Renting or owned

Renting or owning

  • renting an apartment/flat

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • owning an apartment/flat

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • renting a house

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • owning a house

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
+2 GMT,North Europe
Your home, are you renting it or do you own it? If you're still living with your parents then is your home rented or owned by them?
My mom hates the word rent, and has taught me to hate the word rent... I think it's very silly to rent... why make all that money, and just rent to live? When eventually you could pay it off and own it? :)

anyways, I own the house I live in, but actually it's my mom's, she just put the house in my name for financial reasons....
owned. renting is just throwing money down the drain. but alot dont have the option considering the state of the markets and house prices
Own....After relocating to SC and living in an apartment for 2 years...I figure it was time to own ...just makes more sense to me
This is the worst possible time for buying a flat/house. I always rent. I like to stay mobile. I move to a new appartment every couple of years. Right now I'm moving again and I'm glad I didn't buy an appartment, it just means a lot of trouble. And the prices are ridiculously high at the moment, not only the real estate prices, but bank loans as well.
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i rent as the city i live in it takes FOR-EVER to sell ur home but real estate is beyond cheap (which has its positive and negatives)

we'll be buying in about 2-3 yrs once we get setteled and familiar in our new town :)
being a home owner has it's good & bad points. sure, it is yours but if something goes wrong, leaky pipe, furnace breaks down, water heater goes, faucet that won't stop running, sewage backs up etc. when the property is yours, you get to deal with the issue. Where as if you have rental property, the rental management/superintendant is responsible for any maintenance. The best part is when you have renters that call you for a stopped up toilet *insert sarcasm* I just love those calls
being a home owner has it's good & bad points. sure, it is yours but if something goes wrong, leaky pipe, furnace breaks down, water heater goes, faucet that won't stop running, sewage backs up etc. when the property is yours, you get to deal with the issue. Where as if you have rental property, the rental management/superintendant is responsible for any maintenance. The best part is when you have renters that call you for a stopped up toilet *insert sarcasm* I just love those calls
So true. Me and my mom have mostly lived in a rented apartment. For a few years tho we lived in a house that my grandmom owned. And when she passed away it became ours. Sure it was cool to live like that but it was an old house, there was so much to do constantly, that I'm not sure if I'm ever ready take that kind of responsibility again.
Right now I'm kinda fed up with living in a rented apartment. The location isn't the best possible.And if this were mine I'd make so many changes here. I've tried to find a new rented place but no luck with that. I'm plannig to move away, buy a place of my own.
Oh I don't know being in my own home is the best. I've never rented anything and the home I live in now I designed and hubby built so it's personal. Sure 8 years later there are things I wanna change but mainly cosmetic. A shower on the first floor would have been a great idea for mom who can't manage the stairs very well and if she does come to live with us full time then we will add one but mostly it's exactly what I wanted :yes: Helps to have a handy type hubby for when little things pop up but rest assured if it's a pipe or overflowing toilet I'm the one fixing it. But that's ok. What I hate is cleaning the damn thing! I wish we could afford a maid :lol:
Own my home, or shall I say paying off a 30yr, mortgage where I'll be dead before it can be paid off.

Except for the tax write off for mortgage interest, and having a fenced back yard for the pooch to romp around in, being a single person/owner of a 1960's built home is more of a headache than a plus just about any way you look at it.
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see, i need one of those handy hubbies...he could go fix the rental units plumbing and other complaints they call up with.

**gets out yellow pages and looks up hubby**