Robin Thicke appreciation thread

Jul 25, 2011
Robin Thicke is an extremely talented songwriter, not to mention singer. I have all three of his albums, and they're all equally good. He's one of the few 'current' artists that I think is just as talented (or nearly as talented) as Michael.

Any other fans on here?
yeah I'm a big fan I haven't picked up the new one but....I've been a fan before he became popular...I wish his first one did better it was really dope
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i love robin thcike! he writes incredibly and i enjoy his sound and music
I picked up his latest album yesterday. It most definetly my best album for 2008. Its a mixture of Marvin Gaye, Teddy Pendagrass, Cool and the gang ect. He litraly brang back the 70s!
I don't know about all of that.... BUT Thicke is alright. His got more soul than Timberlake. His Evolution album was pretty good.

You should hear his "A Beautiful World" cd, that's probably my second favorite RT album after Evolution. Not a weak track on it.
a new single:


new album is coming out December 8th.
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I dig "When I Get You Alone", "Magic" and Will Smith's R&B remix of "Switch".
I love love Robin. I can see comparing his songwriting and singing strengths to MJ's, but what puts Michael in a whole different category is not just those abilities, but everything else included. His dancing, his prescence, his essence, and inexplicables that has a whole world including China, Africa, etc. etc. etc. etc. somehow being touched by his spirit.

I think MJ just stands alone. Sorry, if this comes off as preachy, but many have gifts that are comparable to parts of Michael, but when you put the whole package together, no one compares to him. And no. I'm not objective LOL
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I absolutely love "The evolution of..." and he has quite a few other nice tracks like "Superman", "I'm Not Loving You" & "Against The World".

BTW, the vocal harmonies 2:36 into "All Night Long" is just amazing.

I think most people here already know this, but Robin Thicke wrote/produced "Fall Again" for Michael. (for the Invincible album?!)

EDIT: I'm not a big fan of Thicke's new Sex Therapy single.
I love Polow (the producer), but this shit is weak compared to their usual standard.
Polow also produced "Promise" for Ciara, which have similarities with "Sex Therapy".
"Promise" is like a beefed up version of "Sex Therapy".

I don't think "Sex Therapy" is bad, but I expected a bit more from Thicke + Polow :)

I dig "When I Get You Alone", "Magic" and Will Smith's R&B remix of "Switch".

Wow, thought I was quite alone with liking/knowing about that one :D
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Love him! I was frontrow at his gig in Amsterdam 2 years ago, was so friggin' awesome! :punk:
He can do so many different styles together, really brought back the old quality music.

Oh wow...didn't know he wrote/produced Fall Again! How cool! :bugeyed
Love him! I was frontrow at his gig in Amsterdam 2 years ago, was so friggin' awesome! :punk:
He can do so many different styles together, really brought back the old quality music for me.

Oh wow...didn't know he wrote/produced Fall Again! How cool! :bugeyed

Hehe yeah I was also like "WOW" when I read the credits to Fall Again, totally unexpected! :D
He's not a strong live performer though. His falsetto caves in alot and I remember him perfoming "Magic" and he was moving out of time to the music. His strength lies in songwriting.
He's not a strong live performer though. His falsetto caves in alot and I remember him perfoming "Magic" and he was moving out of time to the music. His strength lies in songwriting.

I agree with you, his studio vocals are much much better.
But then we can compare him to most of the infants on the charts today, his vocals are much stronger than 90% of them - and he's at least singing live while most playback.
It's kind like Michael, when we talk about "this wasn't Michael's best day" - that's because we compare him to a certain standard, which is above the "normal standard".

Here's a performance Robin did of Rock With You and Al Green's wonderful song "Let's Stay Together"
I definitely hear what you mean about his falsetto, but on the notes where he's more pushing his voice he really hit them notes well.
He's going to be a daddy for the first time
There's plenty to sing about for Robin Thicke, as he and wife Paula Patton are having a baby! According to, the couple, who were high school sweethearts and married in 2005, are expecting their first child.

The lovebirds recently gushed about each other. "She could make a marriage work with a chair," Robin said of his wife. "She's an incredible woman, and she's very beautiful, so I'm just lucky to be with her."

As for the dad-to-be, well, Paula simply said, "He's ... amazing!"

