Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Just want to state the obvious...TMZ is far from the holy grail of facts. They previously ran with the ridiculous fabrication that Michael Jackson is suffering from Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, half blind, mute, etc... They also previously published an "exclusive invitation" document they received proclaiming to be from a "Live Forever" concert from MJ at the Luxor in Vegas--the whole thing was later confirmed to be a hoax. They don't always have documents to support their claims, and anyone can send in "tips" to them.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I just thought of guys are gonna think I'm nutz (some of you already do!! LOL!) Anyway, what if this is one big publicity stunt?? You know, you go to the first concert, and none other than Michael steps out with his brothers and does the first number?? Wouldn't that be awesome???? Yeah, I know MJ is his own artist, but just think about it...maybe this is playing out just the way some would want it to??
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Frank very well may have signed with this company with regards to MJ touring with his siblings. Whether or not he was working for MJ at the time and actually the power to sign and obligate Mike to this supposed tour is another thing and I don't think any of us can know that. But one this is for sure, the O2 shows almost certainly will not be cancelled or postponed because of this. If this company really does have Mike tied up in this tour with his bros and Janet, they aren't going to risk pissing Mike off by making him lose what could amount to $500 million by some estimates with the London shows. Worst comes to worst, the lawyers get involved and make some new arrangement where Mike still does the O2 shows and makes Mike also put on shows with the family between the O2 shows or after they've completed or something along those lines. If you're a business that promotes and produces tours, the last thing you want is to screw your headliner out of millions and other projects.

And yes, TMZ can be trashy and are often complete A-Holes to MJ and plenty others but I generally don't doubt what they post on their site. They're dirty but they aren't the supermarket tabloids at the checkout line. They do generally know what they're talking about.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Just want to state the obvious...TMZ is far from the holy grail of facts. They previously ran with the ridiculous fabrication that Michael Jackson is suffering from Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, half blind, mute, etc... They also previously published an "exclusive invitation" document they received proclaiming to be from a "Live Forever" concert from MJ at the Luxor in Vegas--the whole thing was later confirmed to be a hoax. They don't always have documents to support their claims, and anyone can send in "tips" to them.
Exactly. I think this should belong in the tabloid section unless some reliable source confims that it really is true. I know that is not my decision, I am not a moderator I just say my opinion.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Something just hit me.

Why is Janet's name in this thing too? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just want to state the obvious...TMZ is far from the holy grail of facts. They previously ran with the ridiculous fabrication that Michael Jackson is suffering from Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, half blind, mute, etc... They also previously published an "exclusive invitation" document they received proclaiming to be from a "Live Forever" concert from MJ at the Luxor in Vegas--the whole thing was later confirmed to be a hoax. They don't always have documents to support their claims, and anyone can send in "tips" to them.

OOPS! :lol: See what I mean there's far too many holes in this story. Plus they have to put poor Janet into the mix of these things. :lol: Last I checked she don't wanna do sh*t with her family EITHER. :rofl: Hasn't she suffered ENOUGH? Plus she's in the studio working with Jimmy Jam again. :lol:

So I smell...I smell (sniff sniff) B.S. in this ENTIRE article.
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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Even if it's B.S., lol Frank Dileo or MJ's manager must straighten it out! It's all over the news and I would have expected some sort of denial by now. TMZ is full of crap but I'm not counting this one out until I hear a denial from someone.

So, Rowe, Tohme, DiLeo, Bain, McDonalds, Burger King and whomever else need to issue a denial lol. It's really so simple.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Just want to state the obvious...TMZ is far from the holy grail of facts. They previously ran with the ridiculous fabrication that Michael Jackson is suffering from Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, half blind, mute, etc... They also previously published an "exclusive invitation" document they received proclaiming to be from a "Live Forever" concert from MJ at the Luxor in Vegas--the whole thing was later confirmed to be a hoax. They don't always have documents to support their claims, and anyone can send in "tips" to them.

Wasn't it last year they also posted some picture from 2000 (when MJ was in Monaco for the WMA's) and claimed it was new? :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Lots of unanswered questions and uncertainties with this.

