RESPECT MJJC, FANS Where are you?


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Hey Mods, If you want to move this please do, i just didnt know where to put it.

I wanted to say this for a long time and it is from my heart...
I'm sorry if its long to read!

First of all, I'm very happy to be part of MJJC family and this is the ONLY site i've seen with rules that actually make sense. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is #1 and I think that is one of the greatest things about this site!

Second, Its been about 2 or 3 months since i've started noticing some people being really disrespectful not ONLY to other fans, but to the Owner of MJJC and other Mods. Now, I'm Not trying to start an argument here or anything. This is Just My Opinion. MJJF /MJJC Has been part of my life since I was 16 years old and I've came on here to just share my feelings with out being left out. I've actually NEVER seen any disrespect on this Site. I was welcomed with a warm embrace! Which is what we we're all trying to do with the New members. We've all been New members one time or another.

Now to my point. I want to stress that Gary has been the best Club President that I've seen. And All the Mods are great. The past few months, I've seen Many threads get closed because of the Lack of respect to one another. Not agreeing is one thing, but insulting each other or talking Negative is a WHOLE another story. If you dont like the rules, well guess what, they're not changing, and if you have a problem with it, email someone who has authority, Not talk about how the rules are unfair in public so that ppl. could start arguing and lead the thread to be closed. I'm not Pointing fingers...

Aren't we here for Michael at all? Aren't we here for each other? What happened to spread Michael's Message? L.O.V.E.? where did that go?

I'm not trying to say i've NEVER gotten upset over some things that have been said on this board. I Have, and I've tried to put my thoughts in the most poliet way and gotten a peaceful answer.

The most recent was the announcement Gaz made and sad to say both threads are now locked. Because of the comments posted there.

Think for a second people, what do we get from insulting or talking negative to others? Nothing, we just end up getting more upset. I wish we all could just put aside our "egos" if it is the ego that is doing this, and gather to Share and celebrate Michael's Legacy.

I hope we all take a step back and think about how Mike said "It's all for L.O.V.E." And Peace...Nothing Negative.

I appreciate Gaz, all the Mods, Staff members and all fans for making MJJC my home...:)

Thankyou for giving me your time...:D


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Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Hey Mods, If you want to move this please do, i just didnt know where to put it.

I wanted to say this for a long time and it is from my heart...
I'm sorry if its long to read!

First of all, I'm very happy to be part of MJJC family and this is the ONLY site i've seen with rules that actually make sense. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is #1 and I think that is one of the greatest things about this site!

Second, Its been about 2 or 3 months since i've started noticing some people being really disrespectful not ONLY to other fans, but to the Owner of MJJC and other Mods. Now, I'm Not trying to start an argument here or anything. This is Just My Opinion. MJJF /MJJC Has been part of my life since I was 16 years old and I've came on here to just share my feelings with out being left out. I've actually NEVER seen any disrespect on this Site. I was welcomed with a warm embrace! Which is what we we're all trying to do with the New members. We've all been New members one time or another.

Now to my point. I want to stress that Gary has been the best Club President that I've seen. And All the Mods are great. The past few months, I've seen Many threads get closed because of the Lack of respect to one another. Not agreeing is one thing, but insulting each other or talking Negative is a WHOLE another story. If you dont like the rules, well guess what, they're not changing, and if you have a problem with it, email someone who has authority, Not talk about how the rules are unfair in public so that ppl. could start arguing and lead the thread to be closed. I'm not Pointing fingers...

Aren't we here for Michael at all? Aren't we here for each other? What happened to spread Michael's Message? L.O.V.E.? where did that go?

I'm not trying to say i've NEVER gotten upset over some things that have been said on this board. I Have, and I've tried to put my thoughts in the most poliet way and gotten a peaceful answer.

The most recent was the announcement Gaz made and sad to say both threads are now locked. Because of the comments posted there.

Think for a second people, what do we get from insulting or talking negative to others? Nothing, we just end up getting more upset. I wish we all could just put aside our "egos" if it is the ego that is doing this, and gather to Share and celebrate Michael's Legacy.

