RIP-A Different Take on Today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Southern California
Yes, it does feel surreal. I feel like I'm going to wake up any moment and all of this would have just been a bad dream. I couldn't take all the calls and texts that were coming in today. It seems like everybody wanted to talk to me about the news but I just didn't feel like talking.

However, I want to look at things a different way. As I watch the news and read the reports, I realize that I haven't heard the phrase "Former King of Pop" today. Everything has been "King of Pop." It seems like all of a sudden people feel it is ok to say they like Michael Jackson or that they are Michael Jackson fans. Most people have been showing nothing but respect. MJ is now immortalized. We will never see him as an old man, who can barely walk/dance. We will remember him as the vibrant person he has always been. Also, with all the coverage, it will help to introduce MJ to the younger generation. It just seems as if the greatest stars die too young. However, it usually cements their legacy. Its crazy but when one dies, their legacy usually seems to increase. MJ will live forever and as time passes, people will remember him for his great talent instead of silly media stories. The legend will live forever!!!
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