latest stuff for years. and the rollingstones of the world keep bringing up the trial and the term 'child molestation' to feed the rabid hater dogs out there. i apologize to actual beagles and dobermans and such, everywhere.) every MJ fact is surrounded by media jargon designed to make people doubt MJ's relevance. the logic of the sellout which never happened before, and could have gone on for 2 years or more, equates with all the other facts that you consider to be exaggerrated. a person who can sell out a residency like that, can have a catalogue that is that lucrative. they go together. it's logical. that's how much fans love his music..and, if you listen to top forty radio, and see how it's dominated with atv artists, you'd see that the figures are plausible. for the last half year that i have been listening to top forty radio, every number one song was an atv song. that's unheard of, until now. at least sixty percent of the top forty, from week to week was and is riddled with atv songs. and that's leaving out what is being used in commercials. that's unheard of, till now. it's all on the level with what MJ has been doing. so it makes logical sense.
Its not so quick, Sony/ATV is not so profitable yearly! Its not good if such information is portrayed as a fact, it has to be well-founded with a straight document, black on white in a annual report. Not only an article....

Well, what fact do you mean? A RS article?
Its good to read such article, but its relevance is disputable.

There are so many articles... about MJ financial situation, but :doh:

why are you so touchy about the possibility of Sony/ATV making $500mil a year...

they are not a publicly traded company... so those annual report are not avail to the public ....

and regardless what I think of Rollingstones.. they have been writing about the music industry for years.. with some articles on "inside" info.. becuz of their contacts...

so who knows..???. so as said before.. don't be so quick to dismiss that $500 mil figure...
why are you so touchy about the possibility of Sony/ATV making $500mil a year...

they are not a publicly traded company... so those annual report are not avail to the public ....

and regardless what I think of Rollingstones.. they have been writing about the music industry for years.. with some articles on "inside" info.. becuz of their contacts...

so who knows..???. so as said before.. don't be so quick to dismiss that $500 mil figure...

I am not touchy, I just try to be very rational concerning Michaels "matters" and thats why I wonder why many fans are so unduly optimistic and if the articles apprears to be false..., then the articles are stupid, and wrong and... and ... and..., not the exaggerated fans reactions!, you know what I mean?
I think SONY/ ATV does earn 500 million a year.
I remember a 2005 FORBES magazine article titled "

"Really odd facts about Michael Jackson"

Which is mostly negative but they are forced to admit and I quote

The entertainer is a partner with Sony in a music publishing business, which owns more than 300,000 songs and generates as much as $75 million a year in income for him.

The Catalog has more than doubled in size since then. It must extremely profitable.
people are gunna believe whatever opinion they wanna believe. the problem is, that some wanna believe he's in debt more than he is big on profit. none of these 'sources' have any more weight than each other, whether it be time, forbes, or rollingstone. they are all just magazines.

the true exaggerration is that there are those who believe that MJ, after being afloat in success all these years, is constantly in debt at all. you can't last this long in business, and be in debt at the same time.

it's not an exaggerration, however to believe that a career that lasted this long, if full of massive profit. it's just a matter of simple logic.

and frankly i'm just tired of hearing the illogical.
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If you have any doubts regarding the profitability of Sony/ATV, you should check out the "MJ Biz News" thread. Which I BUMPED for easy access.
The MJ Biz NEWS is great thread, I posted there some comments... and facts!

I dont want you to misunderstand me here, I have clear mind and opinion about SONY/ATV as you can see in the Biz thread. I think I know what Im talking about.
people are gunna believe whatever opinion they wanna believe. the problem is, that some wanna believe he's in debt more than he is big on profit. none of these 'sources' have any more weight than each other, whether it be time, forbes, or rollingstone. they are all just magazines.

the true exaggerration is that there are those who believe that MJ, after being afloat in success all these years, is constantly in debt. you can't last this long and be in debt at the same time.

it's not an exaggerration, however to believe that a career that lasted this long, if full of massive profit. it's just a matter of simple logic.

and frankly i'm just tired of hearing the illogical.

....thats right.

What I can say is that Michael is financially in very good shape, he has some debts but its not so serious as it seems.
My comments in the Biz thread are clear.
I am not touchy, I just try to be very rational concerning Michaels "matters" and thats why I wonder why many fans are so unduly optimistic and if the articles apprears to be false..., then the articles are stupid, and wrong and... and ... and..., not the exaggerated fans reactions!, you know what I mean?

Well that optimism is what got a lot of fans thru the 2005 trial and believing that one day Michael will perform again...

Optimism...not being deaf,dumb and blind...

And it doesn't help the media's case in continually saying "he is broke" yet purposely exaggerate (as u said) the earnings of a company he co-owns...

I've kept an eye on Sonyatv for quite a while ....that figure might be more close to the truth than u think...

The man has not toured for over 12yrs...he must be living off something...