I hope we all take a step back and think about how Mike said "It's all for L.O.V.E." And Peace...Nothing Negative.

I appreciate Gaz, all the Mods, Staff members and all fans for making MJJC my home...:)

Thankyou for giving me your time...:D


:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Well spoken and I couldn't agree more even though I'm a newbie!
Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Romi, that is a very sweet post. Many nice thoughts.

As a new member I have so many mixed emotions right now. I didn't get to comment on either of the "hot" threads today, but I read through them. I just don't know what to think. :( As a newbie I'm wondering if we, (as a group,) have run off the older members? It seems like that is what people are saying... that things changed when Michael died and all the new members came flooding in - like we changed things too drastically. That makes me feel pretty low, mostly because I came here to find others who loved Michael too, and to find some comfort within a group of fans. Now I'm wondering if us new members are resented for "changing" this place so much. It just really makes me feel sad. :cry:
Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Romi, that is a very sweet post. Many nice thoughts.

As a new member I have so many mixed emotions right now. I didn't get to comment on either of the "hot" threads today, but I read through them. I just don't know what to think. :( As a newbie I'm wondering if we, (as a group,) have run off the older members? It seems like that is what people are saying... that things changed when Michael died and all the new members came flooding in - like we changed things too drastically. That makes me feel pretty low, mostly because I came here to find others who loved Michael too, and to find some comfort within a group of fans. Now I'm wondering if us new members are resented for "changing" this place so much. It just really makes me feel sad. :cry:

Hey hun, first of all, I'm glad you chose to come to MJJC cuz we're all family here. :yes:

Second of all, Its not that the new members run off the old members. Its just that i think we wanted to give y'all a chance to share your feelings, putting ours aside, because it was your first time here and wanted to make you feel welcome and give you a shoulder to cry on. And the only change is that there are more Lovers of Mike on here than before. Change is good but only when its Positive.

This is what we never wanted, Us, against them thing. We're all Michael fans and we love him and deep down we care for each other.

If we hear something bad said about Michael out side of this site, I know we all band together and help each other out. Dont ever feel sad, its been a H*ll of a year and one I Will, or anybody for that matter will want to repeat again.

Patience is virtue...

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Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Well said.

I am newbee here and... guess what? I came here xscaping from the fights at other MJ forum... and also from other fights at other forum... And just today people at one of those forums were asking just for the same: respect.

So I wonder... what's wrong among us, Michael Jackson fans?

I have been running from one place to the other to find just some peace, but sooner or later I see the same topic again: "please respect older members", "please respect newer members", "that is MY opinion so YOU'D BETTER...", "This is MY RIGHT to express MY..."

Whatever. Everywhere. Haters have been here and there always, and the fights used to be against them. They used to be the target. But the fights among MJ fans... were that often?

This puzzles me.

Maybe we are all in shock and upset for we see not "justice" for MJ? Because we were stolen someone we love so much? Because of people not understanding our pain? Because of people asking us to just let go and forget?

Who knows.

This morning I read a threath in which a friend said "This is the end of the TII era", meaning the end of TII at theathers. Many of us feel lost. At least I feel lost and I have found myself many times wondering... "So now....what? Where should I go? How should I go on?"

Who knows... we are facing difficult times. The transition is really so scary: from loving someone who was always "there", to loving someone who is no longer "here". He has left many, many wonderful gifts to us, sure... but it was not the gifts what we loved about him. It was... HE. It IS HE.

Many of us have much to learn from people who has been long time at the forums. And I don't mean we, the newbees, love MJ any less than other members who entered before. I just say the dynamics at online forums are tricky, sensitive and very easy to be broken and disturbed. I have been moderator to some 4 online groups for several years and I have learn the hard way how easily a fight can start, how selfish and self-centered we can be.

It takes time.

