Retirement Center Workin 'Billie Jean' LOL

Hilarious! Thanks for the posting! I cant help with the embedding thing either. *Sigh*

lmao thats awesome!!!
This is just one of the reasons why Michael will live forever. We have OAP's dancing to Michael and we also have 4 year olds dancing to Michael. What other artist has that acclaim?
This is just one of the reasons why Michael will live forever. We have OAP's dancing to Michael and we also have 4 year olds dancing to Michael. What other artist has that acclaim?

So true!
The video is hilarious, by the way! :lol:
I would give anything to see Michael's reaction..... :sad:
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That was hilarious! :toofunny: Thanks for posting! :)

I would give anything to see Michael's reaction.....

You know what, while watching the video the same crossed my mind too. What would have been Michael's reaction if he saw this? :)

That's great! And kind of cute, too :p My moonwalk looks pretty much the same as theirs :rofl:

Thanks for posting!
so funny! brilliant! Michael would have loved this I'm sure. :laugh:
LOL. Wow! This is great! haha. Thanks for posting. Those senior citizens were awesome. I loved their moonwalk. :p

I really wish Michael was here to see this, he would love it.

:laugh: hahaha. It's always great to see these kind of things.
Beyond funny :lol: Them gents were amazing. This is what i love sooo much about Michael's impact on people - he inspires EVERYONE, from toddlers to ole folk :D and every1 else in between.

Bless them dancers and their audience.

Love it to bits. BillieJean84, thank you so much for posting this.