Would the family really sue Michael? I dont believe so
When did Frank Dileo become an agent again for Michael? I must've missed that one.
Michael himself stated before the O2 announcements that he wasnt planning on performing with his family
Wouldnt such issues be ironed out before signing with AEG?

Worst case scenario that this turns out to be true, Michael would need to buy himself out of it in some way, cause these shows WILL, without doubt, be going ahead. They have to.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I think that a lot of this stuff happens to Michael because he doesn't like to say no to people. He chooses instead to avoid people thinking that they will simply go away. DiLeo was at the trial and standing behind him at the O2 announcement. Dude is obviously trying to get back into the circle. And a lot of these people wouldn't be so bold if Michael would just tell them NO for God's sake. Avoidance doesn't always work. This is a lessen I think he keeps learing the hard way.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Wasn't it last year they also posted some picture from 2000 (when MJ was in Monaco for the WMA's) and claimed it was new? :lol:

Yep, yep. They also posted several pictures of a laughably obvious MJ impersonator claiming that it was the real MJ.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I want everyone to take one step back and look at the bigger picture:

1. Last week Raymone Bain went on TMZ to announce her lawsuit.

2. Before that, we heard through various sources that Mike is "too frail" and/or Mike will not be ready for the tour cause he wasn't in shape.

3. This week, mysteriously, we have a report about Mike's tours being in jeopardy and that he may have signed something (or his agent) which may prevent his tour from taking place in London.

Wonder who could be the source of that "leak"?

Let's take a few guesses, shall we? Who has been the leak of various media trash in the last few months (if not years)?

I think Mike needs to put his foot up someone's you know what.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Wasn't it last year they also posted some picture from 2000 (when MJ was in Monaco for the WMA's) and claimed it was new? :lol:

Personally, I think they were the ones that dogged "Michael" in Montreal...
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

next thing u know, KFC will sue michael.

That'll be TMZ's next article:

Kentucky Fried Chicken Suing Michael Jackson For Buying Too Much Hot Sauce; May Cause Problems For London Shows; MJ Fans Do Sit-In Protests To Stop KFC From Suing Idol
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Lots of unanswered questions and uncertainties with this.

Would the family really sue Michael? I dont believe so
When did Frank Dileo become an agent again for Michael? I must've missed that one.
Michael himself stated before the O2 announcements that he wasnt planning on performing with his family
Wouldnt such issues be ironed out before signing with AEG?

Worst case scenario that this turns out to be true, Michael would need to buy himself out of it in some way, cause these shows WILL, without doubt, be going ahead. They have to.

great publicity for the show and I agree... this TMZ story don't smell right....
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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I want everyone to take one step back and look at the bigger picture:

1. Last week Raymone Bain went on TMZ to announce her lawsuit.

2. Before that, we heard through various sources that Mike is "too frail" and/or Mike will not be ready for the tour cause he wasn't in shape.

3. This week, mysteriously, we have a report about Mike's tours being in jeopardy and that he may have signed something (or his agent) which may prevent his tour from taking place in London.

Wonder who could be the source of that "leak"?

Let's take a few guesses, shall we? Who has been the leak of various media trash in the last few months (if not years)?

I think Mike needs to put his foot up someone's you know what.

Stacy Brown? :shifty:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

next thing u know, KFC will sue michael.

:rofl:....nice comic relief, though the premise of ridiculousness is all too real in the world of Michael Jackson.

I just thought of guys are gonna think I'm nutz (some of you already do!! LOL!) Anyway, what if this is one big publicity stunt?? You know, you go to the first concert, and none other than Michael steps out with his brothers and does the first number?? Wouldn't that be awesome???? Yeah, I know MJ is his own artist, but just think about it...maybe this is playing out just the way some would want it to??

I always wonder if what is reported is part of a publicity you not entirely crazy:tease:
Jeez everything is always so complicated when it comes to mike..Since/Pre O2 announcement we went from he has a skin eating disorder to he's being represented by Leonard Rowe to maybe being represented by Frank Dileo(or at least Frank had reps speaking out about Leonard) to Juliens Auction Lawsuits to Ola Ray Lawsuit to Baine Lawsuit (and a John Landis lawsuit was in there somewhere) and now a cease and dissist order...Drama Drama Drama, and all of it all too real...

