Rock bands love Michael jackson

When MTV did an Icon tribute to Metallica some years ago, they played Beat It. I assume they appreciate his music

Got this from The Bean (kop):

I have a little story about Jason Newsted. Growing up a friend of mine who was a massive Metallica fan managed to get hold of a special live box set from the band back in the early 90s. The set included a booklet with handwritten diary entries from the band. Jason Newsted wrote about how honoured he was to hear that MJ was a fan after receiving a note and gift from MJ on their tour. He said that he had never met MJ, but if he did he would get down and kiss his feet. He went on to say how much he admired and respected him.

I always found that really funny since Newsted was by far the real scary metal head of the band!
Just goes to show you.


This photoshop work is cool ^ :)
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