Random talking maybe.... Geeezzz... I miss that man so much. I really feel lost without him leading this way :(
Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Wow!! very well said Romi
Thanks for all members here (old and new ;)) that consider MJJC their home :yes:
Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Well said.

I am newbee here and... guess what? I came here xscaping from the fights at other MJ forum... and also from other fights at other forum... And just today people at one of those forums were asking just for the same: respect.

So I wonder... what's wrong among us, Michael Jackson fans?

I have been running from one place to the other to find just some peace, but sooner or later I see the same topic again: "please respect older members", "please respect newer members", "that is MY opinion so YOU'D BETTER...", "This is MY RIGHT to express MY..."

Whatever. Everywhere. Haters have been here and there always, and the fights used to be against them. They used to be the target. But the fights among MJ fans... were that often?

This puzzles me.

Maybe we are all in shock and upset for we see not "justice" for MJ? Because we were stolen someone we love so much? Because of people not understanding our pain? Because of people asking us to just let go and forget?

Who knows.

This morning I read a threath in which a friend said "This is the end of the TII era", meaning the end of TII at theathers. Many of us feel lost. At least I feel lost and I have found myself many times wondering... "So now....what? Where should I go? How should I go on?"

Who knows... we are facing difficult times. The transition is really so scary: from loving someone who was always "there", to loving someone who is no longer "here". He has left many, many wonderful gifts to us, sure... but it was not the gifts what we loved about him. It was... HE. It IS HE.

Many of us have much to learn from people who has been long time at the forums. And I don't mean we, the newbees, love MJ any less than other members who entered before. I just say the dynamics at online forums are tricky, sensitive and very easy to be broken and disturbed. I have been moderator to some 4 online groups for several years and I have learn the hard way how easily a fight can start, how selfish and self-centered we can be.

It takes time.

Random talking maybe.... Geeezzz... I miss that man so much. I really feel lost without him leading this way :(

Yes, I feel lost and it has been hard to get back to my life...This is where i shared my feelings and got a little bit better after. That is why We're all here...

Welcome and Thankyou for your comment!

Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Well said Romi, I feel the same :)
Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Hey hun, first of all, I'm glad you chose to come to MJJC cuz we're all family here. :yes:
Thanks. :)

Second of all, Its not that the new members run off the old members. Its just that i think we wanted to give y'all a chance to share your feelings, putting ours aside, because it was your first time here and wanted to make you feel welcome and give you a shoulder to cry on.
I have felt very welcome here. I should make that clear. But it's just that when I see people talk about how much this place has changed, and that many older posters have left, or won't post, it makes me wonder "Why? Is it because of us new posters?"

Also, when I think about it, I can count on two hands the older posters who have directly talked to me since I've been on this site. Usually it's just us new posters talking to each other.
This is what we never wanted, Us, against them thing. We're all Michael fans and we love him and deep down we care for each other.
I do want to believe that's true.
Re: Respect...MJJC...Fans...

Yes, I feel lost and it has been hard to get back to my life...This is where i shared my feelings and got a little bit better after. That is why We're all here...

Welcome and Thankyou for your comment!


Romi... A good threath is a good threath no matter what. You have started a very good threath, so the gratitude goes to you.

That's a very sweet post earthlyme. I found this place after June 25th and ever since then, I came here everyday as I treasured here very much and really love this place as a home, a place with lovely people around that can understand my feelings and willing to share with others. I am very lucky that I got to meet some of them in persons, they are all sweet and lovely person.

Afterall we are all here for Michael and It's all about L.O.V.E. We are family and let's stand as one to keep his legacy alive.

With all the L.O.V.E. :)
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Well said :)
I love this place and since I came here for the first time I've been here every single day... I feel this the best community for MJ fans around the world... and I also consider this place my home... I'm a new member but I totally love this place and don't understand why people keep coming here to fight... Sometimes I don't talk as much as I wanted, 'cause my english is not really good... but I'm trying to improve it to be more active here. Gaz and all the others mods have been doing a great work and I'm totally grateful for their effort...

