Respect at Glastonbury from acts and spectators (sorry if already mentioned)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Was at Glasto Wednesday night through to the early hours of this morning, I guess it's already been mentioned on this forum (?) but if not I just wanted to say the response from the whole of the site was amazing, from my perspective anyway. Quite obviously in this technological age the news quickly spread around the site and through the early hours you could hear either people playing his classic tunes on their music devices or staging impromptu renditions of them.

And the amount of actual on-stage mentions were numerous and always met with massive cheers from the crowd which, to be fair, you wouldn't automatically associate as being the target fans of a pop icon. I can only remember hearing one negative comment from a 'performer', which was a compere who made a joke about MJ whilst introducing an act... I heard no-one laugh and did hear quite a few people booing.

And, well, whatever your opinions of people cashing-in by by selling merchandise, there must have been a few stalls who printed t-shirts pretty rapidly as by last night I saw quite a few people with tribute-related t-shirts.

I've only just got back and haven't really looked around too much but I hope this has been brought up by the media as a LOT of support was being shown. The only thing I did see on here was reference to the Jarvis Cocker incident which is a shame as that's a bit of a non-story, the person who clambered on stage was drunk and was showing his appreciation of Jarvis and not protesting his act, the kind of thing that happens at gigs every week. It's quite obvious to see why the press want to run with that story though and reference it to MJ.

Oh, before I go, was quite surprised Bruce Springsteen didn't mention MJ. Then again, he may have done, his set was far too long for me and I may have dozed off and missed it.
I heard Dizzee Rascal made a tribute, what was it exactly. The general reporting from Glastonbury has shown that most acts were respectful and acknowledged Michaels passing as a massive blow, as well as the music fans attending Glastonbury.
About halfway into his set yesterday Dizzee mentioned Michael being a legend and then, backed by his DJ, played a couple/few of his hits, with the crowd singing along. Thriller and Billie Jean were def played. I am quite tired and my memory may have slipped any others.
Yeah, I heard on BBC news that it all was very positive over there! Excellent!