Roger Ebert Silenced by Jaw Cancer, Surgery


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Roger Ebert Silenced by Jaw Cancer, Surgery

By Catherine Donaldson-Evans
Tuesday February 16, 2010 05:15 PM EST
Roger Ebert
Courtesy of Esquire

Legendary film critic Roger Ebert has literally lost his voice since he underwent surgery for jaw cancer almost four years ago, but that hasn't stopped him from doing a sit-down with Esquire magazine for a shocking feature story in the March issue.

Ebert, 67, hasn't been able to speak since 2006, when he had a post-op procedure known as a tracheostomy – which involves making an incision in the windpipe for air to get through.

The Chicago Sun-Times movie reviewer uses special text-to-speech software and good old fashioned pen and paper to communicate, which is how he was able to do the Esquire interview and how he continues to write film reviews.

He's also developed his own form of sign language, where he traces letters with his finger on the palm of his hand.

Ebert has been through a number of surgeries, first to remove his malignant thyroid in 2002, then on his salivary glands in 2003 and his jaw in 2006. Complications led to the tracheostomy and the total loss of speech.

"What else can go wrong?" he jokingly wonders during the Esquire interview.
FROM 2008: Roger Ebert Back in Hospital

Ebert, whose face has been contorted by all the surgery, shakes his head "no" when asked whether a procedure to help him talk again is a possibility.

Ebert rose to fame co-hosting TV film review show At the Movies with Gene Siskel, a reviewer for competing paper the Chicago Tribune, until Siskel's death in 1999. Fellow Sun-Times reporter Richard Roeper took his place. A thumbs-up or thumbs-down for each movie critiqued was the program's trademark.,,20344518,00.html
When I read this on MSN, I had a holy shit moment. I didn't even recognize him. Very sad story. Hope he fights the cancer off.
When I read this on MSN, I had a holy shit moment. I didn't even recognize him. Very sad story. Hope he fights the cancer off.

Yeah I'm having that now while reading the article...... I had no idea. How awful to be such a well known movie critic (fond memories of those Siskel and Ebert days...) and then literally have your voice taken away.... and then not only your voice but ability to eat or drink too! :(

Thanks for the article.
This is very sad to see, ironically, Wrestling legend Bobby "The Brain" Heenan is suffering from this same issue, and had to have his jaw removed as well. It saddens me because these two guys, Ebert and Heenan, are some of the best talkers I've had the pleasure and privilege to witness in my life. To see them essentially lose their voice is heartbreaking. :(