Reverend Al Sharpton has been remembering his friend, Michael Jackson, a year since he died


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

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Memories of Michael Jackson

Thu Jun 24 2010 07:37:23

Michael Jackson's former close friend, Reverend Al Sharpton has been remembering the King of Pop just days ahead of the first anniversary of his death.

"Michael Jackson didn't just master what was black music. He learned it, mastered it and expanded it, then brought it beyond the walls of musical apartheid," the civil rights activist said.

Baptist minister Sharpton often advised Jackson on business and record deals, he also delivered a eulogy at the memorial service.

The Reverend added: "He was a good man and he deserved a lot more than he got and he gave a lot more than he received."

Jackson died aged 50 in Los Angeles on June 25 of an overdose of sedatives, painkillers and the powerful anesthetic propofol just days before a series of planned comeback shows in London.
I always liked and agreed with what Reverend Al Sharpton has said about Michael so far, to me his words seem very true and on point.
I like him he always sticks up for Michael! he's a very good speaker never afraid to say what's on his mind
I agree. I always have liked what he has said about Michael. He was the one that said "where we these people yesterday?" when Michael died and they were praising. He understood how unfair Michael was treated.