Rev Al Sharpton Tweets on MJ

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

MICHAEL JACKSON must never be forgotten. One year later, join us at the Apollo. Every interview they continue to smear him. We owe him.
MICHAEL JACKSON must never be forgotten.

... without active fans support, without annual tribute events,... there is a danger that this could happen in 15 years...
(as I wrote before, there is no MJ unity, its lacking in cohesion among us and the euphoria of the year 2009 is almost gone, and the upcoming years will be - grim... and only our memories and remembering the past is not enough...)
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Every interview they continue to smear him. We owe him.

This is funny coming from a man who was pictured with Halperin at Michael Jackson's memorial along with Jesse and Dileo. Strange isn't it? Some seem not to give a damn about Michael and continue to cavort with those very same people that smear him. What gives? Oh let me guess, "IT'S JUST BUSINESS!!" All this mess is just a sick joke to some, I'm not at all amused by any of it!
This is funny coming from a man who was pictured with Halperin at Michael Jackson's memorial along with Jesse and Dileo. Strange isn't it? Some seem not to give a damn about Michael and continue to cavort with those very same people that smear him. What gives? Oh let me guess, "IT'S JUST BUSINESS!!" All this mess is just a sick joke to some, I'm not at all amused by any of it!


He can go to hell with his memorial service.
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I remember someone said at the time of the memorial that Halperin was trying to take pictures with everyone at the entrance. Probably Al Sharpton nor knows him.
Another point. I am a first grade teacher. And those kids love Michael Jackson, and its these kids that will continue his legacy. I know I will make sure that those kids never forget MJ!:dancin:
I'm with him all the way. I'm getting sick of these dumb traitors talking crap about Michael again.
What are you talking about? That is just not true. You are seeing this as a glass half empty not the other way around. I know I'm giving on a monthly basis to nature. org, to american forests on his honor. There are meet ups for him, tributes everywhere, and the new album hasn't even been released yet! His legacy will continue if we buy his albums, if we continue to give to charities like a lot of us have. The estate has struck multi-million dollar deals to keep his legacy alive. I don't know where you are coming from.

I don't mean it in that way. By 'not bothered about doing anything for his legacy', I mean fans usually don't bother to fight for his name. For eg: I saw there are many sites that don't give a truthful biography of him but no one seems to bother to do anything about it. And, how is donating to nature help his legacy? you're only doing it for nature, for others. You aren't going to clear his name and change ppl's opinions about him.

And yes, ppl have already forgotten him! There's a facebook group that wants 1million candles for MJ on 25th June and there're only slightly over 10000 ppl that joined the group. It's finally close down I think. Many ppl like his music but they don't bother doing anything for him. That's a fact.
I don't mean it in that way. By 'not bothered about doing anything for his legacy', I mean fans usually don't bother to fight for his name. For eg: I saw there are many sites that don't give a truthful biography of him but no one seems to bother to do anything about it. And, how is donating to nature help his legacy? you're only doing it for nature, for others. You aren't going to clear his name and change ppl's opinions about him.

And yes, ppl have already forgotten him! There's a facebook group that wants 1million candles for MJ on 25th June and there're only slightly over 10000 ppl that joined the group. It's finally close down I think. Many ppl like his music but they don't bother doing anything for him. That's a fact.

Yes, in the same way that i knew who elvis presley and the beatles were aged 5, yet there biggest hits on youtube, have little over a million views. There facebook groups won't have too many either. It's not that simple im afraid.
... without active fans support, without annual tribute events,... there is a danger that this could happen in 15 years...
(as I wrote before, there is no MJ unity, its lacking in cohesion among us and the euphoria of the year 2009 is almost gone, and the upcoming years will be - grim... and only our memories and remembering the past is not enough...)

This is my biggest fear. What will happen in 10 years from now.. or 5 years? I know people will know of him.. because you cant possibly not know about the greatest entertainer of all time, Michael Jackson.. We know of Elvis and Sinatra etc but really dont know much about them (if you are not a hardcore fan) and maybe that will just "be it". I dont know.. but a life without MJ here on Earth is still painful to think about.. He STILL had so much to give..
If we fans strive to keep Michael's legacy and memory alive and clear his name, he will never be forgotten.

So we have to do just that. It's up to us.
I don't mean it in that way. By 'not bothered about doing anything for his legacy', I mean fans usually don't bother to fight for his name. For eg: I saw there are many sites that don't give a truthful biography of him but no one seems to bother to do anything about it. And, how is donating to nature help his legacy? you're only doing it for nature, for others. You aren't going to clear his name and change ppl's opinions about him.

And yes, ppl have already forgotten him! There's a facebook group that wants 1million candles for MJ on 25th June and there're only slightly over 10000 ppl that joined the group. It's finally close down I think. Many ppl like his music but they don't bother doing anything for him. That's a fact.

I know there are all kinds of fans who are doing things for Michael. Just yesterday I saw a post on FB about a fan who got a joke page about him taken down that had been up for years. She got it taken down by getting support from so many other fans that they were SHOCKED.
And as for the groups on FB, it's just because there are sooooo many of them! If everyone who made the pages up and the people who joined them, would join together, there would be a lot more.
We like more than just his music - always have and always will.
Alright guys, some posts have been deleted. I just don't feel it's appropriate what with it approaching the year and it was veering off topic a bit... :flowers:
I plan on teaching my own children anything I can about Michael before anyone else does. I will raise them on his music, DVD's of his short films, and books of his life and innocence. I will teach them how his life is an example of why you should think for yourself and not take anything that's just spoon fed to you by media or the masses.
Yes, in the same way that i knew who elvis presley and the beatles were aged 5, yet there biggest hits on youtube, have little over a million views. There facebook groups won't have too many either. It's not that simple im afraid.
Fans always like to compare them but they aren't in the same league. I think MJ is more genius than both of them combined. As a human being, he's way better than them. But the media will never tell you so. It's always the beatles and elvis presley, they always have media like rolling stone, TIME, reuters etc that back them up. In whatever lists, they will put them in top 10 and MJ far behind. They hardly mention his humanitarian works. What they do is keep focusing on his face, and the charges, bizzare lifestyle which I don't think it anything bizzare and downplaying his greatness. So if ppl who never know MJ and only hear about all the bad stuff from the media, they wouldnt really know MJ unless they do their own research. So MJ's legacy is only left with fans and family, but there's no unity. And alot have don't care attitude. And, it's only the first year anniversary..