Anyways don't be so dis-heartened about figure...its a mute happy..he is
In performaning mode
Breaking records..and getting
His groove back!!
The MJ Biz NEWS is great thread, I posted there some comments... and facts!

I dont want you to misunderstand me here, I have clear mind and opinion about SONY/ATV as you can see in the Biz thread. I think I know what Im talking about.

....thats right.

What I can say is that Michael is financially in very good shape, he has some debts but its not so serious as it seems.
My comments in the Biz thread are clear.

it's illogical to believe he is in Any debt. let's just leave it at this. you and i don't know Anything about his finances. we are just fans. and the 'sources' you quote don't have access to MJ's stuff. do u think any citizen willingly gives that info to a magazine? if they volunteer. that's one thing. but MJ doesn't volunteer. he was quoted as saying that that is tacky. and we know these mags are anti MJ, so you cannot expect them to give the facts.
even you agree that these mags are a surprise to give any postive info...hence your many exclamation marks on your headline. you might even be more surprised if forbes or time mag does it. but it can't be believed, what they say, when they keep giving buzzwords, designed to make the fans turn on MJ. 'acquitted' as opposed to innocent' and they keep bringing up the trial, when it's totally unnecessary. other celebs can be proven to have done something wrong, and the mags will 'forget' about mentioning it. so anything these mags give will be skewed. it's their political nature.
I think even if MJ does all the intl dates setout by AEG.For that 3yr deal..there will be those who will still think he is broke or in dire straits..and keep dwelling on it...

Michael is doing just fine and that's what irritate a lot of folks...they want him in bankruptcy court ..loosing his valuable. assets
and let's add this...the million dollar question..
if MJ is in Any debt, couldn't he have agreed to do more than fifty shows? people who believe he is in debt are saying that MJ does it on purpose, because he doesn't tour every year like others...and he doesnt tour enough to get out of debt if he is in it. do you think all these people would be begging to make deals with him if he DELIBERATLY likes to stay in debt?

all MJ has to do, as we have witnessed, is snap his fingers and the fans will come. he is totally capable of getting out of debt if he is in it. so..logic dictates that he is not in debt. we don't need sources, we just need logic.
and, the fan response to o2 is enough to know that he has a five hundred million dollar surplus on that catalogue. it's logic, because the fans reaction to what he does (o2) is enough to prove that he is wayyyy in the black, and not in the red. the frenzied fan reaction has never stopped. this is the true proof of the massive kaching. you get the feeling that he needs to wear chains around his neck to prove that he has bling, by some peoples' feelings.
"every song is full of grandiose desperation. It's an excruciatingly self-referential place, worsened further by its namesake's unmatched controversies and weirdnesses."

Rolling Stones review on Invincible... arseholes

I've kept an eye on Sonyatv for quite a while ....that figure might be more close to the truth than u think...

The man has not toured for over 12yrs...he must be living off something...

Anyways don't be so dis-heartened about figure...its a mute happy..he is
In performaning mode
Breaking records..and getting
His groove back!



Yes & Amen!

Michael still brings in a buzz and money is involved and folks are still talking. they watch what and every thing MJ does.
Well that optimism is what got a lot of fans thru the 2005 trial and believing that one day Michael will perform again...

Optimism...not being deaf,dumb and blind...

And it doesn't help the media's case in continually saying "he is broke" yet purposely exaggerate (as u said) the earnings of a company he co-owns...

I've kept an eye on Sonyatv for quite a while ....that figure might be more close to the truth than u think...

The man has not toured for over 12yrs...he must be living off something...

Anyways don't be so dis-heartened about figure...its a mute happy..he is
In performaning mode
Breaking records..and getting
His groove back!!
Say dat, Rasta!!!

THIS IS IT!! :cheers:
"every song is full of grandiose desperation. It's an excruciatingly self-referential place, worsened further by its namesake's unmatched controversies and weirdnesses."

Rolling Stones review on Invincible... arseholes

yeah..using the term 'weirdnesses' completely removed any legitimacy that rollingstone critcism and the magazine ever had, if they ever had any, which they did not. it also speaks to their illiteracy.
You are right, VNW. I don't believe that any of these major magazines know anything definitive about Michael's finances. All of these news mediums just copy each other and keep spreading the same lie.

I will never forget when they were reporting that Michael owed Sony $200 mil. Then when Michael spoke out and denied it, they backed off for a while then resumed their lie and inflated the amount.

I always think to myself.....after all these years in the business, what if Michael has offshore accounts with money in it for his children? What if he has real estate investments that none of us know about? What if he owns things out there under assumed names to keep folks from suing him for his assets? What if? None of us will ever know.....and the media certainly doesn't know.

And even when they do know, the continue to lie. Just like they are doing with Neverland. They keep saying that Michael had to sell Neverland when we know that he shifted it to a venture.
$500 mil a year. That means 250 to Mike and 250 to sony right? - IF the figure is true of course !!