Awww! Congrats!
I agree with you, his studio vocals are much much better.
But then we can compare him to most of the infants on the charts today, his vocals are much stronger than 90% of them - and he's at least singing live while most playback.
It's kind like Michael, when we talk about "this wasn't Michael's best day" - that's because we compare him to a certain standard, which is above the "normal standard".

Here's a performance Robin did of Rock With You and Al Green's wonderful song "Let's Stay Together"
I definitely hear what you mean about his falsetto, but on the notes where he's more pushing his voice he really hit them notes well.

Thanks for the link bro, and yes compared to most acts today, Robin is one of a the few decent one.
I heard Robin Thicke on American Idol, I think, and he did Lost Without U and he didn't sound as good as he did on album. I don't know if it was an off night or what, but maybe Bongani is right in that he may not be a strong live performer. But I really do enjoy his studio work.

I wasn't surprised to hear he had a part with Fall Again for MJ, I think it was. He has some melodies that MJ-ish.
Wow... that Human Nature was nice. Much better than Lost Without U (as far as live vocals go). Lost Without U and Magic are the only songs I've heard him do live. He did okay on Magic, but that was really great. Thanks for posting those.
You're welcome! :)

I don't know if you're a studio junkie like me, but here are some behind the scenes of creating "Something else"
Hehe you can see Pharrell playing on the buckets in the last part - that's his thing.
What I admire though is that in a time where they don't play any live instruments, Thicke still takes time and put money into that. There's something reminiscent of "Quincy Jones" about him. Maybe you'll understand what I mean when you watch the clips.

EDIT: Haha watch Part 4 in that link above ^
He has got Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls just standing there and whispering and shit on a track.
Most people would make a featuring and have her sing her ass off, but Thicke just want her doing some ad-libs. :lol:
That's like having nuclear weapon but go to war with a pistol instead, lol.
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i wish i could change....i wish i could change...i wish i could stop saying the my fave song ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Bought his new CD Sex Therapy yesterday. It's pretty good. More rap and explicit language than usual BUT this one has a nice combo of old throwback sound (Million Dollar Baby) as well as modern R&B (Sex Therapy), some hip hop, and some futuristic r&b/rock fusion stuff. There's a song called Elevatas that has a bit from Michael's Captain Eo which repeats throughout the song. The bit taken comes from We Are Here to Change the World. It's one of my faves tracks besides Sex Therapy. It rocks, it jams...FUNKY stuff! There's also a nice ballad on there "Luv Birds" that's classic Robin Thicke.

He was on Steve Harvey's radio show yesterday where he said there's supposed to be a CD with at least 16 trax. The one with 12 trax is to make it affordable for fans hit by the economy and the extended one would cost a little more for fans who could afford it. The Target I went to last night only had the one with 12 trax and I didn't want to leave without it. Had to ask for it at the electronics desk becuz the shelves were empty. The clerk said the CDs had been flying off the shelves all day and they hadn't had time to restock again. She said LOTS of ladies have been asking for it. LOL! :giggle:

Overall, I like it. It's less "old school" sounding like his last CD so if that's the Robin Thicke you prefer, you might be disappointed with the new 12 track CD. The 16 track one might have more oldschool stuff but I've not seen or heard any of it yet.
Had the pleasure of seeing Robin Thicke at Stevie Wonder's House Full Of Toys concert. Solid vocals and solid band. Looking forward to hearing the new album.
i love robin thicke!!! i cant wait to see him LIVE!! getting sex therapy this wk =)
There's a song called Elevatas that has a bit from Michael's Captain Eo which repeats throughout the song. The bit taken comes from We Are Here to Change the World.

I EFFIN LOVE IT!!! I HEAR MICHAEL'S Ohhhh! in the background im listening to it rite now :wub:
I'm so loving robin thicke i am a fan of his music "sex therapy" is mmmmmmm so sexy this is my jam

Oh these Human Nature covers are awesome, wow! He's got the perfect voice for it.
I love how he can sing in so many song he sounds completely different than the other, just amazing.
I'm addicted to his album Sex Therapy for quite some days now... :lol:

Just uploaded some vids I shot at his gig in Amsterdam in 2007, if anyone wants to see:


Everthing I Can't Have

Sorry for the screaming and stuff....seriously wasn't me! ;D