Another thing, Elvis had graceland where he lived and buried there, where fans could gather, run in a business like manner. Sadly, MJ didnt have one which will help to keep fans together imo.
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I know there are all kinds of fans who are doing things for Michael. Just yesterday I saw a post on FB about a fan who got a joke page about him taken down that had been up for years. She got it taken down by getting support from so many other fans that they were SHOCKED.
And as for the groups on FB, it's just because there are sooooo many of them! If everyone who made the pages up and the people who joined them, would join together, there would be a lot more.
We like more than just his music - always have and always will.
It's just the hardcore fans that like more than his music. trust me. And, MJ doesnt have many hardcore fans. He has lots of casual fans though. That's for sure.
Rev AL was heroic at MJ' passing. He orchestrated the overwhelming outpouring of mourning in HARLEM for MJ, that the entire world, including the media, couldn't resist. He stole the show at MJ'S memorial with his brillance.

Sure he is controversial, but on this i do not question him at all.
Fans always like to compare them but they aren't in the same league. I think MJ is more genius than both of them combined. As a human being, he's way better than them. But the media will never tell you so. It's always the beatles and elvis presley, they always have media like rolling stone, TIME, reuters etc that back them up. In whatever lists, they will put them in top 10 and MJ far behind. They hardly mention his humanitarian works. What they do is keep focusing on his face, and the charges, bizzare lifestyle which I don't think it anything bizzare and downplaying his greatness. So if ppl who never know MJ and only hear about all the bad stuff from the media, they wouldnt really know MJ unless they do their own research. So MJ's legacy is only left with fans and family, but there's no unity. And alot have don't care attitude. And, it's only the first year anniversary..

Another thing, Elvis had graceland where he lived and buried there, where fans could gather, run in a business like manner. Sadly, MJ didnt have one which will help to keep fans together imo.

ah so your talking about how people see them, rather than if they will be forgotten, well that is differen't yes.
(as I wrote before, there is no MJ unity, its lacking in cohesion among us and the euphoria of the year 2009 is almost gone, and the upcoming years will be - grim... and only our memories and remembering the past is not enough...)
I believe Michael's memory will always be alive. He made too much of a mark for him to be forgotten. But I do agree with you on THIS particular fact: There is no unity nor cohesion among the fans. In my opinion and from my own observance this disunity is instigated by various people from the ones infiltrating fan sites/forums as well as those who had dealt shady against Michael. These types are using the fans' grief and vunerability for their own advantage in order to push their agenda. A good number of fans are falling for it and they need to WAKE UP.
without active fans support, without annual tribute events,... there is a danger that this could happen in 15 years.
so if there isnt a mj day for you to go to you will suddenly foget who mj is will you? ok. because joe bloggs that isnt a fans of mj isnt going to go to an mj day.aslong as shit is written in the papers and his music is played and be able to bought and his kids are here no will be forgetting. stop being such a drama thats you only worry about what might happen in 20 years. lucky you
nother thing, Elvis had graceland where he lived and buried there, where fans could gather, run in a business like manner. Sadly, MJ didnt have one which will help to keep fans together imo.
graceland was set up years after his death. fans expect this within 12 months when the estate and will is still in probate and theres more important issues to be delt with.
It's just the hardcore fans that like more than his music. trust me. And, MJ doesnt have many hardcore fans. He has lots of casual fans though. That's for sure.

Michael visited hospitals and orphanages around the world when he was doing his tours.
He met many children and sometimes their families, and they were thankful for what he did.
He was paying treatment for sick children, he opened neverland for children and in some cases families could stay there.
We know there were some bad people among them, but there are so many who will never forget what he did and will always love him for his good heart.
It isn´t only children and their parents, it´s grandparents,siblings , uncles ,
aunts, cousins ,friends
MJ doesnt have many hardcore fans.

:lol: Yeah, um...he probably has the most hardcore fans of any artist ever..Not sure why you would say that.

Michael has the most fans than any other artist EVER. (hardcore and casual)
:lol: Yeah, um...he probably has the most hardcore fans of any artist ever..Not sure why you would say that.

Michael has the most fans than any other artist EVER. (hardcore and casual)

exactly..and I am one of them....just reading this thread has brought me to tears....Michael will be remembered for ALOT more than just his music....God he was a genius...he was such a compassionate person...he will be remembered for those things that have already been written in this thread and MANY other things. I just wish that the world would of been ready for Michael Jackson and all he had to offer......the world is a sucks.
i didnt spend x amount of money and heck knows how many weeks added up sat outside hotels in freezing temps for 12 hrs in order to see him for a few seconds or nearly get run over by london buses chasing him cause im a casual fan!
i didnt spend x amount of money and heck knows how many weeks added up sat outside hotels in freezing temps for 12 hrs in order to see him for a few seconds or nearly get run over by london buses chasing him cause im a casual fan!

Elusive, I know you're making a point, but I just found myself laughing a bit by your post, probably becuase I was trying to envision it.:D

but to the person who said MJ does'nt have any hardcore fans, I ask you this, where the heck have you been all these years?