[REQ] Bollywood Award pictures


Proud Member
Aug 6, 2011
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of MJ at the Bollywood Awards in 2000 where he got that humanitarian award.

This is what I'm talking about:

I've been looking around for a while but can't seem to find any pictures of that event anywhere. I'd really appreciate could point me in the right direction or share their own :).
oh this is so cool. i haven't seen this much. haha it's so funny how they don't even let him talk but i guess that just shows how much he's loved all around the world. he totally seemed overwhelmed iz funny but he always does when this kinda stuff happens...like he'z experiencing it for the first time.

and it' funny how he seems so uncomfortable in the clothes. he keeps touching his neck cuz of this itchiness. haahah

i love him soooo much!