All I'm saying is whether or not anything comes to fruitition with the dissist order story, things need to git worked out in his camp...
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

When you negotiate about a massive projetc like this, it takes TIME and consideration. A preparation for a massive event like this takes months. You just dont wake up one night and say "Hey, fun let me sign a deal".

So they claim that back in november 2008 Michael, through his manager, signed up to this. Interesting since he denied in 2008 that he would go on a tour with his siblings. IF it was indeed true, then MJ would have known about that because like I told you... it takes MONTHS to prepare, so he would be aware of any kind of family tour and wouldn't deny or even sign the deal with AEG. So, if this is true.. did it happen behind his back?

His family have also been very outspoken and supportive of his shows. Joe Jackson was really upset that Michael didnt get more recognition in media for selling out 50 shows.
Tito/Marlon (can't remember who) also spoke to the press about his tour. Jermaine spoke with an arabic newspaper that he were happy and would do anything he could to attend Michaels show. Genevieve Jackson (Randys daughter) is to my knowledge also attending the shows. So, what is really up? Would his family go out in public and support him like some of the members have done if this "family tour" were already done?

Somethings is indeed fishy!
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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

nice publicity for this entertainment company making claims about a tour that i doubt janet would even touch let alone mj. any real docs posted yet? nope.nothing fits together from what ive read and know. ppls lies and silly games. and headless chickens start running.dont underestimate those who want to crap on mjs success
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Or "him we do not speak of"?

The plot thickens! :giggle:

BUT I think we have our winner. The guy that was fired from Fox, LMAO! :lol:

But you know what, Linda? I don't think you're further from the truth, I think we done found our culprit! :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Maybe this is why were hearing stories of MJ being in London today. If its true, maybe he's over here to sort this mess out with AEG. just a thought
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I'm not concerned about this at all.

The article is full of inconsistencies. Most obvious one being that Frank Delio is Michael's manager.

And the source is hardly credible either. Most probable senario is that they're trying to create some panic among the fan community by rehashing old baseless theories.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

nice publicity for this entertainment company making claims about a tour that i doubt janet would even touch let alone mj. any real docs posted yet? nope.nothing fits together from what ive read and know. ppls lies and silly games. and headless chickens start running.dont underestimate those who want to crap on mjs success

And people going "LORD JESUS LORD HELP ME"!!! :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I thought Michael said he was never planning on touring with his brothers? As in, why would he have signed something and then said this? Maybe it is all a publicity stunt or something, who knows. Looks like trash though.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I ( have just received a number of official documents regarding this matter, including contract and more, and will share them or the information within them shortly.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I'm not concerned about this at all.

The article is full of inconsistencies. Most obvious one being that Frank Delio is Michael's manager.

And the source is hardly credible either. Most probable senario is that they're trying to create some panic among the fan community by rehashing old baseless theories.

Hmm... ***looking at this thread's other pages***

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! :lol: But yep, you're definitely right.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Originally Posted by MJJC MOD 1
You all need to calm down. It isn't tabloid. If you do not like this thread please check the other threads on this forum.

Just wait and see how this plays out and calm the heck down. When TMZ print the Juliens Auction story (Michael suing them) you all had nothing to say. I guess it's because Michael was doing the suing. But when Michael is apparently getting sued, the story becomes "tabloid" and dismissed. Don't read it if you don't like what you see!

How do you know it isnt tabloid...? have you got any proof ..? so stop saying people what to think and what to say .., fans have the right to their own opinion . If you believe it then believe ..but dont call people name because they think its tabloid .

To me NOTHING inside this story is truth unless TMZ release the officila documents ..for the moment there is nothing .

First off, just for the record .... Nobody called nobody out they name, let's get that settled right now.

Secondly, reality is a pain in the ass and people deal with it differently. Let's have some compassion for people's feelings up in this biotch.

Third, it does no good to fight with one another about ish that we are not even certain of yet. Let someone deny or prove this before we flip the fuck out ... OK ??

Lastly, keep an open mind. This may not turn out the way any of us think or want it to ... remain hopeful and positive but open minded. In the event of an adverse outcome, going into denial is not going to help.

Now, move on from this thread/topic if it is stressing you. Go check out the prayer thread or look at the gold pants ... something.
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