I just want to say that I'm happy to be part of this family! I love you all :heart:
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Well said :)
I love this place and since I came here for the first time I've been here every single day... I feel this the best community for MJ fans around the world... and I also consider this place my home... I'm a new member but I totally love this place and don't understand why people keep coming here to fight... Sometimes I don't talk as much as I wanted, 'cause my english is not really good... but I'm trying to improve it to be more active here. Gaz and all the others mods have been doing a great work and I'm totally grateful for their effort...

I just want to say that I'm happy to be part of this family! I love you all :heart:

Me too...I love this 2nd family. Thanks for your comment :D

So sweet, Romi. Agreed. :yes:
I just wanna say Thank you all - Mods, old members, new members - for welcoming me to this very special (almost sacred?) place that I now call home. :flowers: I hate that it was under such horrific circumstances that I found you guys here, but we can all pull together right now and help each other to get through this by being patient, understanding, respectful, and by lending an ear or a hand when needed. Things are rough and emotions are high, but we will find some peace again. It'll be a while.....but we'll get there, day by day. Michael truly believed love could heal the world and that it was his duty (now ours...) to carry that out. It starts here and it starts with us. Love you all.

Hey Mods, If you want to move this please do, i just didnt know where to put it.

I wanted to say this for a long time and it is from my heart...
I'm sorry if its long to read!

First of all, I'm very happy to be part of MJJC family and this is the ONLY site i've seen with rules that actually make sense. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is #1 and I think that is one of the greatest things about this site!

Second, Its been about 2 or 3 months since i've started noticing some people being really disrespectful not ONLY to other fans, but to the Owner of MJJC and other Mods. Now, I'm Not trying to start an argument here or anything. This is Just My Opinion. MJJF /MJJC Has been part of my life since I was 16 years old and I've came on here to just share my feelings with out being left out. I've actually NEVER seen any disrespect on this Site. I was welcomed with a warm embrace! Which is what we we're all trying to do with the New members. We've all been New members one time or another.

Now to my point. I want to stress that Gary has been the best Club President that I've seen. And All the Mods are great. The past few months, I've seen Many threads get closed because of the Lack of respect to one another. Not agreeing is one thing, but insulting each other or talking Negative is a WHOLE another story. If you dont like the rules, well guess what, they're not changing, and if you have a problem with it, email someone who has authority, Not talk about how the rules are unfair in public so that ppl. could start arguing and lead the thread to be closed. I'm not Pointing fingers...

Aren't we here for Michael at all? Aren't we here for each other? What happened to spread Michael's Message? L.O.V.E.? where did that go?

I'm not trying to say i've NEVER gotten upset over some things that have been said on this board. I Have, and I've tried to put my thoughts in the most poliet way and gotten a peaceful answer.

The most recent was the announcement Gaz made and sad to say both threads are now locked. Because of the comments posted there.

Think for a second people, what do we get from insulting or talking negative to others? Nothing, we just end up getting more upset. I wish we all could just put aside our "egos" if it is the ego that is doing this, and gather to Share and celebrate Michael's Legacy.

I hope we all take a step back and think about how Mike said "It's all for L.O.V.E." And Peace...Nothing Negative.

I appreciate Gaz, all the Mods, Staff members and all fans for making MJJC my home...:)

Thankyou for giving me your time...:D


Great post. :)
This place was built on a foundation of love, furnished and warmed with love and nourished Michael with love. In their deepest sorrow, the owner, moderators, staff, and members opened their arms to those who came here seeking solace, community, connection and answers and they shared their grief and love for Michael. I have profound respect and admiration for them.

New people came. Maybe some stumbled around a little, upsetting the order of things. Maybe some came to cause trouble. But my sense is that people are getting sorted out, learning the ropes, adjusting to each other. Part of that has been some pretty big venting at changes, new people, old people, wrong or insensitive questions or comments, bringing up sensitive topics, making assumptions about motives and on and on.

BUT, fundamentally I think the love that is the foundation of this place will prevail.