requesting asylum from Hollywood "STAR WHACKERS" ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
[Upon their arrest, the duo immediately sought asylum in Canada, reportedly saying they fear they are next in line to be murdered in an alleged plot Evi Quaid claims has already resulted in the mysterious deaths of eight of her husband’s friends.

The Vancouver Sun said she cited late actors Heath Ledger and David Carradine as examples. The paper also said that outside Friday’s hearing, the lawyer representing the Quaids in Canada showed reporters a hand-written note that read: "Yes we are requesting asylum from Hollywood 'STAR WHACKERS.' Evi and Randy Quaid."]

PS: Notice the character assasination every time someone try to speak the truth. I suppose they're just paranoiac like MJ.

I didn't know breaking in to your own vacant house could get you jail time. No wonder jails are overcrowded.
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I didn't know breaking in to your own vacant house could get you jail time. No wonder jails are overcrowded.

they didn't break into their own home .

they broke into their old house which is owned by a different individual now.
Thanks for the clarification. What would we do without you? :cheeky:

Still, many states have shown lieniancy about squatting because of the foreclosure disaster happening the past couple years.

A woman I know had her house foreclosed on after losing her job and she stayed in her house for a year after that. The bank never sent anybody to throw her out and lock up the place.
She just recently moved out when she finally found a new job in another city.
Michael's poster Sony kills says it all...Latoya wrote in her book that when tito wanted to marry , their ppl did not like this because they thought this will destroy the innocent image they wanted for the boys band,,,and they asked Joe if he want them to kill her and Joe refused and he was very very shocked by this...he came to the house a night shaken to warn his kids.
riviera1992;3034265 said:
[Upon their arrest, the duo immediately sought asylum in Canada, reportedly saying they fear they are next in line to be murdered in an alleged plot Evi Quaid claims has already resulted in the mysterious deaths of eight of her husband’s friends.

The Vancouver Sun said she cited late actors Heath Ledger and David Carradine as examples. The paper also said that outside Friday’s hearing, the lawyer representing the Quaids in Canada showed reporters a hand-written note that read: "Yes we are requesting asylum from Hollywood 'STAR WHACKERS.' Evi and Randy Quaid."]

PS: Notice the character assasination every time someone try to speak the truth. I suppose they're just paranoiac like MJ.

I didn't know breaking in to your own vacant house could get you jail time. No wonder jails are overcrowded.

I saw them on tv - he seemed genuinely scared to death. The Carradine death was really wierd & seemed definitely out of place.

Also, Riviera1992 - I love your clip of snot for Oprah. So priceless.
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