RIP Milly Boele, 12 year old girl is found dead nearby her home


"Dutch police who found the body of a 12-year-old girl in a neighbour's garden have arrested one of their own officers.

"The body of Milly Boele has been found. She is dead," police spokeswoman Nicolette Bovenhorst told RTL after a lengthy search in the garden.

The garden is owned by a 26-year-old policeman who is a nearby neighbor of the girl.She did not say how the girl, missing since last Wednesday, had died.

Ms Bovenhorst said the policeman was arrested after he went to a police station yesterday with "important information" about the girl's disappearance, which prompted the search of his property. Source:AFP

This happened in a town which is located just minutes from where I live.
The girl went missing a few days ago and the entire country was looking for her. Police now announced she has been found dead in a neighbor's backyard. This is incredibly sad, and I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention.

Our children need to be protected. :(
It's tragic it feels a bit like Michael would probably have written a song about this. Poor little girl. R.I.P. My thoughts and prayers are with her family at this terrible time.:angel:
It's so sad to read stories like this :( My heart goes out to her family and friends..
These things shouldn't be allowed to happen. :( I can't imagine how much pain will the parents be feeling right now. My prayers are with them.
Oh gosh, these stories are always so sad and scary.
The fact that this can happen anywhere to anyone. :(

Poor girl.
That is terrible. I hate hearing news like this. :no:
that poor child...I just cannot think about what she went through.....RIP baby girl.
this is just so sad, poor Milly!!

it's so terrible that things like this can happen :cry:
I was shocked when I heard the news. Poor girl and it must be so horrible.. But it seems you can't even trust police officers anymore these days. That's really sad.
"Dutch police who found the body of a 12-year-old girl in a neighbour's garden have arrested one of their own officers.

"The body of Milly Boele has been found. She is dead," police spokeswoman Nicolette Bovenhorst told RTL after a lengthy search in the garden.
The garden is owned by a 26-year-old policeman who is a nearby neighbor of the girl.She did not say how the girl, missing since last Wednesday, had died.

Ms Bovenhorst said the policeman was arrested after he went to a police station yesterday with "important information" about the girl's disappearance, which prompted the search of his property. Source:AFP

This happened in a town which is located just minutes from where I live.
The girl went missing a few days ago and the entire country was looking for her. Police now announced she has been found dead in a neighbor's backyard. This is incredibly sad, and I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention.

Our children need to be protected. :(

OMG!! 12 years old she's the same age as me
Michael would feel So devastated about this
May she rest in peace & may god bless her soul
Its just really really sad....

On the phone with her mom she mentioned that the neighbour was at the door and she hung up...a few moments later she was sexually abused and breaks my heart.
